Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

As night fell, we grazed together in the paddock. Matthew came out with a cup in his hand and watched us. I nickered and he smiled as I walked over to the gate. He pulled a carrot out of his pocket and fed it to me. I thankfully nudged him. “Get a good rest, we’re going for a ride tomorrow.” He said cheerfully, as Martini followed him inside. I wandered back over to Conda and Lucky-Boy. During the later hours of the night, I heard neighs and whinnies. I didn’t exactly remember any, although they were muffled. So I didn’t really worry about it. I just continued to eat. Which I appreciated. A lot. Ok, what horse doesn’t love to graze? My point exactly. Before I could even ponder about replying to the neighs, it was morning. And Matthew was out tack. “Hey girl.” He says patting my forehead.

I was happy just to be with him, so I didn’t mind that we were going alone. He walked me through the surrounding forest. It was beautiful. The shiny-green grass, big strong trees, running rivers and of course; bustling with creatures. Big and small. I saw a few cattle, a pack of wild dogs and collection of other animals within a mile of the ride. When we were deep into the forest, we came to a river, shining with the glorious rays of sunshine. It had a beautiful grazing ground on the other side. Filled with all sorts of flowers, and delicious looking grass. I calmly drink, waiting for one command. He kicks me and  I prance forward through the river. I burst into a canter, and he stands up in the saddle (in the stirrups). I scream into the air, excitedly. I was happy. Maybe he was my forever owner. As he fell back into the saddle, we rushed through the never-ending field. With all this excitement, we didn’t realise we were being followed. I heard a sharp whinny from behind me. I looked back, so did Matt. There, racing behind us, was a brown stallion.

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