Eric - Guardian of The Love Goddess

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After Eric said he was a Son of Athena, he pulled his hood down, and decided to just tell the demi-gods his story.

Once everyone went back to their tables, Eric stood in front of the head table and waited until the noise had settled down.

Eric cleared his throat, a little nervous on how he would tell his story.

Deciding to start at the beginning, he began the story.

"I started training when I was twelve. I became a Guardian when I was 15, three years later. I'm a Son of Athena."

Eric took a deep breath, before continuing.

"I actually owe my life to Perseus." Eric felt tears coming to his eyes thinking about it.

"My father was an intelligent and successful man, he was the first in his family to go and get a better education. But after losing Athena he-"

Eric closed his eyes and continued.

"He made me use my head, my father, he had me solve problem after problem after problem. He would hit me if I stopped or got something wrong."

Eric felt a tear roll down his cheek. Hearing the familiar sound of the wet towel hitting his back.

His father thought that if he hit Eric with a towel it would be explainable as Eric and he were playing around and Eric got hurt.

Just a friendly father and son competition.

Only a few had ask, but none had known the truth.
It took a few months to tell Aphrodite, out of fear she would tell his mother, Athena.

Eric wasn't sure why he even told Perseus, but he did. With no hesitation.

Eric opened his eyes and continued like nothing happened. Something he did a lot.

"When I turned 7, he earned money by selling my talents as his own. He even got people to pay him for some books that I had made, or something 'he' made. But, in reality I made them. I lived that way until my twelfth birthday."

Eric smiled at the memory.

"I was on my way home from a walk, dreading the night of more demands and work. But, when I passed a local alleyway between two stores, I was pulled towards it. I thought I was going to get beaten by a few grown men."

Eric smiled at what happened and what he said next.

"I closed my eyes and told them to get over with. I heard someone laughed, but it sounded to be someone younger than me. I opened my eyes to see a nine year old Perseus chuckling darkly. He told me he wouldn't hurt me. I believed him, he sounded like he knew what I was going through. But, to this day I have no idea. Perseus gave me a choice, to either go to camp and train in somewhat peace, or to train as a Guardian. I remember thinking for a few minutes, before I asked him where he was training. He had faraway look in his eyes when he told me training as a Guardian. He warned me it was not for everyone. I chose to train as a Guardian."

Eric was interpreted by Clarisse, the Daughter of Ares.

"Obviously," She snorted. "But, why did Perseus have a faraway look in his eyes?" Clarisse asked in confusion.

Eric sighed. He never really understood Perseus. Sometimes Perseus was great and the next he could explode at you. He was confusing.

"I don't know. He told me that day it would be wise to leave at that moment. While we were walking, he told me about my mother and life as a Guardian in training. When I had asked him any personal questions he would say it wasn't my business. And, when I asked about how he knew I was there he said he heard of my father's talent. I didn't understand how that had to do with anything, but I let it go. Finally, he had enough and we traveled a faster way. When we got to Olympus he pointed in a direction then left. That day I heard many stories of him. And, many didn't seem real. I don't know what would have happened if Perseus didn't find me that day. I would never forget it. But, I also wouldn't forget what he did to Jordan that day."

Eric had a similar haunted look in his eyes, as Perseus had that day many years ago.

"What happened?" Piper asked.

"It's none of your business." A new voice intervened.

Eric knew that voice, that voice saved him, but also haunted his dreams sometimes.

He looked over to see Perseus walking towards Artemis's table.

When Perseus sat down on Artemis's right, a question was asked.

Eric didn't know why, but Leo had some courage to ask, "Why did you save Eric?"

"Didn't Eric tell you? I heard of his father and I came. That's it." Perseus answered with little emotion.

"What did you do? To Jordan?" Clarisse asked, practically sneering at him.

Perseus stood up and in his most intimidating voice said, "Never ask that again. That happened a long time ago. And, no one remembers what happened exactly." His voice trembled a little at end. And, like a shadow he slipped away into the woods.

Alyssa stood shaking her head. "Perseus hurt Jordan so much that day. She would've did something stupid if I had not of started training as a Guardian and ran into her."

She looked at Clarisse and said in a truthful voice,

"Perseus is a cold hearted monster."

924 words.

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