Chapter 32: I have a son

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Chris managed to find Parrish's trail.  It led them to the the bunker.  That's where they found Parrish, resting in the cold chamber.  Parrish must have turned it on and trapped himself to make sure he couldn't hurt anyone else.  When Douglas walks up to the cold chamber, he exclaims in German, shock and in awed to be in the presence of an actual Hellhound.  He studies every inch of Parrish's features, sensing so much power coming from him, but it was weak.  Weak from the cold. 

From behind, Chris and Melissa eye Douglas carefully.  Chris discreetly moves to his gun collection.  Melissa moves away to stay far off, just in case.  Together, they watch Douglas try and shut the chamber down.

Chris manages to get a shotgun and checks it for ammo.  He tries his best to make no noise.  Douglas seemed to be distracted with shutting the chamber down, but suddenly, he stops with a hard glare.

"You know what the best part about being a werewolf is? Supernatural hearing."  He snarls.  With a quick turn and a ferocious scream, Douglas half transforms into an alpha and moves to attack, but Chris was quick to draw his shotgun and blasts at Douglas, hitting him in the gut.  He gets off a few rounds, sending Douglas against a table near the chamber. 

"Did you hear that?!" Chris yells out. 

Chris reloads as quickly as he can, but Douglas was already on his feet.  He growls loudly at Chris, fangs protruding from his mouth.  With a long jump in the air, Douglas goes over the table that separated them and attacked Chris.  Melissa gasps as she watches Chris holding his shotgun up to block Douglas from mauling him.  She moves and runs towards the chamber as they fight, trying to wake Parrish up for help.

"Parrish.  Parrish, wake up.  Parrish."  She pounds on the glass, but Parrish never stirred.

With a hard shove, Chris manages to push Douglas away and tries to reload, but Douglas was already up to his feet, with the whip in his hand. 

Chris looks over to Melissa with a sad, apologetic look, he knew what this meant for both of them, "I'm sorry."

Melissa's eyes widen in terror, "No."

Douglas' upper lip twitches in anger, and with a loud grunt, he snaps the whip and sends Chris into the Hunt, making him disappear in a cloud of smoke. 

Melissa gasps and looks away, her bottom lip trembles with heart-break, but she had to wake Parrish up.  Hoping he can help, "Parrish! Parrish! Parrish, wake up."

Parrish never stirred, he was out and she had no way out. 

"That was very brave.  But pointless."  Douglas smirks from behind her as he grips on to the whip.

Melissa sighs with dread and accepts her fate, 'Scott, Josie, please save us.' She prays to the heavens that they will figure it out.

"Just crack the whip." She mutters bitterly at him and closes her eyes as her breathing picks up and gets ready for the strike. 

The whip lets out a loud crack and strikes over her back, sending Melissa into the Hunt with Chris.  Nothing but a trail of green smoke.

Douglas wraps the whip in his hands and moves back to the chamber.  Taking a deep breath, Douglas calls forth the Rider inside him.  He calls out to Parrish, speaking German.  When Parrish doesn't stir, Douglas calls stronger, snapping the whip.  Parrish finally opens his eyes, his eyes...shining green like Douglas'.  Breathing heavily with excitement, Douglas now had control over Parrish.


John quickly moved to grab his jacket as Liam, Hayden, Mason, and Edward follows him.  Mason heads towards Clark's desk to grab his keys.  As he grabs his keys, he gestures them all to follow.

"Yeah, Liam, come on.  We gotta hurry.  We can still find them." He says and begins to move to the door.

John snaps his head up and grabs Liam and Hayden, throwing them behind him.  Mason frowns in confusion, but they all look towards the door as thunder suddenly clapped over the station.  Harsh winds blow the doors open, sending leaves dancing over the floor.  And to their horror, a Ghost Rider walks in, dragging his whip with him. 

With a snap of his whip, he traps Mason by his neck.

"NO!" Liam screams in horror. 

Gripping on to the whip, Mason looks towards Liam with begging eyes, "Liam.  Run!"  And with a tug of the whip, Mason disappears into the Hunt in a cloud of green smoke. 

With a loud, angry growl, Liam half transforms into his wolf and breaks free from John's grip, charging at the Rider.  He shoves the Rider against the way, striking him with his claws.  With a forceful shove, he manages to overcome the Rider, straddling him over the desk.  But, the Rider grabs him by his neck and shoves him against the wall.  With a spin, the Rider throws Liam through to the window into Sheriff's office.

"Liam." Hayden cries out for her mate. 

The Rider snaps his attention to her and John.  Edward stands in front of them, calling forth the fox inside him.  With is armor protecting him, he gets ready for the Rider.  John pants out a heavy breath and calls forth the water in the building.  The pipes began to rumble all around them.  The Rider snaps his head up as a pipe burst above him, sending a powerful spray at him.  The Rider slides across the floor, and protects himself.  But, suddenly, the rumbling stops and the water pressure dies down.  John frowns as he looks up at the pipes. 

"You gotta be freaking kidding me!  No one is left in town to handle the water tower or pressure in the buildings.  I'm dry." John grunts in frustration.

The Rider snarls as he gets to his feet and paces over towards them, but Liam jumps out from the Sheriff's office and attacks the Rider.  He swings on the door frame and kicks the Rider, sending him over a desk. 

Growling loudly, Liam leaps into the air and lands over the Rider.  He strikes at the Rider with his claws, but the Rider grabs him and throws him up into the air and forces him to land hard over the desk.  Liam groans in pain and grunts as he tries to get up.  The Rider leaps over the desk and grabs Liam and holds him down as he reaches for his gun. 

Hayden breaks out of John's grip and rushes to stop the Riders from shooting Liam.  Edward snaps his head to another side of the building and sees another Rider.  He rushes at the Rider, full armored, dodging the gunshots.  John watches Liam and Hayden fight off the other Rider and he could see they were losing.  The Rider sends Hayden and Liam sliding towards John's feet.  Edward manages to block the other Rider's strikes and finally stab him with his swords.  Panting, he kicks the Rider away from him and rushes back towards the others, helping Hayden to her feet as John helps Liam. 

"We have to get to Scott and Josie." Hayden grunts out.

Together, they try to escape out of the building another way, but before they could get into the next room, the Rider snaps his whip out and makes a grab for Hayden's wrist. 

Liam's eyes widen in horror and he quickly grabs her as she pulls on the whip, fighting the Rider.  Liam, John, and Edward all pull on the whip, but damn, the Rider was strong.  They all grunt and heaved as hard as they could, but they were all practically sliding over the floor. 

Suddenly, lighting strikes through one of the windows and another Rider appeared.  He reaches for his gun and aims it towards Liam. 

"NO!" Edward shouts and shoves himself in the way as the gun goes off.  He grunts loudly at the impact and disappears in a cloud of green smoke. 

John, Liam, and Hayden watched in horror as Edward disappeared, his scream still echoed in the building.  John watches the other Rider snap out his whip and Hayden grabs it before it could touch Liam.  Hayden was completely trapped, but Liam and John weren't going to give up. 

There was no way they would going to get Hayden out of there without them taking her into the Hunt.  And Hayden knew that.  She knew she had little time.  Breathing heavily, she looks at Liam, her mate.  Her love. 

"Liam.  You have to find Scott and Josie." Her voice trembles, but she tries as hard as she could to stay strong.

Liam looks over his shoulder in fear, shaking his head, "I'm not leaving you."  He grunts as he keeps pulling on the whips. 

"You have to.  You can save me on the other side." She says softly as her lips tremble and tears begin to form in her eyes. 

Liam continues to pull, but looks over to her, listening to what she was saying.  He didn't want to leave her.  What if he couldn't get her back?  He didn't want to lose his mate.  His heart begin to crack as tears misted in his eyes. 

"I believe in you." Hayden says softly, as if she was reading his mind.

Liam looks deep into her eyes, he didn't want to forget her, he was never going to forget her, "I love you." His voice cracks. 

Hayden smiles sadly, "Then go."

Liam swallows a hard lump and looks over to John as he watches them, his heart heavy with sympathy.  He nods over to Liam and, together, they let go of the whips and take off towards the other room.  Liam couldn't help but look back and watch his love disappear into green smoke.  John grabs him and shoves him out of the building.  Together, they take off to find Scott and Josie. 


Back in the tunnels, Malia grabs a pipe and tries to shove it into the rift, but it was like poking a brick wall.  She grunts as she uses all the strength she had to shove her way into the rift, but it was no use.  The Rift wouldn't budge, but everyone notices the pipe was beginning to melt.  As Malia pushes harder, the force of the rift pushes back just as hard, nearly shoving her.  She sighs in defeat and looks at the pipe, the end tip glowing from the heat. 

Lydia moves closer, not wanting to give up, "There's gotta be another way.  We just need to think."  She sighs.

"Think?" Malia scoffs.

Scott moves close and looks around the rift, "Yeah."

"Think about how to get through a supernatural rift that melts steel.  Yeah,  good plan." Toby scoffs.

"I didn't say it would be easy." Lydia sighs.

"But it doesn't have to be so hard."

Everyone quickly turns to the voice and sees Mr. Douglas walking up towards them, with his hands behind his back and a evil smirk.


"Why is this suddenly so important? Why can't it wait until tomorrow?" Claudia asks annoyed as Sheriff pulls her towards the room.

Excitement was rushing through his body, "I I don't know how it happened, but it happened." He smiles big.

Claudia watches him carefully, eyeing the door and him.

"Everything the girls has been trying to tell us? It's all true." Sheriff's smile never left.

Claudia watches him turn the knob, and open the door.  When Sheriff opens it, he could see everything the way he left it.  He steps in and gestures all around the room excitedly as Claudia watches with worry, looking around the room.

"His bed, the clothes he never folds, his crime board."  He reaches on his desk for the lacrosse ball, holding it up for Claudia to see, "He's on the lacrosse team.  I mean, he's terrible, but he's on the team."  He bounces the ball and catches it before putting it back where it was.  He walks towards Claudia, trying to calm his excitement, "Claudia, we have a son.  And we can find him and get him back."

Claudia looks at him with worry, "There's nothing here."  She says.

Sheriff frowns in confusion, he could see everything, but she couldn't?  Maybe she was afraid like he was.  He could see fear in her eyes.  He holds his hand out for her, "You gotta come in the room, baby." He stammers. Claudia sighs and became hesitant.  "Come on." He gently beckons her. 

She slowly takes his hand and lets him guide her into the room.  Sheriff watches her look around, but when she turns back to him, she shakes her head.

"Noah, there's still nothing here."

When Sheriff looks around, everything was gone.  Everything he saw...gone.  He couldn't explain it.  He was beginning to believe, maybe he imagined it, but, he started to remember what Josie said to him.

"Dad told me about Claudia.  How she consumed to her illness."

His voice echoes his head, "You think Claudia is dead?  That I conjured her up?  She's a flesh and blood woman."

"Lenore conjured her dead son.  He was real.  He was there." Lydia's voice echoed in his head. 

He slowly turned towards Claudia, "You're here." He says in realization and dread. 


Back in the tunnels, Scott, Josie, Lydia, Malia, Myst, and Toby all stood before Douglas.  Taking their stand. 

"He followed our scent." Scott says in realization.

"I followed your desperation." Douglas corrects.

"We're all in a tough spot.  Desperate to get inside and save everyone, and hoping to find a way to stop this army of the dead.  We all want the same thing." Douglas says.

Lydia sighs, "He has a point.

"If he doesn't kill anyone." Malia scoffs.

"Else." Josie corrects.

"If he doesn't kill anyone else." Scott nods, agreeing with her.

Douglas sighs, "All that matters right now is getting through the rift."

Toby glares at him and steps close, "Then you're out of luck, Blondie."

"The rift burns anything that tries to pass through it." Myst states.

Douglas smirks knowingly, "Perhaps not everything."

Suddenly a loud growl is made from behind Douglas.  Walking around a corner, Parrish comes towards them to stand next to Douglas, snarling at them in Hellhound form as his eyes glow Ghost Rider green at them.

Lydia's eyes widen in shock, "Jordan." She gasps.

"If the Hellhound can open the rift, we all go together." Douglas simply says.

"Bullshit." Josie snarls.  "You're the bad guy.  I'm pretty sure helping you is a bad idea."  She sneers at him. 

Douglas sighs, "Good guy.  Bad guy.  When has anything ever been so black and white?"

"World War II."

Everyone snap their heads down a tunnel and sees John and Liam running towards them, panting. 

"He's a Nazi." Liam pants.

"He wants the Hunt for himself.  He wants his own supernatural army." John states, glaring at Douglas.

Douglas gives them all an amused look, "Ah, the father of my bride, I presume." 

Scott growls lowly at him.

"This father doesn't approve of you." John bites out.

Douglas trails his eyes towards Josie with a small smirk, "This could be so much more easy for you, Josie.  No harm will fall on you or your child, if you simply just join me by my side.  As my queen.  I can't say the same for your friends and family.  The Riders are so persistent to taking so many souls."

"Sorry, I don't date guys who's old enough to be be my grandpa." Josie says sarcastically.

Douglas chuckles amusingly, "I love how feisty you American women can be."  From behind his back, Douglas brings the whip out and unrolls it on the ground before them. 

Scott takes a step forward, holding his stand, "You're not taking my mate." Scott snarls at him.  "And we're not letting you through that rift."

Douglas scoffs, "'Not letting' me?"  He sighs softly, "I see."  He twirls the whip around, "You still think you have a say in the matter." He tsks.  He thrusts the whip back and snaps it at all of them, causing them to back away. 

Scott roars at him in fury, half transforming while Douglas continues to snap the whip at everyone.   

John makes a grab for Lydia and pulls her away to safety.  Josie roars out at Douglas, but Scott pulls her back for safety. 

Douglas continues to snap the whip till everyone dived out of the way.  Liam jumped into the next tunnel with Lydia and John.  Then, Malia.  Myst and Toby ran.  John reaches out for Josie and pulls her away before Douglas could snap the whip at him.  Scott was last to join. 

"Hollenhund." Douglas commands.

Everyone watch in horror as Parrish walks towards the rift and stabs his claws in the middle, pulling on the edges to expand the rift. 

"Parrish, stop!"  Scott tries to call out to him, but it was no use.  Parrish was under Douglas' control.  While Parrish was practically ripping the rift open, Douglas kept everyone back from stopping him.

With a snap of the whip again, Douglas manages to catch Josie's wrist and begins to yank her towards him.

"No!" Scott shouts and grabs her. 

Grunting loudly, Josie grips on to the whip and tries to get free, but she was trapped.  Everyone tries to grab a hold of her, but Douglas was too strong. 

"There's nothing you can do, Scott.  She will be my bride." Douglas smirks and continues to pull. 

"No." Josie whimpers and tries to fight. 

Malia tries to grab the whip and yank the whip back, to give them more leverage.  Scott couldn't get her free. 

Panting, Josie begins to shudder as she continues to hold her stand.  Her eyes started to glow bright blue. 

Douglas becomes startled and frowns deeply in confusion.

Josie growls loudly and with a wave of her other hand, and force of blue flames fly out, sending Douglas slamming back against the wall and the grip of the whip gets lose from Josie's wrist. 

Josie grunts as Seth's powers begin to leave her and goes limp in Scott's grip, he grabs her body and holds on to her. 

"That's my boy." Scott whispers.

Before anyone could charge at Parrish, Douglas gets to his feet with a harsh glare and continues to snap the whip at them all.

Finally, Parrish manages to open the rift wide enough.  Everyone's eyes widen in shock.  Parrish moves away from the rift and stands before them all as Douglas moves to gaze at the rift in awe.

"Wunderbar."  He smirks in triumph. 

Parrish gives them all a warning roar, keeping them back from disturbing his master.  Douglas commands in German and begins to go into the rift.  Parrish lets out one more roar and follows Douglas into the rift. 

Josie snaps out of her dizzy spell and looks around, watching Parrish walk into the rift with Douglas.  

"You ok?" Scott asks. 

She sighs and nods, "Yeah."

"Now." Malia shouts and all take off towards the rift, but before they could get in, the rift closes in front of them. 

"No." Lydia says in dread. 

But, it wasn't over.  To everyone's horror, two Ghost Riders walk out of the rift as it closes for good behind them.


Sheriff continues to look around the empty room.  He didn't want to believe it, but when he thinks back, it made sense.  He looks back into his memories and everything he did with his wife, up until a few months ago, he doesn't remember. 

"Noah? Noah?" The sound of his wife's voice brings him out of his thoughts.

He slowly turns towards her, gathering his thoughts, "I don't remember your birthday last year."  He watches her face fall.   "Or what we did for our anniversary or Christmas for...I don't know how many years."  He sighs.

Claudia scoffs and shakes her head, giving him a small smile, "That's ridiculous.  We went to Big Sur."

He slowly shakes his head, his heart begins to break at the truth, "No.  We always wanted to go to Big Sur."  He corrects.

"We did.  I remember."  Claudia tries to reassure him, but sheriff continues to shake his head gently at her.

"No, baby.  We didn't."  He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the photo he found.  He swallows hard as the memories come back, "I took this picture on your last good day."

That day begins to grow strong in his his mind, like a steel trap, "Stiles refused to leave your side."

"I was sick.  But I started getting better." Claudia protests.

He barely paid attention to her as that day continues in his mind, "You were yourself all day.  Stiles had his mom back and I..." Sheriff stops to sniffle as tears misted in his eyes, "I had my wife back." He looks up at her.

Claudia gives him a big smile, "The medication had started to work."

Sheriff looks back down at the picture and chuckles sadly, "Stiles couldn't stop talking about school, all the trouble he'd gotten into.  He tried so hard to stay awake.  When he finally fell asleep, it was in your arms." His voice begins to crack a little. 

"The doctors couldn't explain it.  We started making plans, started dreaming again."  Claudia tries to reason with him, back into his fantasy. 

"We just sat together and watched each other.  We didn't need to talk."  Tears begin to fall down his cheek, "But, when you finally closed your eyes,"  He stops to take a breath.

"I was myself again." Claudia's voice begins to fade.

"I knew you were gone."

When Sheriff looks up, the room was back to the way it was, but Claudia was gone.  His heart cracked into two.  It was true.  She was really dead.  Everything just tumbled down inside him and he breaks down into tears as he looks down at the picture of Claudia and Stiles. 

Suddenly, a soft noise was made from behind him and as Sheriff turns around a bright light shines right there in the middle of the room.  What he sees, he couldn't understand it.


Everyone backs away from the Ghost Riders as they draw closer and closer.  Scott and Malia stands in front of them all and protects them. 

"Liam, you and Lydia get to the bunker.  Take John and Josie with you." Scott says.

"I'm not leaving you!" Josie protests, but John pulls her in his arms and begins to carry her away. 

"No!  Let me go!" Josie yells and struggles in his arms. 

"Get her out of here now!" Scott shouts.

"Scott!  No!" Josie yells and cries out. 

"You have to think about Seth! Think about Seth.  It's too dangerous for you and him.  Now, go!  Now!" John shouts as he carefully lets her go and together they all take off to the bunker, leaving Scott and Malia with the Riders. 

They both half transformed and growled loudly at them.  With a snap of one's whip, the Rider traps Scott.  Leashing him with his whip.  Malia grabs a hold of the whip with Scott, pulling on it hard enough to get Scott free.  The force of letting go sends Malia and Scott to the ground.  Scott grips on his neck, rubbing the soreness in his throat, but quickly scrambles to sit up with Malia.  

"The whip.  It didn't take you." Malia frowns, but relieved. 

"I don't think they're trying to take us.  I think they're trying to kill us." Scott gasps out as they both quickly get to their feet and begins to run, but one of the riders snap their whip at Malia, wrapping it around her waist and sending her across the tunnel. 

Scott turns back and gets ready for the other Rider to snap his whip.  He grabs it and yanks the Rider forward, throwing him against the wall as Malia is being thrown around by the other rider with his whip.  Before the Rider could throw her again, Scott rushes and catches her before she could slam into the wall.  He breaks her fall as he hits the brick wall with a pained grunt.  As both of them sat on the ground, they snap their heads up and hears their guns cocking at them. 

But, before the Riders could pull the triggers, Peter comes running, full speed, growling loudly at them.  With a powerful roar, he charges at the Riders.  Fighting them to give Scott and Malia a chance to get up.  He grabs one Rider and uses him as a leverage to kick the other Rider away.

He looks over and stills see them on the ground, "Why aren't you running?"  He grunts furiously as he continues to fight the Riders. 

Malia gets to her feet and begins to run.  Scott follows, but they both stop when they see Peter still fighting the Riders.  But, soon, they overpower him, and hold him against the wall. 

Knowing he can't get out of their grip, he looks up and sees Scott and Malia watching from afar.  Worried for his daughter, he shouts out to them, "Go!"

Malia and Scott watches in horror as the Riders point their guns at Peter.  Malia's eyes widen in shock.  Her father saved them.  He saved her.  Peter's eyes fill with sadness, but relief that Malia was going to be ok.  Despite his flaws, he hopes this shows her even though he can be an ass, he still cares about her.  Soon...Peter was gone in a cloud of smoke.  Malia tries to run back to him, but Scott holds her back and pushes her to head towards a tunnel.

At the same time, Lydia, Liam, Myst, Toby, Josie, and John runs through the tunnels to get to the bunker.  Panting out of breath, they begin to reach the corner that leads to towards the bunker. 

"That roar wasn't promising."  Liam says worriedly.

"Well, they rarely are.  Keep going.  Keep going."  Lydia says and pushes him to go.

"We can't leave them." Josie whimpers. 

"Don't worry.  He didn't get taken.  They'll meet us at the bunker.  Then, we can go." Myst assures her and pushes her gently to move. 

Suddenly, Lydia skids to a stop, holding her arms out to protect everyone.  Standing before them, not too far away and blocking the exit out of the tunnels, was a Ghost Rider, aiming his gun at them all.  Snarling softly, he cocks his gun, but slowly pulls back and lowers his weapon. 

"What's happening?" John asks as he pushes Josie behind him to protect her.

"I don't know.  But stay behind me.  All of you." Lydia says softly and begins to walk sideways, blocking everyone with her body.  "Follow me." 

They begin to walk around the Rider, not taking their eyes off of him.  Josie holds on to John tightly, whimpering in pain as Seth kicks around wildly in her belly.

The Rider watches them all, snarling softly.  If he had eyes, he would be glaring at them all. 

"It's afraid of you." Toby says as they reach the end of the tunnel. 

"I'm afraid of me." Lydia says softly. 

Once they were safe, they all take off to meet up with Scott and Malia. 


Wasn't long till they all finally reached Scott and Josie's place.  It was the only place they all felt safe.  Barely.  But, is there any place that was safe? 

Soon, Liam and John told them what happened to Mason, Hayden, and Edward.  They needed to hurry before everyone was gone.  Scott needed to talk to Argent.  But, to his horror, Argent's cell was not in service anymore.  He gasps softly, he remembers his mom was with him! 

For hours, Scott dials his mom's number, only to hear a recorded voice telling him, 'The number you have reached is not in service.  Please check the number or try your call again.  This is a recording.'

John sat with Liam at the dinning table while Scott and Josie sat at the head of the table.  Lydia looks out the window, keeping an eye out for anything.  Malia leans against the fridge.  Myst and Toby sat on the other side of the table.  Everyone felt so defeated, but Josie knew Scott was worse.

Josie has never seen Scott so broken.  He calls and calls, hoping to hear his mom's voice, but nothing but a recording.  Josie slowly sits next to him as he just stares at his cell, hearing that recorded voice as he keeps dialing.  She slowly takes his hand and gently takes his cellphone, turning it off. 

"Scott." Josie whispers. 

Scott wouldn't acknowledge her, he was in complete shock.  Tears misted in his eyes.  He should have done more.  He kept telling himself that.

"Scott." Josie presses her hand against his cheek, stroking his skin softly as he sniffles.  She slowly pulls him into his arms and he wraps his arms around her tightly.  Right now, Josie was all he had as a family.

"Scott, your mom is gone.  But she's still alive."  Malia assures him as she sits next to Myst.

Liam sighs and gets up to lean against the end of the table, "What do we do now?"

Myst sighs, "We can't hide from them.  No place is safe in Beacon Hills.  Except here.  So far so good, this spell I have over this place is holding.  But, it's only against Ghost Riders.  Mr. Douglas or Hauptmann, whoever he is, he's more than a Ghost Rider." 

"What about Lydia? The Ghost Rider was afraid of her." Liam says as he sits at the end of the table.

Lydia moves away from the window, shaking her head, "It wasn't fear.  It's..."  She tries to put a word to it. 

"Like reverence." Toby speaks up and sighs, "According to the myth, Riders hold great respect for Banshees." Toby looks over to Malia, "Lydia told you about the Morrígan.  Let me tell you all about her." He stops and sighs deeply, "The Morrígan is primarily associated with fate, especially with foretelling doom and death in battle.  Like the banshee.  Accordingly, Morrígan is often translated as 'Phantom Queen' and usually interpreted as a 'war goddess'.  Lydia is safe from the Ghost Riders cause she's basically like a message from them once a town has been taken.  But, they're are also scared of her.  Her power is a mean to their end."

"Then, Lydia can stop the Ghost Riders?" Malia asks with hope.

"Not alone.  And there's too many of them.  Using her voice against that many, it would kill her." Toby adds.  "Seth is a different story, but we all know, Seth is an unborn Phoenix.  He's too vulnerable."

Liam sighs, "We have the powers right here with us to stop them, but we can't use them.  Great." He mutters.

Scott sighs and picks the table with his nail as Josie rests her head against his shoulder, "Doesn't matter.  The rift is gone.  We're the only ones left in Beacon Hills." He says in defeat. 

Josie sighs and rubs his back in comfort. 

Suddenly, a knock is made from the kitchen door.  Outside, Sheriff makes his way in and stands before them as he shuts the door. 

"I have a son.  His name is Michislav Stilinski." 

Lydia, Josie, and Myst perk up at his words.  Josie sighs softly in relief.

"But we call him Stiles." 

Sheriff eyes them all, "I remember.  When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name.  Not sure why.  It pretty much rolls off the tongue.  But, uh, the closest he could get was 'mischief'.  His mother called him that until..." He breaths heavily, he couldn't say it.  But, everyone knew what he meant. 

Tears form in Josie's eyes, she nods in understanding. 

Swallowing a hard lump, Sheriff continues, "I remember when, uh...When Stiles first got his Jeep.  It belonged to his mother.  She wanted him to have it.  The first time when he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch.  I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day." 

Scott listens to every word he said, duct tape, he remembers something about duct tape.  Stiles would use duct tape to fix his jeep. 

"He was always getting into trouble.  But he always had a good heart.  Always." Sheriff sighs.

Lydia gives him a sad smile and Malia wipes away a coming tear. 

"We're here tonight because my goofball son decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body."

John gets up and gives him a comforting pat on his shoulder and Sheriff nods at him, muttering a small thanks.

"How did you remember?"  Scott asks as his eyes mist with unshed tears.

Sheriff looks at Josie, Myst, and Lydia with a knowing look, "It started with Stiles' jersey.  Then I found the red string for his crime board.  Finally, his whole room came back and all the memories."  He begins to frown, "And then the strangest thing happened."

"What?" Josie asks.

"I thought I saw him." Sheriff shakes his head in disbelief, but Toby perks up when he hears that.  They all did.

"It's like something opened right there in the middle of the room.  Just for a moment.  And then it was gone."

"A rift." Josie gasps.

Everyone had a confused look, even Sheriff as he sits next to John.

"I thought there was only one rift.  We saw it disappear." Malia says in confusion.

Scott, suddenly, thought of something, "You remembered Stiles and then a new rift was created."

"If the Sheriff can do it..."  Malia trails off.

"Maybe we can." Josie finishes for her.

Liam shakes his head, "But that rift closed."

"Then we'll open it again." Scott says strongly.

"How?" Sheriff asks.

Scott moves to lean forward, resting his elbows on the table, "By remembering Stiles."  He states.

Everyone nods in agreement. 

"We have to remember everything." 

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