Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Natalie was frightened. She had lost her parents. She hugged my neck. "You're too beautiful to go into battle. You promise me you'll return, please." She whispers. She began to sing a song. It's one her mother used to sing to her. "Hush-a-Bye, don't you cry, go to sleep my little baby. When you wake you shall have, all the pretty little ponies..." *Gah! Weird song I know. Sorry, not in the music business :P* I nicker softly. A young brunette boy comes in. "Come on, Natalie. You have to go to bed." He lifts her off me, and she hugs him. I didn't rest that night. Not even a peaceful moment of sleep. Pacing around my stall was all I did. The black stallion next door grew annoyed. "STOP PACING YOU IDIOTIC HORSE!" He screams throwing his head back and kicking the side of the stall. "Mind your own business!" I yell back. He stamps his foot and turns the other way. I watch over the door as the sun rises in the early morning. Red-orange light beams overtake the blackness. A small group of stable-boys come out. One boy for ever horse marching into battle today. A young black haired boy comes to my door. "Hey, Gorgeous." He utters holding out an apple. I happily accept the delicious fruit. He begins to groom me, than goes on to wash me, followed by another groom. He clips my hoofs and shines them. Continuing on to comb out my mane and tail thoroughly. He leads me out and tacks me up. The black stallion is standing straight and still. He hates me. We wait for around an hour in the barn paddock, until the soldiers come out. The king is dressed in fine plated iron armor. He walks over proudly, mounting me. I steady my weight and get ready to obey his every command. He gives me a strong kick, and all the other horses follow a few paces behind. I swish my tail high in the air, and lift my legs high. I feel like a princess. He pushes me into a trot when we begin to leave the castles perimeter. Crowds of villagers wave and cheer as we move through them. The King shouted from above me. "CITIZENS! DO NOT FEAR! WE WILL WIN THE WAR, AND WE WILL RETURN!" He raises his pistol into the air. *Into the travel* We're moving through thick mud, and many of the horses are already tired. I'm actually excited. Heaps of thoughts run through my mind, and every once and a while I spring forward. We push through a deep and freezing river; I try not to lose my footing. (OR HOOVING! See what I did there? :D... : ) :/ :l Sorry.) We travel through a thick forest, and I get bored, so I chew on the bit. Finally, we enter into a large meadow. Long, delicious grass covers the large area. I lower my head, but the King pulls it back up. He stops me, and the whole army behind us stops. "Shh..." The King murmurs, taking out his rifle. It's all quiet, when suddenly; a huge cloud of smoke appears from a few kilometers away. A large bang lands not too far from us. A blast of flame emerges from the hole. "GO!" The King yells, pushing me into a gallop. I push my weight into the middle of my body, allowing longer and stronger strides. Pushing my body forward an army of men run from over a small hill. The King fires, and many shots come from behind me. I'm in the lead, but the black stallion wants to beat me. "No. Way." I puff, pushing myself even further forward. The sound of blasts and shots echo through my ears. All I can listen to is the screams of soldiers. The King and I are doing great when a huge rocket comes flying towards us. I stop in my tracks and run to the side. It burns the tip of my tail, and I continue galloping into crowds of people. One minute the King is cursing above me, the next he's flying over my head; after a huge explosion.

Hey guys sorry it's been so long. Adding some more soon :) Tell me if you own a horse and I'll add them in. Describe them and yeh. T h A nks ~ Creationisthething. //-/-/-/-/CREDIT TO SONGWRITERS OF THE SONG USED BY AMAZON!!!///-/-/--///-/-

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