14:lets talk to daddy

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"Go on then im listening." Daddy says looking at me.

"Well...daddy I-I just want to tell you.....I-have-fallen-in-love-with-someone!!" I say as fast as possible there was a long pause. I look up at him and freeze he had one of the most angry looks I had ever seen.

"WHAT WAS THAT!!" He screamed he stood up and pushed the papers off his desk I took a step back.

"D-daddy why are you so mad this was gonna happen eventu-" I was cut off by him grabbing my wrist and storming out of his office pulling me behind him.

"THERE IS NO WAY YOU ARE IN LOVE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW THE MEANING! NO ONE IS WORTHY OF MY PUMPKIN!" he yelled as he went to my room and tossed me in I thudded to the ground and looked up shocked at the amount of anger he showed towards me. He slammed the door and I herd it click as he locked it. "You are grounded untill you put this whole love thing aside!" He said sounding a bit more calm. I could hear his foot steps fade down the stairs to the first floor of the warehouse. I sat for a moment awestruck that he yelled at me and even more shocked that he tossed me and locked me im my room. As I sat there I started to feel anger building up inside me. Tippy who had been asleep got us and came over to me I picked her up and huged her

"He cant keep treating me like a child." I say aloud. "I am old enough to try and love someone!" I say angrily. I over look at my window and open it checking to see if anyone was outside. The coast was clear. I grabbed my bags of weapons,threw some clothes along with my make up and money into the bag. "If he want to play hard ball. I can play hard ball." I grab some convers and walk over to my window holding tippy I look at my room befor taking a deep sigh I put my shoes on and jumping out onto the smaller warehouse next door I ran over the roof and jumped down grabbing a flag pole and flipping down to the ground tippy looked up at me staying silent most likely due to my anger. "Geez since when was dad so serious." I say in a mocking tone befor running off. I managed to find me,kat,and roses old hideout that no one knew about and pulled off the dusty cover that protected the bed I had used whenever we stayed here from getting dirty. We often told are parents that we were spending the night at Kats and her mom would vouch for us not caring much sich she knew we were able to handle anything together. I smile as I think about how much fun this place was. I layed down and placed my bag at the head of the bed and closed my eyes. "I wonder how this is gonna play out." I said as tippy curled beside me and we fell asleep.
I woke up and looked around. "Where am I?" I asked myself. I thought for a second and then remembered yesterday. the walk in the park,bruce talking with me, and daddy....daddy got mad and locked me in my room, and I ran away.

"This isnt gonna be good. " I said running my hand through my hair and looking at tippy who was sleeping. I jumped out of bed and cleaned a dusty mirror off and opened a old pack of make up remover. I grabbing a wipe and wiped away my make up and put my hair into a ponytail. I grabbing some black shorts, and a red shirt from my bag and put them on.

"I cant hide here forever." I say looking in the mirror. I got up and grabbed my bag, picked tippy up gently and walked out of the hideout. It was near the water under the Gotham bridge and could be sealed of with a big vine rose had grown a while back all you had to do was be us and pat the vine and it would move. I patted the vine and it covered up the entrance. I walked arround and stopped by a pet store to buy a dog carrier to hide tippy in i made my way into the city people kept chattering about how joker had taken over the news station in search of his daughter who had run away. I quickly ran to the center of the city to see the big screen t.v. that the news station controlled and was not shocked to see my dad on the giant t.v.

"I want anyone who knows where she is to bring her to me! I am even willing to pay you! Alice! If you can hear me you better come home now! Ohh you are in so much trouble! If the whereabouts of my ace of heart isnt found by midnight I will blow up this build!" He said ranting angrily I could see Harley in the back holding her gun at a bunch of people who I assume work there. They all had there hands tied behind the back and were gagged.

"Oh man cant he just let me grow up." I mumbled walking away befor I was noticed. "I cant let him do this....what would bruce think if I didn't do anything and let these people die...I bet he wouldn't let me and zach see each other." I looked up and saw a costume store close by. "There is only one thing to do" i say as a smirk creeps across my face.

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