Callers HQ #2

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The Hunter, Sierra, Diana, and Asteri returned to base with the files, and for once, Zachary wasn't there. He was overseeing the repairs of the base.!They had the room to themselves.

"Come on," Luke prompted, retracting his helmet, "let's see what we can find out about the PhantomAngel." He set the folder down at the table and the group sat around it. One of the chairs was empty. It was Denis. The Hunter shrugged it off. He was probably napping somewhere.

Luke opened the files so the whole table could read them, and what they saw was... Unhelpful, to say the least.

File #247-01
Name: Zia Kearn/Akira Kearn
Age: Unknown
Gender: Zia (female) Akira (male)
Alias: The PhantomAngel
Loyalties: Unknown
Skills: Manipulation, telepathy, stealth, agility, combat
Powers: Angelic abilities, phantom/demonic abilities, strength, flight (wings), healing (themselves and others)
Weaknesses: silver or gold, being caged or tied down in any way
Family: Aaron, Alex, each other

The Hunter frowned. Akira... That name sounded familiar... Was that the one those twins were looking for? And why were there two names for one person? Was it one person? He didn't think so anymore... Luke looked up at the others to see if they were making any more sense of this. Before he could ask anything, Lance entered the room. He'd heard that the Hunter let Miles get away. And he wasn't happy.

A/N: This part is somewhat of a filler, so if someone ends up wanting to lead another attack on FADE, feel free. Just don't be random about it, please. Have a reason to attack. Also, the PhantomAngel is kind of a big deal in this story, so you might want to pay attention to who knows what about who *wink wink* it might be helpful to capture someone who knows about them *cough* Sparta and Rick *cough* just saying... ;) love ya RaNdOmNeSs990 XD

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