Chapter Five

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The mysterious mare gave a quick smile.

"Why am I here?" I questioned.

She turned away and waited for me to follow. We walked side-by-side.

"Through your struggle of life, what is the main thing you have noticed we keep closed to us?"

I looked down for a moment. "Our family." I muttered.

"And what do we often do without our families?"

"We get scared."

She nodded as we plodded through the thick, white snow still covering the ground.

"We often become what we fear most to return to what we miss. But when this happens, we lose our true meaning."

"As horses, we were made to bring peace and beauty to these lands. We are some the strongest and bravest of those who have survived the harsh world we know of."

She stopped, and I did in return. She faced me.

"But as years have passed, we became too powerful. Scary, war-burdened creatures. We represent power, but also anger. Some see us a gift and others, slaves. We have lost our true centre, and as a result..."

She slams her front right hoof into the snow, and it begins to flame with darkness.

It begins to melt and everything soon becomes blackened and dead.

"We have lost ourselves. We are simply beautiful monsters."

She steps forward and reaches for the last green leaf on all of the surrounding trees.

"But, with one simple soul."

She picks it and tilts it down. One drop of dew falls to the dirt and soaks in almost immediately.

There's a sudden rumble and the ground below me begins to shake wildly. I have to re-balance myself.

The earth opens up and the dry, barren soil inside spews out fresh, clear water. It fills the large hole.

She looks at me and gestures for me to get in the water.

I timidly step forward, immersing myself deep into the freezing water.

The moon shines brightly over the dead trees and lights up the pool of water. Sparkles of light begin to twinkle over the surface.

Bursts of light travel through the ground from the pool and suddenly the trees begin to regain their healthy appearance. The grass grows up fresher then before and the sky twinkles brightly.

"We can restore our name, and reclaim our true forms."

The water softly trickles up my body, sliding everywhere I didn't reach before.

I reach backwards and see my belly light up brightly, revealing the young foal still developing inside me.

I rest my muzzle on it's body.

"You will be our savior." I hear softly echo through the leaves. I turn around to see the mare, but she is yet again gone.

I open my eyes and see the mares and foals grazing. Spirit is watching me from afar, speaking with Atrao and wandering through the herd.

I wonder who that mare was, and why she was so familiar...

~ Author's Note
Hey! Lucky, two chapters! I'll try to update every week. Also, there's a picture of my horse Nova! Enjoy!

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