Daniel's First Whole Saturday With Tsubaki.

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The next morning...
I woke up early and found all my things from the hotel in my new room already arranged in perfect ways. I smiled at it and got ready for school. I showered and changed from the pajamas I was wearing and into my clean uniform. I also noticed on my briefcase that was ready for the school day I saw a pale white/red rose with a note. 'Give this to your girl. -Uncle Luciano.' I smiled as he always looked out for me.
I grabbed the briefcase and rose and headed downstairs and headed to school a little early.

"So how's it going between you and Daniel, Tsubaki?" Sona asked.
"It's going really well." Tsubaki told her honestly.
"Good to hear. But I sense there's something else." She looked from the proposed plans and backups for Open House which was just a short two weeks away to Tsubaki who stood to her right. "I'd really like to hear what's bothering you."
Tsubaki looked at Sona and told her, "I'd really like to have the opprotunity to sleep with Daniel like an overnight stay."
"I see. Well I guess you and him did get the sour end of the deal. I like seeing how happy you are when you see him and I believe that once Open House is over. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to stay overnight with Daniel."
"Thank you mistress." Tsubaki said with a grin.

I arrived at school before eight o'clock and headed to a nice quiet spot in the courtyard. I sat with my legs crossed and closed my eyes sitting quietly as I focused on the Tempus Gauntlet and the Staff of Kronos. More less why I was able to use such powerful items since my family never mentioned either one.
About three minutes into my meditation Tsubaki found me and approached me. When she got within fifteen feet of me my eyes opened and I stood up and smiled. "Morning love."
"Morning Daniel." Tsubaki kissed me and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Mmm. I got some good news. Sona will agree to let me stay overnight with you whenever I want but only after Open House." She grinned.
"That is good news princess." I reached behind her ear and pulled the pale white/red rose. "For you my dear."
"Oh, Daniel. It's beautiful thank you."
"Just like you and your welcome." She smiled as she held the rose in her hands and looked at me with blush filling her cheeks. I have to admit she looked more beautiful and adorable with  not only the rose but also the blushing smile. We sat on a bench not too far from where I was meditating. I took off my jacket I had put on from habit before leaving Issei's manor and laid it on the bench so Tsubaki wouldn't feel cold stone under her as she sat down. I sat next to her and she leaned into me as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. I loved how she felt safe and sound around me or with me. I felt the same with her.
Before too long I held my left hand over the rose and the tempus gauntlet appeared momentarily and a ring appeared around the rose.
"That should keep the rose perfect for a very long time baby." I smiled and kissed her forehead. Tsubaki looked up at me and smiled.
"Thank you. And I can't wait to go out with  you tomorrow."
"Neither can I. And even though I can't wait for it. I know better than to use the gauntlet to fast forward to our day together."
"Well I have a few questions pertaining to your gauntlet and the Staff but I'll wait until after school tonight."
"That would certainly explain as to why you didn't freak out when my gauntlet appeared."
"I had a small chat with Akeno early this morning before I found you here."
"Once again that explains it and it sounds like I need to thank her." I stood up as did Tsubaki. "Well we better head to our respective classes before the bell rings."
"Very true. You have a good day baby." She smiled and kissed me.
"I will." I smiled and kissed her cheeks, lips and hands. "I'll see you after school my darling."
"I look forward to it honey." As she walked away I felt another presence around me and it wasn't one I recognized from any point of my arrival or life here in Kuoh City. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen but I just didn't know when.

School went rather well and when, Xenovia, Asia, Issei, Kiba, Koneko and myself headed to the ORC clubhouse. Once we arrived Tsubaki and Sona were there. Rias and Akeno smiled as I looked to both them and Sona and Tsubaki. "What's going on?" I asked.
"Well it seems Daniel that Sona has agreed to giving you and Tsubaki the freedom to sleep together at least four nights a week." Rias said.
"I knew most of it but I was told that it wouldn't go into effect until after Open House." I told Rias.
"That is true." Sona piped up.
"Tsubaki darling. What do you think?"
She approached me and slid next to me as I wrapped my left arm around her. "I think that it will work baby. At least for now."
"What's the catch Sona?" I knew better than to trust a nice perfect offer at face value.
"There's no catch Daniel. I see how Tsubaki is around you. How happy you make her and she's become more efficient with her assignments." Tsubaki smiled as she hugged me closer to her.
"It's only been a day or two but I get the point."
"By the way Daniel, Sona and Tsubaki would like to know more about your Tempus Gauntlet and Staff of Kronos."
"Okay. I just barely understand how the gauntlet works and how I was able to summon the staff. But I will try and tell you what I know so far."
"That's okay darling." Tsubaki smiled. I followed them to the Student Council building and got put through the twenty questions. Once  that was done. I looked to Tsubaki.
"Well, I think we can work with what you told us Daniel." Sona said.
"Very well Sona. I'm sure you and Tsubaki have a few more things to do before it get's too late."
"Actually I'm pretty certain that I can get Saji to help me with the rest of this. Tsubaki why don't you go with him and I'll see you tomorrow morning. But remember two hours only starting from when you enter the house."
"Yes Mistress." Tsubaki created a transportation circle and we both walked through it. Which surprised me since I wasn't part of Sona's home but Rias'. We were taken directly to my room. "Lay down lover." She said with a wide grin. "Don't worry I won't do anything lewd or racy with you until after Open House." She giggled.
"Sounds fair." She started her timer and she laid next to me and we talked about Open House and what we could possibly do for our date tomorrow. She really warmed up to the possibility of going to the mall, getting something to eat and even go to a movie. But I made sure she was the one that chose the movie and place to eat. The remainder of the time we planned on walking around the park and sitting near the fountain.
She looked so beautiful as she temporarily took off her glasses then mine. She laid her head on my chest after putting our glasses in the headboard cubby. I hummed Johnny Cash's 'Hurt'. She smiled as I gently glided my right hand through her hair.
"Ohh. That feels so good baby." She yawned and giggled.
"Just like your kisses and cuddles Tsubaki dear." I grinned.
"Ohh. Your such a sweetheart." She looked up at me and kissed me. When her timer ran out she got our glasses from the headboard cubby and put hers on first and put mine on last. "Well, I better get going. See you tomorrow morning darling say, ten?"
"Absolutely." I smiled and hugged her and once again kissed her cheeks, hands and lips. "Goodnight princess."
"Goodnight baby." She summoned a transportation circle and walked through it. After the circle vanished I started working on homework.

After homework was done I put it back in my briefcase and got ready for bed. But I felt that presence again and decided to go for a late night jog instead an see who or what it was. And after I got to the forested area near the school...
"Alright whoever you are. Come out because this little shadow game crap is getting old." I said making the Tempus gauntlet appear on my arm.
"There's no need to be violent about it Son." Said my father. Wilhelm Rossi.
"Dad. I thought I made my postition very clear to mom."
"Oh. You did. And I respect that. But you are my son as well." I sighed and groaned.
"Why can't you guys just leave me alone. I left Italy to get away from family politics. And age long dead rivalries that I'm sure not even you remember the reason for."
"I'm not like your mother. And I applaud you leaving Italy for that reason. Look son. I'm not here to try and pressure you into anything. I'm actually happy to see that your doing well away from the family."
"That's a first."
"So whose the girl you were with earlier today and this evening."
"What's it to ya, dad?"
"I'm just curious about someone my son seems to like."
"Uh huh. You just want to know so you can use her as leverage against me."
"Not true."
"How do I know that your telling the truth pop. I can't even remember the last time you were honest with me or even Uncle Luciano."
"Point taken." He frowned. "Look son. I'm really happy for you. In fact I'm here to tell you that my side of the family is going to leave you alone. But your mother told your cousin Vincenzo where to find you."
"I'm guessing he still hates me for telling his ex-girlfriend(s) the truth about what he was doing with them and to them secretly."
"You'd be correct in that assumption."
"Well, if your being sincere about leaving me alone finally. Then I'll keep an eye out for Vincenzo."
"Aren't you going to tell your new friends?"
"Not unless I have to pop. I don't want them put in any danger because of me."
"Hmm. Well, I think your making a mistake in not telling them. But, it is your decision." He turned to walk away.
"Pop?" He turned back towards me. "I just wanted to say that I appreciate your honesty with me and I'm sorry that I turned my back on the Family. But I just got tired of it all."
"It's okay, Daniel. I wish I had your courage when I was younger." He smiled. He approached me. "If there's one thing I don't regret. Is having you as my son."
"What do you mean pop?"
"Daniel. My marriage to your mother was an arranged one. I actually loved someone else but the family as you know can be pretty domineering even use guilt like a finely honed scalpel at times." I nodded. "I'm just glad to see something good came out of it. Possibly the only thing. You." He hugged me and I slowly hugged him back.
"Hey, pop. If your in town still tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to meet my girlfriend?" I asked nervously since I wasn't sure what to expect from my father.
"Absolutely." He smiled.
"Good. Well I best head back home. See you later pop." I started jogging away and he smiled with pride as he now had an open dialogue with me that one day might lead to patching up our for lack of a better word wrecked father/son relationship.

Once I got home I changed into my sleepwear and got into bed and fell fast asleep. But I couldn't help but wonder why my mother would tell Cousin Vincenzo where I was. The only reason I could come up with was that she didn't like what I had to say on the matter of leaving Italy, Family Politics and age dead grudges. Especially the long dead grudge between the Rossi's/Sitri's/Gremory's. Anyone else would have turned her down from what I remembered of my family if she asked them to 'convince' me to return to Italy or at least end the 'grudge' with the Sitri's and Gremory's. And what my dad told me just cemented that belief that the Rossi Family would leave me alone from now on.
However, my mother has nor will ever be a fan of being told no when she asks for something. Which is why I think she told Vincenzo where to find me. Aside from the fact he's hated me since I told his eight girlfriends the truth as to how he was juggling them, using them and would eventuallly leave them for younger models as it were. He was sent to stay with family in Polermo, Sicily since then. He's also the families resident sociopath. Which is why I'm afraid for my friends lives, but more importantly. Afraid for my girl Tsubaki's life. If I were to lose her. I'm not sure what I'd do. Possibly execute or initiate the oldest rule of the La Cosa Nostra.
Blood for blood. Which in essence means if Tsubaki was to be killed by Vincenzo or hurt by him in any way. I'd kill him and then go after my mother.
Either way, I have to keep this to myself if I don't want anyone harmed by Vincenzo. I hope they will forgive me.

When I woke up the next morning, I immediately got changed into some nice and clean clothes, red/black button up shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, a leather jacket my Uncle gave me upon leaving Italy and I made sure my hair was combed back. I headed out to the front of the house and Tsubaki was already out front wearing a nice blue topaz t-shirt, some white shorts and red, blue and white sneakers.
"Morning Princess." I smiled.
"Morning Baby." Tsubaki slid into my arms and I kissed her forehead and she lifted her head and with her right hand behind my head pulled me in for a kiss. After we pulled away from each other, she wrapped both her arms around my left arm and we started our official full day together. "Where we going first baby?"
"I thought we'd go to the movie first or at least get something to eat then head to the movie and go shopping at the mall after that."
"Sounds perfect. Then we can go walk around the park at night and just have a romantic cuddle session at the fountain." I smiled and nodded.
It was an amazing Saturday for us. We went to an Italian restaurant, which I found really touching since she was the one in charge of picking the restaurant and the movie, as for the film it was a nice romantic comedy that I would later find out that she's always wanted to see. After the movie we went to the mall and looked around and shopped at some stores. While at a book store...
"Hey, Daniel!" My father yelled.
"Whose that baby?" Tsubaki smiled.
"It's a surprise. Come on." Me and Tsubaki approached him. "Hey pop." Tsubaki started blushing and fidgeting with her glasses.
"Daniel. So you must be his girlfriend?" He asked her.
"Y-y-yeah." She stammered.
"Tsubaki Shinra meet my father. Wilhelm Rossi." I said kinda late but it was finally said and out of the way.
"Well, Daniel. You never told me she was drop dead gorgeous." My dad said laying it on thick.
"Well." Tsubaki blushed at my dads compliment. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Rossi."
"Oh, goodness. I hate that mister or sir stuff. Please call me Either Wil or Wilhelm."He said smiling. I never knew my father could be a good guy and a jerk at the same time.
"Okay." She grinned. As much as I hated how my father was being an impromptu 'player' which is not in his nature especially since he knew he was only meeting Tsubaki. I couldn't help but be happy that he and Tsubaki were getting along.
"So what are you two up to today?" He asked.
"Oh just a day together. And so far we're having fun." I said. Tsubaki nodded in agreement.
"Alright. Is my son here treating you well?" He asked her.
"Oh yes. In fact ever since we met he's been nothing short of the perfect gentleman."
"Excellent. Well I better head back to Italy. See you around." Dad left and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Well, now that my overacting father is gone. Let's continue on our day together. Shall we?" I asked as Tsubaki nodded.
We went to an antique store, artists studio and while we were there I asked the artist if I could paint a portrait of someone important in my life. He agreed and I handed him two hundred dollars. Tsubaki looked around as I painted the portrait and once it was finished which was an hour later. I took the portrait and thanked the artist for allowing me to paint it. Tsubaki approached me and I showed her the portrait. It was her. "Oh, baby. That's so sweet." She hugged me and we continued to look around the mall for another twenty minutes then as night started to fall we headed to the park and walked around it until we reached the fountain. We sat on the edge of the fountain and I put down the portrait and the shopping bags from the book store and antique shop. "I had a lot of fun today." Tsubaki smiled.
"As did I, Princess." I held her close as we looked up at the moon and stars. After a little while, I looked at her and she looked at me and we kissed like we just woke up from a long slumber. She smiled as she pulled away first and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck.
"Mmm, I love you Daniel Boyce."
"And I love you Tsubaki Shinra." I grinned. At about ten thirty we got up and gathered our purchases and headed to Issei's manor. Once there we headed directly to my room. Where I put all the stuff away in the closet but the portrait I hung up in place of a flower still life. After that, Tsubaki and I slid into, well more less onto bed and held each other close and cuddled for the remainder of our time together for the day.
The day went perfectly. But like most things it had to come to an end. Tsubaki's phone went off at twelve thirty and she sighed.
"Well, regardless as to how it sucks that I have to go. I had fun today, and meeting your father was rather unexpected." She smiled.
"Yeah. He's not one you can meet. You have to, 'experience', my father." I smiled as she giggled.
"Well, I had fun today. I hope we can have more days like today."
"As do I." She kissed me and stood up and I followed suit. She created a transportation circle and turned to me. "See you this afternoon?" She smiled as she asked.
"Wild dogs couldn't keep me from seeing you, Princess."
"Good." She giggled. "Oh, I haven't even left yet and already I miss you."
"I know the feeling." I said as I kissed her cheeks, hands and lips. "I love you."
"I love you too." She smiled as she kissed me before stepping into the circle and vanishing.
"Ohh, I'm one lucky man." I got changed into my sleepwear and then a knock came to my door. "Come in." I said. The door opened and Rias came in.
"Hey, Daniel."
"Hey, Rias." I smiled.
"So, I take it your day with Tsubaki went well?"
"Yeah. We had a blast." Rias noticed the portrait of Tsubaki I did hanging above the bed.
"Oh that's nice. Where was that done?"
"At an artists studio in the mall?"
"Who did it?" She asked.
"I did."
"Wow, I didn't know you had an artists touch." She giggled and smiled.
"Ha, ha, ha. No. My mother was very adament that I was taught the ways of the old Rennaisance Masters. So she had me learn at the foot of every artist that was an expert of the old masters styles and strokes."
"Hmm. That's still very good. Reminiscent of Michaelangelo or Botacelli."
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Well, I better let you get to bed. Just wanted to check in and see how your day with Tsubaki went."
"I understand Rias. Night."
"Goodnight." She left my room and once my glasses were placed in the headboard cubby. I turned the light off and when I looked at my nightstand and saw a V on the lampshade in glow in the dark marker. My cousin's calling card. Something I always thought or knew he took from 'V For Vendetta'.
I got angry almost instantly and knew that if I didn't nip this Vincenzo and mother problem in the bud soon. I'd be most definitely either forced to tell Rias and the others including Tsubaki which I dreaded because I didn't want her in any danger or just up and vanish. And since I had no intention of leaving Tsubaki out of the blue or at all. I was determined that one way or the other to make my mother call off Vincenzo or just kill my cousin before it got too bad that I'd have to bring in my friends and girlfriend.
I fell asleep not long after, but I just couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes. I'd see Vincenzo taking apart my friends, or killing or holding Tsubaki at knife point with the knife held roughly to her throat. I tossed and turned for the remainder of the night. Not getting a wink of sleep if any. With all sorts of nightmarish visions of what Vincenzo would do to my friends or my girl if I brought them in on what's going on. I eventually was able to get at least three hours worth of sleep and surprisingly woke up refreshed.

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