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Silver Wolf, Adrien, Miles, Michael, Sparta, Rick, Gwen, and Nina all returned to base, Denis managing to tag along, despite being from a different organization.

Nina was immediately put into intensive care with doctors that specialized in supernatural burns. She would be better in no time, though there was no telling what scars it would leave behind. Agents were running around the building with medical supplies and tools of all sorts, trying to recover from the attack on their base. Their manufacturers had already been contacted and were sending replacements for all of their lost vehicles and weapons. Ethan and Nadia's office remained relatively untouched, so that's where our heroes stayed.

Nadia finished cleaning up and bandaging Adrien's wounds, giving him some pain medicine in case he needed it.

"The Hunter's got a nasty bite, huh?" She noted, as if she'd felt it herself before. Ethan was on the computer, scanning through the files of FADE to see what was stolen.

Denis's presence had only been questioned for a moment, but upon realizing he wasn't really a threat, FADE let him stay with his friend, the fallen star. They seemed pretty close, after all.

Miles was resting on one of the couches in the lounge area of the office, regaining his strength. Nadia was keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasn't going to spike negatively.

The others were dispersed about the room, waiting for their friends to get better and reporting all that went on since they last talked to HQ. The fights, the kidnapping, the Hunter's identity, his strange interest in Miles, all of it.

While they told what happened, Silver couldn't help but think about what Luke had said... She'd ask about it later. Right now, she wanted to ask about Sparta and Rick's friends.

"Hey, Ethan?" Silver called to her friend. The scientist didn't seem to have heard her. He furrowed his eyebrows at the computer screen.

"That's odd... I've never heard of this project..." He admitted. Nadia glanced over.

"What is it called?" She wondered. Ethan clicked through a few more pages.

"Project PhantomAngel." He replied. Just then, the lights went out and the alarms went off.

A/N: In this part, I will be using an extra character by the name of Karma. He won't be used often, basically just for this chapter, but yeah. He is the first experiment of FADE, and doesn't really really like the agency all that much. He often tries to cause some havoc around the place. It's up to you guys to either stop him, or help him! The choice is yours, but there will be repercussions for your actions, so choose wisely.

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