Chapter Three

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- In Memory of Honey, passed one year ago today - 

Chapter Three

I whinnied as loud as I could, desperately wanting to join them, feeling the rush of the wind and the meaning of our existence. I wanted so badly to run with them.

Spirit turned to me, Ranger gawking down in awe at the herd.

"Shall we run?" He asked.

"We shall fly." I replied, rushing down the hill.

I heard him whinny softly. "This is why I love you!" He shouted, as he and Ranger took off behind me.

There was a quiver of excitement rushing through my blood, an ever-growing sensation of flying.

I plunged into the herd, screaming into the wind as the horses around me began to shuffle away. Before long, they had again collapsed on Spirit, Ranger and me. I could feel every movement of their bodies, all of us galloping as one. There was an undeniable love in this herd, we were all family.

I pushed forward, happily rushing through the crowd. Soon enough, we came to an opening, where the gorge had ended and the walls opened up.

We all spread like birds after gunfire. Yet, none of us felt lonely as we trampled through the forest of untouched land, and Spirit gave me one nudge before racing up beside me, neighing through the thick sweat and energy of the moment.

Some of the herd began to slow, and thus everyone bunched together again, before we all halted to a complete stop.

Most horses tapped around energetically with their hooves, others kicked around like yearlings in the summer heat. I, however, tossed my head high into the air, squealing happily and dancing through the shade of a large tree. Ranger joined me, and then Spirit. We were happily dancing together.


"Spirit?" A booming voice called, separating the horses one by one.

A large white stallion pranced through, giving his old friend a flashy toss of the head.

"Atrao!" Spirit replied, rushing over to his childhood friend.

A glint of hope spread over my body.

"Old friend!" Atrao added, as they danced beside each other in the shade of a hundred horses.

"What brings you here?" Atrao asked.

This brings Spirit down a bit. "A really big favour."   

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