Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The fact that I now had a new herd was a little better. But what was to happen if a stallion arrived? And what if that particular stallion had a hatred of other stallion’s foals? I would be killed. I came close to death a few times now and I haven’t died. Esperanza and I-- (Little tip to writers; With the ‘me’ or ‘I’, you can work it out by taking out the other person. Etc ‘Me and Brittany went shopping.’ Take away Brittany. ‘Me went shopping.’ It doesn’t make sense, so you’d change it to I. Etc 2 ‘That’s a photo of Brittany and I’. Take out Brittany. ‘That’s a photo of I.’ Do you understand?) Esperanza and I were lying under the stars. Spirit was grazing down below us with the rest of the herd. I sniffed the air. “Esperanza, do you think that I should’ve died those past few nights?” I asked looking at the beautiful balls of fire millions of miles away. (Yes she’s a smart horse ha-ha) She smiled. “Oh Dear. You don’t believe that to be luck do you? Not even the wisest horse on earth would call that luck.  The Almighty Father has watched over you. He has not decided your fate, or what has happened. But he will be there to guide you. To carry you through the toughest times in your life. Amazon, you’re strong. You will make it through everything life throws at you.” She said softly. I got up and staggered down the small hill and trotted over to Spirit. “Guess what, Amazon!” He said prancing with joy. “What?” I asked feeling his excitement. “I bet I can run faster than you!” He said. “Oh yeh?” I asked swishing my small tail around.

“Yep. To the tree and back!” He whinnied rearing up and taking off. I shook my head and did a little prance before racing after him. I soon caught up to him. “You cheated!” I nicker. He snickers. “Well you caught up didn’t you?” He says. I shake my head and push myself forward using my back-leg muscles. I take the lead and spin around the tree sliding out on my heels. I gallop and look back at him stumble over as he trips. I whinny into the wind and arrive back to the herd. He comes over with a muddy coat. He shakes his body.

“Now, you cheated.” He says walking past. I nip his wither. Esperanza and Annabelle come over to us. “Time for bed, little ones. You’ll need rest for the journey tomorrow.” Annabelle nickers laying down next to Dream (A chestnut mare with a dapple foal). I lay beside her and watch as Spirit lays next to Esperanza. “Goodnight, sweetie.”

Authors Note-

Sorry for the whole Spirit thing. I was adding a buckskin called Spirit and totally forgot about the coat pattern of Amazon. Btw tips like the ‘me’ and ‘I’ will be although the story. Thanks! <3 Sorry for the wait.


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