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A/N: I'm going to break character for the rules. :P

1. There will be no racial slurs or anything insulting to ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. If such words are used, the user will be reviewed and most likely kicked from the RP. Just a warning. Feel free to insult the character (not the admin), just not with those kind of words. Cursing is allowed, but let's try not to overdo it.

2. Characters can kill other characters, but if someone is killing a character they are not admin of, they need to have the other admin's permission to do so.

3. No smut or anything like that. There can be relationships, but...keep it PG, guys... (Kissing and holding hands is allowed.)

4. If you don't reply to a roleplay for more than 2 weeks without an explanation, you're getting kicked. Sorry, friends. The time varies based on if I am active or not. I'm not gonna make you guys roleplay if I'm not even doing it, but yeah. If we've started the rp and you haven't replied...there's an issue...

5. No Mary Sues or whatever the male equivalent of that is.

6. No god characters. (Unlimited power, never gets hurt, always dodges, never misses, blah blah blah) Every hero/villain has a weakness.

7. Each response must be in the proper format. Use actual sentences and correct punctuation, please! And in third person! Example: The Hunter crouched low, out of sight as he watched Silver pass by, tracking her movements....(etc etc)
Non-Example: *crouches* There she is. *tracks*

8. Please try to make responses at least three or four sentences long! You can make them as long as will fit in a comment, if you feel it's necessary, but try to have no less than three! The password is PhantomAngel, by the way.

9. " " = Character talking  ' ' = Character thinking  (( )) = Admin talking * = corrections to comment after posted

10. Please tag the other people in the roleplay! You do not have to tag me!

A quick note! If you choose to be a villain, you will be working closely with the Hunter and he can be kind of an a**hole, so don't take it personally. :) On to the forms!

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