Chapter 2

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Ethan and the other agents at FADE were on edge. They had no idea where the team was, if they were okay, if the callers got them, nothing. They were completely in the dark.

The Hunter lead the reluctant team of Callers towards FADE's base. He gave them a brief plan of action before they got too close.

"FADE is more than well equipped with tanks and guns and weapons of such caliber, however that isn't what we need to be concerned with. As you all know, they are the Federal Association of Defense Experiments. That means that this place is filled with supernatural powers, archers, shifters, so on and so forth. There is even a child in there with the ability to reverse the deterioration or destruction of atoms. They've got all sorts of crazy stuff in there. And while not every experiment is pro FADE, they are all anti- us. So... Just be careful, alright? Don't get in over your head." He instructed, looking at each one of them in turn.

"Here's the plan. Sierra, you're going to be the distraction. Break into the main hangar, with all their vehicles and weapons. Destroy some stuff, make a commotion, stir up some chaos. Asteri, you and Diana are going to sneak in through the roof. Get down to the armory, take anything you want, destroy the rest. Then you're going to head to the Files Library and take all files labeled PhantomAngel." He paused to make sure they were following so far.

"When you've done that, I need you two to meet up with Sierra and track down Angel Dusk. She's a variable in the equation we can't afford to have. Engage in battle, if at all possible, but only if you're confident you can make it out. We need as much information on her we can get. She should still be in the base. Ice, you and I are going to go track down and stall Silver and the other agents. Use the comlinks Zachary gave to you to keep each other updated. As much as you might hate it, we're a team. Let's start acting like one." He continued.

The Hunter silently prayed that no one would argue, and that they would just do as instructed, since they were already wasting precious time explaining things.

He nodded at Ice and took off in the direction of the other group of agents, the scanners of his helmet automatically tracking them based on all footprints or traces it picked up as he ran full speed. He may not want to fight Silver, but that didn't mean he wanted to help FADE. And if going against the corrupt agency meant staying with the Callers, so be it.

Silver, Nina, Gwen, Adrien, Miles, and Ciro were up and preparing to go back to base. Before they could finish, however, Ice and the Hunter barged into the mansion, prepared to fight, despite being outnumbered.

((Sorry it took so long! Let the RP commence again! :) ))

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