Ben - Guardian of The Wisdom Goddess

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Ben knew from his past, that some Children of his father, Ares, are more violent than others.

When the era of Rome came, he found himself more like the Roman Children of Mars, then Ares.

He figured this was as good of as a time then any to tell his story.

Like Eric, he stood in front of the table where Chiron sits. And, he began his tale, as the other Guardians paid him no mind.

"My name is Ben, I am a Son of Ares, but, I'm more of Mars, though I was born before the era of Rome. I became a Guardian with Eric, I was fifteen." Ben concluded, as he moved to leave.

"That's it?" Annabeth asked. Ben knew that she was Athena's favorite child. He heard about her boyfriend Percy, though all the Guardians have...

"I came because of a dream from Ares. My mother did like to punish me, but we lived in a time, where that was normal. I don't have a huge past like Eric does." He answered.

Ben moved again to leave, but was again, interrupted. "You're my mother's Guardian." Annabeth stated.

"Yes." He said, as she paused.

"Can you... Can you... Find someone?" She asked.

Ben sighed. "If you are referring to your boyfriend. I can't help you." Her faced turned hopeless. "But," I turn to where Perseus was sitting on the ground behind Artemis's table. "Perseus might."

Annabeth opened her mouth.

"I will not." She closed her mouth.

Thalia, Artemis's lieutenant, stood. "Why not?" She demanded.

"I can't."

"You can't what?" She pressed.

Perseus sighed. "I can't find him. I have tried. But, I can't."

"But, you can find anyone." Atlanta said. "Unless he's dead."

Many opened their mouths.

"No." They closed. "If he was dead, I can find the body, or even a trace. I can't find him at all." Perseus stated.

"Well, it's a shame." Alyssa said. "Because, since we heard of Percy, we started thinking about if he became a Guardian, whose Guardian would he be? I think he would be an excellent leader." Alyssa continued.

Annabeth head snapped to Alyssa. "If he was a Guardian, who do you think he would be?" She looked at all of us.

Ben really didn't know the answer, he didn't have to worry as Gracie answered. "I think either Hestia." She paused.

"Or Artemis."

Ben looked towards Perseus, only to see a empty spot.

404 words.

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