Chapter Four

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Spirit gave his old friend a serious tone. 

"I assume you've heard of Kuno?"

Atrao simply lifted his head slightly, the muscles in his neck flexing perfectly to his angle. 

"We need to stop him before he stops us. We're looking for help. We can't do it by ourselves."

Spirit stood strong by his statement. 

Atrao looked over his wondrous herd. He seemed to have reached a decision. 

"I'd love to help you, but my mares are all in foal. My colts are too young for battle and the same goes for my fillies." 

Spirit breathed a heavy sigh. 

"Spirit, I'm a very well known stallion. I have other contacts. I might know someone who can get you allies and a safe place to stay. You and your family are welcome to stay with us as long as you need. I understand how much energy it can take to carry a foal." He stated, looking at me. 

Ranger was staring in the direction of a young filly, a chestnut with a white blaze and two white socks. I admit, she was a beautiful girl.

She lifted her head and gave him glassy eyes whilst casually chewing the grass she had taken from the field. He was caught in a trap now. 

Spirit gave a soft nicker. "Thank you, Atrao. We are very thankful but I think we might keep moving-."

I stop him mid sentence. 

"No, we'll stay." 

I turn to Atrao. "Thank you." I smiled. 


I stood quietly, watching the invisible breeze blow softly over the horses and foals. The sun was slowly disappearing behind the edge of the earth and stars were beginning to peak from their daytime hideaways. 

I closed my eyes for the moment, breathing in the fresh air passing by. 

And at this moment I realised that I am no longer alone. No longer hungry, upset, searching. 

All is at peace. 

I open my eyes. 

Everything is white and pure. No horses, no breeze, nothing. 

Snow covered the thick grass in all directions, the trees were a grey wood with pink leaves that almost never stopped falling. 

Is this heaven? 

I didn't move, I just stood there waiting for reality to come back to me. But it wouldn't. 

Suddenly, a cream figure appeared. Small, but thick. The mysterious horse's coat was fluffy and the mane and tail were thick and smooth. I tried to work out who this horse was. 

They came closer, with light silent steps. 

"Amazon, I've been waiting for you." A mare. 

Her voice was smooth and soothing, a simple yet beautiful tone. 

But before I could reply, she disappeared. 

"Where'd you go?" I called into the distance. No reply. 

I saw a light figure walking in the direction she came. I trotted forward slowly. 

"Wait, don't leave! Who are you?" I called after her, but still no reply. 

She had completely vanished. 

I'm so confused. I feel like I've known her my entire life, but yet I've never seen her in my life. 

A light, echoed voice faded into the atmosphere. 

"Which question do you want answered?" 

I stood still in shock. 

"Who are you?" I repeated confidently. 

"I cannot tell you, but maybe I can show you." 

She began to walk towards me again, but she suddenly transformed from her cream coat to a dark brown  bay coat, with a white blaze and socks. 

"M-mum?" I whimpered, as the beautiful white surrounds began to darken and terrify me. 

I stepped back slightly. 

My mother quickly transformed into the gaping jaws of Kuno, who launched himself at me. 

I cried out and stumbled backwards. Lighting froze the situation and the background flickered to me as a foal, stumbling through the cold mud and calling out for my father. 

The background soon became my backstory, all my horrors and fears. My body completely stiffened. 

The voice returned soon after it returned to me as a foal, alone. 

"I was there. I was here, I was everywhere. You spoke to me without speaking and I listened. After all, you are mine." 

Her soft face appeared through the background like they were curtains and she stepped towards me. 

"Hush, child. Do not fear me."

"I don't fear anything, you know what I've lived through."

She laughs softly and her gentle eyes flutter. 

"Not even the strongest of us fear nothing." 

~Author's Note:

Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long, but thank you for all of those who have waited... Did you hear I had news? 

Well I do. 

My horse Lochie was taken from me late last year because his owners wanted him back. 

But, the day after Christmas, I picked up my beautiful new mare, Nova! She's beautiful, and so gentle. I will show you a picture as soon as possible. Have a good day! :) 

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