Chapter Six

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I was silently lying under one of the large oak trees when Ranger appeared. He snuggled beside me and I gently nudged him. He seemed afraid, or even anxious. 

I looked at him, and tried to read his expression but got nothing. 

"What's on your mind, sweetheart?" I questioned.

He dug his muzzle deeper into the dirt. He was hushed for a moment. 

"Ma, are we going to eventually separate?" He murmured. 

I too, was voiceless. Of all the questions he could have asked, it was that heartbreaking one. 

I smiled. 

"Ranger, you know that I love you. And no matter what happens you will always be my beautiful boy."

I mush my muzzle into his forelock for just a second. 

"But, it is true that we may not be together forever. After all, you will be a fine young stallion and you will make your own family; and a name for yourself. Do not hold back on all the things you wish to do, and do not fear those you wish not to. Be kind, strong, brave and even scared at times. We all fear, even the best of us."

He glances up at me. 

"You will choose your own path. And if one day we happen to separate..."

I gaze at the stars, and he does, too. 

"Look up at those stars. Because no matter where I am, we will see the same beautiful thing. Will will never truly be apart, and nothing can stop that." 

I snuggle into him. 

"Not even a bear." I mutter. 

He dozes off quietly and I watch guard over us both. Some of the herd is grazing carelessly, while the rest nestle into their little foals and family. 

Spirit eventually dawdles over and rests near me.

"Do you know how hard this is going to be?" He asks rhetorically. 

"Atrao's contacts live in a village, not far from the main city. It's too risky, we can't afford to-."

"Spirit, dear, everything we do is risky. We're horses." 

I rest my head on Ranger's back. 

"Get some sleep we have a lot of travelling to do." 


This chapter is really short. Oh well. Enjoy! 

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