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The woman was cradled in Brett's arms at the old warehouse Satomi's pack once met. She was calm now, only needing Scott to stay away from her.

Brett's nose was flaring slightly. She had the strong scent of depression and blood. Brett had stripped off his own shirt and given it to her. She stared at the odd piece of clothing and then at Brett. He realized she didn't know what it was, so he helped her put it on.

"Why are you here?" Scott demanded.

She flinched in Brett's arm. She slowly looked up at Scott, thankful that his red eyes were gone. "Mihi necesse est ire in domum suam."

Brett and Scott looked at each other in confusion.

"Do you... Do you speak English?" Scott asked as he stepped closer to her.

She pressed herself against Brett, curling up into a ball. Scott stopped walking after he realized she was afraid of him.

"I... I need to go home," she whispered. "I'd like to go home, please."

"What's your name?" Scott whispered.

"Zia," she muttered.

"Why did you kill that man?"

"He tried to kill me. He wanted my flesh," Zia said.

"Why did he want your flesh?" Scott asked.

"It's because you're a mermaid, isn't it?" Brett asked.

Zia looked at him with wide eyes, immediately pushing his chest. Brett's grip on her only tightened.

"I just want to go home," she sobbed. "I want my family. I don't want to be here anymore."

"She's a mermaid? You just said mermaid!" Scott exclaimed.

Brett held onto her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Zia, listen to me. My old alpha said you would be here one day. She said that a woman by the name of Clairisa was once here in Beacon Hills. That woman said that in the future when Satomi died, a mermaid would come here and protect this town and become a leader. I think you're my new alpha, Zia."

She shook her head. "N-No. I'm - I'm not a werewolf. I'm just a mermaid. I can't do anything!"

"Who is Clairisa?" Brett asked. "Who is she?"

"My mother."

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