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It had been a while since the hunters began shooting at the Zia and Brett. Brett was ready for a fight, but Zia wasn't sure. She wanted to protect Brett, but she wasn't sure if she could.

"It'll be fine, Zia," he reassured.

"The last time I said that, Lori died."

Brett flinched. "Well, it's time for revenge."

Brett rushed forward, tackling a hunter into another hunter. He kicked their guns away, grabbing a bedpan and smacking them with it, knocking them unconscious.

Brett nudged his head with a haughty smirk on his face. "Come on, Zia."

She huffed, running after him. The two ran into another hallway, witnessing Theo and Liam working together. Kim was off to the side, fighting her own opponent, but she was also impressed by the two boys' teamwork.

Just as Theo shoved a fourth hunter backward, Liam took advantage of Theo being bent over and did a barrel roll off of his back to kick the same hunter in the face. One hunter was left, and Liam lunged toward him, knocking his gun out of his hand before ducking so that Theo could leap-frogged over him and punch him in the head before they both teamed up to shove him against the wall.

Zia chuckled lightly. "Well, that's a sight for sore eyes."

"Liam and Theo working together... Things really have changed," Brett added.

Liam and Theo were panting heavily. Liam was bent over, his hands on his knees. He raised his hand and flipped Brett off. Kim chuckled, jogging up to her boyfriend.

Brett did it right back to him. "Lovely gesture, Dunbar."

Zia looked between the two. "Does it mean something?"

Theo chuckled hoarsely. "She's a real cute one, Brett. Keep her."

Brett smiled, looking over at the oblivious Zia. "I know."

The sound of an injured hunter sitting up and cocking his firearm made them freeze. The sound of a bullet escaping the gun made everyone rush into motion.

Melissa appeared out of nowhere, using her taser-wand to electrocute the hunter. The hunter easily passed out and fell back down. When another hunter began to get up, Nolan picked a nearby rifle and hit him in the back of the head with the butt of it. The hunter passed out. Zia doubled back. Brett caught her before she could fall.

"Zia, Zia, don't you die on me. I can't lose you too."

Melissa swore, throwing her taser-wand onto the floor and rushing to Zia. Melissa cradled Zia's head, propping her knee underneath it.

"We're lucky it was just her side. Any lower, and she could have been paralyzed. It was real close," Melissa said. "Tear off a piece of your shirt. I'll keep the pressure on the wound. Can you tie it around her for me?"

Brett nodded, doing as she said.

"Guys?" Nolan whispered.

Theo and Liam turned around to see Gabe with a handgun aimed at Theo and Liam. The two did their best to duck. Liam pushed Kim to the floor, shielding her body from the bullets. Gabe successfully hit both of them in the right shoulder and the back of the left calf. Theo was clutching at his wounds. Liam groaned, falling on top of Kim. She gently pushed him off and looked at his bleeding wounds. Brett, Melissa, and Nolan were left to take care of Zia.

"I'm sorry, Zia. I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you," Brett whispered.

She smiled slightly. "It's okay, Brett."

"Honey, it's best if you don't talk. We may be in a hospital, but there still may be others trying to kill us," Melissa said. "I can't perform a proper surgery right now."

Another hunter tried to shoot at Liam and Theo, but Gabe was in their way. The hunter risked it and shot at Gabe, the bullets only grazed Liam and Theo, but bullets penetrated Gabe. He collapsed onto the floor. They all watched as Gabe crawled over to a glass cabinet, a blood trail following him. He leaned against it and breathed heavily. Theo closed his eyes, feeling sympathy for him.

"It's gone," Zia whispered weakly. "Scott did it."

Brett chuckled weakly, crying. "The Anuk-ite's gone? I'm still feeling pretty scared because of you."

She smiled. "Melissa will take care of me."

Melissa nodded. "And now that I know my son did his job, I can do mine. Get her, Brett. Emergency room, right now. Let's go."

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