Piper - Leo and Guardians?

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Piper was worried.

The last time Percy went missing (which they were told, that he went missing a lot in the war against the Titians) to go to Camp Jupiter to help bring both camps together.

The difference now is there is no war, no Primordial Gods or Olympians have contacted them, Jason is still here, neither camps or allies have seen or heard Percy, and...

Leo isn't here.

Piper was still sad about what happened.

Since that night when her and Jason were watching the stars on his cabin, she was hopeful Leo was out there. Somewhere.

Piper had recently started losing hope of seeing Leo again. All she hopes for now is that he's safe and happy, wherever he is.

Piper sighed, wishing for the days back on the Argo II.

Piper smiled sadly at that thought, and went back to her lunch.

Half-way through lunch, that was like any other, where it was filled with sad thoughts and trying to think of where Percy could be, all the campers were snapped out of their own worlds by a crackling sound.

Piper looked over to Half-Blood Hill, confusion set on her face as she saw two figures.

'But Thalia and Jason are already in the pavilion...' Piper thought as she slowly stood up.

It seemed as the other campers had the same idea of the two figures potentially being enemies, as they took arms.

Piper started walking towards the hill, noticing in the corner of her eye the other senior cabin councilors all doing the same.

Slowly they all made their way to the hill, with the cabin councilors at the front.

Once Piper hit the base, the figures turned towards the gathered campers.

Piper studied the figures, the one in front was a girl, and the one a few feet behind was a boy. Piper observed that they were wearing black jeans, black shirts, combat boots, and black cloaks that had a different color rim.

The girl's cloak trim was a royal blue, and the boy's was brown.

"Who are you?!?" Annabeth demanded.

Piper was amazed on how Annabeth could pull herself together and be calm and collective.

Piper looked behind her at the sound of hooves, she saw Chiron go pale seeing the figures.

"Chiron, do you know them?" Piper asked, trying to figure out if the boy and girl were friendly or not.

"But, you should be dead." Chiron said, moving nervously.

The girl laughed harshly, "We never died. So, technically we are the last Guardians." She exclaimed in triumph.

Piper was confused on the 'guardians' part. But, she was picking up on Chiron's nervousness on who, or what, are they guarding and why.

Suddenly, the whole camp glowed. Piper looked away for a second, before turning back and gasping with the other campers, the boy, and the girl.

The fourteen Olympians stood in front of us on the hill, facing the boy and girl.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" A very enraged Artemis exclaimed, causing many to flinch.

"Sis..." Apollo said nervously.

"YOU DARE CALL YOURSELF THE LAST GUARDIAN?!?!?! I SHOULD-" Artemis was cut off by colored lights coming from some of the Olympians.

Sky/electric blue. Zeus.

Pink. Aphrodite.

Blood red. Ares.

Grey. Athena.

Fiery red. Hestia.

And, lastly a powerful and bright silver. Artemis.

Piper was amazed by the color, she felt a familiar pull to the it. She felt confused on why it's familiar.

The colors faded, then came a girl who jumped from where the sky/electric blue light was.

Causing everyone to step back.

Piper noticed the cloaked figures, Olympians, and Chiron pale. Well, as much as Piper can tell with the figures, seeing as she couldn't see their faces.

"Impossible..." Piper swore she heard Athena mutter.

Sensing the nervous atmosphere, Jason took Piper's hand in his, and gave a light squeeze.

She relaxed slightly.

And, another girl appeared from the fiery red light. A boy from the grey.

The next one made tears of relief and joy to start falling from Piper's eyes as a familiar boy came from the silver light.

Leo, who was losing his balance, fell face first on the ground.

Followed by laughter of the figures from the lights and, a girl jumped on the ground behind him from the blood red light. Then, the pink light deposited a boy, and a girl.

Piper was confused as the other figures who came from the lights were wearing the same as the girl and boy on the hill.

Except, the girl who had brown hair and almond brown eyes, and was wearing a white shirt and jeans.

Each figure's cloak trim was the color of the lights they came from.

'But, where was the figure from the silver light? Surely Leo couldn't have done that...' Piper became to wander.

She let that thought leave her mind as Jason yelled out, "LEO?!?!"

Leo picked his head up and looked at us. He became to grin, before getting up and glaring at the girl behind him, then stopped.

"Where did he go?" Leo asked, frowning.

Piper was confusing on what he was talking about.

The girl with the sky/electric blue and blood red trim laughed harshly.

"How are we supposed to know?" The girl with sky/electric blue trim, exclaimed.

"Alyssa?" Zeus asked in a small voice.

Before anyone could react the silver light started up again from where Artemis.

Half way to the boy and girl, the light turned into a boy, who looked well build and was the tallest one of the figures in cloaks.

He stopped a few feet away from the girl in the royal blue trim cloak.

Piper looked at Artemis and she noticed tears falling from the goddess' eyes.

"HOW DARE YOU COME NEAR ME, AFTER WHAT YOU DID!!!" The girl shrieked in fear.

"Jordan." He said casually with no emotion, like she didn't say anything to him.

"Perseus." She spat his name.

Piper looked to Annabeth and noticed she tensed.

"What did you say to make Lady Artemis angry? I have only seen her this angry a few times." Piper looked back to the figure in the silver trim cloak, Perseus, as he said that. His voice only had a hint of humor with no other emotion.

"Nothing." The girl, Jordan, stated, like she actually didn't say anything to anger Artemis.

"She disrespected your title." Artemis replied to his question.

Only now did Piper realize everyone had been silent, but, in a respectful manner to the boy in silver.

"Which one? You have to be more specific on the title, I have many." Perseus called to Artemis, causing the girl's in cloaks to scuff, minus the girl in the fiery red cloak.

Piper took note that he didn't say it in a arrogant tone, but, like it was a matter-of-fact.

"The last Guardian title. She said she is last Guardian." Artemis glared at the girl in royal blue. Then, Artemis quietly grumbled about how he has too many titles.

"Heard that." Perseus called back to Artemis, causing her to blush.

Piper was shocked that the Olympians didn't comment on it like it's happened before.

"Technically, you are not a Guardian. So, how can you be the last one." He said to Jordan.

"Technically, you should be dead. Actually, I heard you went for rebirth. How are you here?" Jordan asked harshly, but Piper heard an underline of curiosity.

"Jordan. Leave." Perseus said after a few silent moments.

"You can't tell me what to do." Jordan replied, acting like a child.

"You came here to warn Camp Half-Blood of the war. They know. Now. Leave." Perseus said in a deadly calm and menacing voice.

Piper shivered as that voice promised pain.

"Make me." Jordan challenged.

Piper thought Perseus would kill her, but, he leaned into her ear and said a few things, before pulling away.

Jordan grasped in anger, "When we win this war, the first Olympian to die is the moon goddess."

She turned and walked away.

"That's an 'if'." Perseus called out, almost amused.

Jordan, not stopping in her pace, starting screaming out in frustration and anger, before disappearing in the shadows.

The boy in the brown trim turned away too, before stopping and looking back at Perseus, "You, of all people, should know why this is happening. Good luck, Perseus." Then he disappeared in the shadows, as well.

Piper was confused on how the boy said it. It was like he was trying to help Perseus...

Perseus turned back around, "Go to the throne room." He instructed.

When no one moved, he yelled out, "NOW!!!"

The figures in cloaks scrambled around and left in the same lights they came in with.

"Lord Zeus, there will be a meeting in the throne room. Gather the leaders of both camps." Perseus said.

Zeus nodded.

Perseus turned to Artemis, and bowed, "Lady Artemis," before turning and leaving in silver light.

Leaving Piper confused, amazed, surprised, and with a sense of familiarity in the pit of her stomach.

1,501 words.

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