The Homeless Horse

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The homeless horse a novel by Creationisthething

Chapter One

My mother taught me to live each day as if it's your last. And I do. Although the wild plains of America aren't an easy place to live. My story began one frightful evening, and a frightful evening is when one story ended.

I was a newborn, a paint filly with pale blue eyes,with the spirit of any young foal. To run, to play, to prance and to sleep. I could smell the excitement of the other foals. My mother stood near, and pricked her ears. A terrible scream echoed through the trees. The other mares and their foals moved off, as quickly as possible. Mother whinnied out to them. To the herd. To him. My father. The one who was going to be my guidance and protector for a long time to come. A loud crack of thunder boomed across the sky. I screamed to my mother. She looked at me. And soon, we were alone. In the stormy night where something lurked. Something mean. Something evil. Something ugly. Something from a nightmare. A bear. My mother tried her best to shove me to my feet. After a while I was taking slow, wobbly steps towards the direction in which the stallion and alpha mare had lead the herd. A roar ran through my ears, and my mother stopped. I turned around. There stood a massive bear. Not with the hunger for a horse. But for a foal. A foal like me. Mother reared up and slashed at him with her front hooves. The ugly, clear slobber from his gapping mouth dribbled onto the hard ground. She cried out again for someone. The bear charged towards her, claws out, jaws open. She turned around and lashed out with her hind legs. She got a few strong, solid kicks in, and a few to his face. The blood of the bear now running across his mouth, he roared out in anger. She neighed frightfully at me to begin running. And I did my best. I turned and bolted. I was only a newborn, but in a situation like this, you too would run for your life.

I could perfectly hear her panting and her hoof beats. She was running for her life. She called to me. "Go faster!" Is what she seemed to call. Lighting lit up the sky, and rain began to pour. It whipped across my face, and stung my eyes. I saw a few round rumps of horses. The herd! I whinnied the best I could. They all turned and I saw the palomino outline of Father. He screamed out to me. I heard my Mother scream, and then a loud thump. I skidded across my heels and turned around. She was down. The bear had practically mauled her leg. I cried out to her. And her soft breathing ended. A large string of lightning blew up the sky, followed by loud thunder. A wise horse would run, but I'm not yet wise. I screamed to the sky, and flew over to the bear. He roared so loudly, it seemed like thunder. I flung up my hooves, and smacked his face. The sky went dark. The world around me slowed down. All that was heard was silence. I slashed about with my hooves. Then, a flash of lightning flew across the sky, and what I saw was a screaming bear, with a large cut down his right eye. It bled horribly. We stared at each other for a moment, until I screamed in his face. The bear backed up, and hobbled away slowly. I cantered over to my mother. My deceased mother. I lay in her mane and any heat left in her body was transferred to me. She let out a huff of breath and wrapped her neck around my freezing body. And that last huff, was the last I heard of her. My Father trotted over, and the curious foals and mares stalked over slowly. He rubbed his head against her cold neck, and whinnied softly. I slept there that night, with my Father by my side. He wouldn't leave me. In the morning, we would leave. He would lead us away. Away from that horrible grazing ground. Away from my mother's deceased body. Away from the bear. We would travel closer towards the city gates, and try not to be seen.

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