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Brett had been skipping school. He preferred to stay home and stare at the ceiling or to go to the gym. And if Brett wasn't going to school, then Zia wasn't either.

Zia quietly peeked into Lorilee's old room, which was now Brett's new room. It was ten in the morning. Brett still hadn't woken up. Zia walked to the bed and slipped in, curling up against him. He immediately found a way around her body, shifting around in the bed to get into a more comfortable position.

She relaxed in his hold, breathing in his scent. He was neutral. Brett was not a predator or prey, but his previous primal instincts were slowly washing away. Zia wanted him to hone in on them. He came too far to lose them after losing his sister.

"Don't do that," Brett whispered coarsely. "You're pitying me."

She rubbed her face into his chest affectionately. "I'm not pitying you," she mumbled. "I'm comforting you." She rubbed her legs against his legs underneath the covers.

Brett opened one eye, peeking down at her, then glanced at the clock and the calendar. The date was still stuck to the week Scott and Stiles found her. Then, he looked down at Zia before closing his one eye again.

The two fell asleep in each other's embrace. All was peaceful until Zia started twisting and turning in his arms. Brett opened both eyes sleepily. She was groaning and whining to herself.

"Shit," Brett mumbled. "What day is it?"

He leaned over her body and grabbed his phone, turning it on to check the date. It was Thursday.

"Fuck," he hissed. He rolled on top of Zia, holding her chin with one hand while his other hand balanced himself up to not collapse on her. "Zia? Zia, are you okay?"

She groaned, burying her face into his pillow as she turned on her side. Brett huffed and pulled her chin back.

"Zia, we need to have sex. You're weak."

She swatted his hand away. "I don't want sex. I want meat."

"You can't eat humans here. Just shut up and listen to me," he ordered.

Brett kissed her. His main goal was to shut her up, while his secondary goal was to make sure she didn't die. Zia never kissed anyone before. She knew what it was and she had seen human couples do it before when she snuck up to the surface to look at them. When Brett touched her body, it felt foreign to her. His hands were hot against her skin. It reminded her of the night she ran to find him in the forest. Her skin was burning up that night. She wasn't use to that. She grew up in the cold, dark waters.

When she moaned, she didn't know why those sounds came out of her mouth. Nothing else had brought that much pleasure to her before. Brett seemed to know what he was doing, so she assumed he'd done it before with another woman. She let him do whatever he wanted. Her mind was in a state of euphoria. She liked it better than eating human flesh.

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