I did it for you...

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update the last couple of days, I've been very busy. Anyways, Enjoy!
"Well, that was boring," Samantha drawls, rolling her eyes as we head to lunch after math class.
"Oh my god, I know. I hate geometry..." I groan, tilting my head backwards to look at the ceiling, and tilting it forwards when I see Samantha shake her head at me, smirking.
I roll my eyes and continue walking. "So..who do you usually sit with at lunch?"
"Well..usually I just sit with my sister and her friends...but I'm not really friends with them, I'm just a tag along..."she rants in a quiet voice, looking at her feet, seeming embarrassed.
I consider this for a moment before asking, "Do you want to sit with my brother and I , and our friends?"
Samantha looks at me out of the corner of her eye, "I don't know...I'm a Soc. They might not want me around."
I'm about to reply when something catches my eye down the hallway. Johnny walks around the corner, clutching his books to his chest. The way he's walking is unusual...he's walking fast and keeps checking his shoulder. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, which Samantha notices, and gives me a questioning look. I wave it off, but am still searching my mind for a reason why Johnny would be acting this way. It all clicks when we are about thirty feet from him, and two burly Soc's come bounding around the corner, following Johnny and laughing.
One of the Soc's, a ginger, goes right up behind Johnny, and shoves him into the wall. Johnny goes flying, being as small as he is, and he books and papers litter the floor around him. I freeze in place, not sure what to do and scared for Johnny. He got beat up by some Socs a couple of months ago, and they scared him real bad. Even now, I can tell that he is terrified, just by the look in his eyes, when he searches for me in the crowd and we lock eyes.
Johnny stands, but the other Soc, a blonde, is immediately on him. He snickers, as he spots the slightly purple bruise on Johnny's forehead, from where him and Sodapop had smacked heads this morning. He shoves Johnny, not with much force, more just to aggravate him. "What's wrong with you, Cade? Huh? Did Daddy beat you up again?" He jeers.
What? Was that just a coincidence, or does he somehow know about Johnny's home life? I thought that only the gang knew about that...although, I guess sometimes he can't hide the bruises and cuts on his face. You can only make so many excuses without people getting suspicious...
Johnny's eyes widen slightly in shock, but he quickly corrects himself. "Leave me alone," he says gruffly.
"Oh yeah, Grease? And what if we don't?" The ginger sneers, shoving him again. "You can't go cry to your Mommy, cuz' we all know that she don't give a hang about ya."
Ouch. I can tell that that comment really hurt Johnny, even through the mask that he puts up to shield others from his true emotions. At the far end of the hallway I spot Ponyboy, Two-bit, and Steve, frozen to the spot as well. I doubt they can actually hear what is being said, but I can.
"Shut up and leave me alone." Johnny says, in a surprisingly calm voice.
The gingers eyes blaze with anger. "What'd you say?! Shut up? Leave you alone? Well guess what Grease, I am no where near done!" Then he winds up and punches Johnny straight in the face. The crowd that is now gathered around the scene breaks the previous silence and begins to yell and scream.
Johnny falls to the ground, but the other Soc yanks him up and punches him too, and then let's him fall again. For a brief moment, we lock eyes. I can see the pain and fear in his eyes, and that's what snaps me out of my daze. Poor Johnny already deals with enough abuse at home, he shouldn't have to deal with it at school as well.
Eyes blazing, I start to sprint down the hallway towards him.
"Elena?! What are you doing?!" Samantha screeches, "Who even is that?!"
"My best friend!" I scream, not looking back.
I sprint forwards, pushing trough the crowd, trying to reach my...best friend. Damn, Elena, now is NOT the time to be thinking about that! Get to Johnny, stupid!
I see Ponyboy, Two-bit, and Steve also pushing their way through the crowd. However, I am a lot closer, and will definitely make it there first.
When I'm five feet away from them I push the last person between us out of the way and stop. Furious with the two Socs, I yell, "Leave him alone!!"
The ginger one whirls around to face me, the fire in his green eyes matching the fire in my own. He shoves me away from him, smirking. "Get outta here, Greaser. We're not done with him."
I just plant my feet and glare at him. Man, if looks could kill...
"Hey, you better leave or you'll be next!" He booms, full out pushing me this time.
"Lay off 'er!" Johnny screams. The blonde Soc kicks him hard in the ribs. Johnny groans, closes his eyes and clenches his teeth.
"STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I scream, furious.
"And if we don't?"
Having had enough of this, I wind up, and punch the guy in the face as hard as my body will allow. Taken aback, he stumbles backwards, so I sweep his legs out from underneath him. His head smacks off of the floor and he clenches his teeth in pain. I don't like to see people in pain, but that honestly felt good.
I look up at the blonde Soc, readying myself to defend against a swing, but nothing is forthcoming. The blonde is just staring at his friend, dumbfounded, as if he doesn't believe what is happening. I wouldn't either, if I was him. Suddenly, his eyes lift to mine and he actually looks slightly scared. He yanks his friend up from the floor, and makes a beeline out of here.
I want to talk to Johnny, make sure he's alright, but I don't want to do it in front of a crowd...As if on que, Two-bit, Ponyboy, and Steve push through to the front of the crowd. "Alright y'all can go back to your own boring lives now." Two-bit says to the crowd, whom are now silent once again.
I turn to Johnny, and kneel down in front of him on the ground, at the foot of the lockers, and rest a hand on his shoulder."Hey, Johnny. Are you alright?" I ask him, he looks pretty shaken up.
He flinches at my unexpected touch, but then relaxes once he realizes who it is. Johnny turns his head to look at me, eyes still full of fear, and let's out a shaky breath. "Y-yeah. I-I'm okay," he says, running a hand through his hair. I don't quite believe him, but I know that he doesn't want to talk about it, so I drop it.
"Alright." I respond, giving him a soft smile.
Me and Ponyboy, who is at my side also, help Johnny up, after scaling all of his papers up ofF of the ground. He tries to be quiet, but ends up hissing in pain. "Sorry," I mutter. "Damn Socs."
"S'alright. I'm not hurt that bad, really. You don't need to worry about me." He murmurs, staring at his filthy converse. Suddenly, his dark eyes are staring into my own, as he says softly, "Thanks for helping me with those Socs. You didn't really have to do that, you know."
I rest my hand on his shoulder once more. "Oh, come on Johnnycakes. You know I would help you. I couldn't just stand there and let them hurt you. I had to do something..."
"Yeah," Steve breaks in, "but we didn't expect you to punch him."
"Not that he didn't deserve it tho!" Two-bit chimes in, punching my shoulder playfully.
"Now, that's my kid sister!" Pony exclaims.
"We're the same age!" I say loudly, rolling my eyes at my twin.
"Yeah, yeah. But I'm still proud of you for standing up for Johnny." Pony says. I smile at him. "Although...it didn't really surprise me."
"Why?" Johnny asks.
"Erm.." Pony mumbles, smirking at me, "it just doesn't."
"Ponyboy!" I yell, shoving him teasingly.
"What?" He asks, innocently.
I look over at Johnny, who looks just as confused as Two-bit, and Steve. Just then, Samantha walks over. "Are you alright?" She asks Johnny.
He just nods, raising an eyebrow at me afterwards, as if asking me who she is. "Guys, this is Samantha Valance. She's a Soc, but she's very nice, and we are friends. I told her she could sit with us at lunch, if it's alright with you guys."
They size her up, but I know that they all size her up right when a mumble of assent comes from the four of them. Samantha smiles at me, and then at the four of them.
"So, hello there, Samantha. I'm Two-bit, the funny one." He says, wiggling his eyebrows.
"I can tell," Samantha giggles. "You give me that impression."
"Do I now? Well, let me tell you..." Two-bit goes on and on. Cracking jokes, wiggling his eyebrows, just being good Ol' Two-bit. Two-bit and Samantha start heading towards the cafeteria, with Steve and Pony now far behind them.
I walk with Johnny over to his locker, which is just down the hallway. "Thanks again, Elena. You're are great friend to have, but just one question. Why'd you do it?"
"I did it for you, Johnny." I admit softly.
"Oh..." He blushes.
I smile, he looks cute when he blushes. "Come on, let's go."
And with Johnny at my side, my arm slung around his shoulders, we head off to lunch.
A/N: So...how was it? Did you guys enjoy it? I hope you did so please leave some comments. Anyways, next update will hopefully be soon, but maybe not because I am super busy this week. Until next time then! :)

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