29:operation start fix Alice

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After dragging us both in, Father shoves Zach down on the couch and Harley walks in.

"Oh Wayne's boy came to visit? I'll make cookies." She says smiling and skips to the kitchen.

"So you were about to kiss my daughter? Although that may be a problem the only boy allowed to date her is Robin!" My dad says waving a finger around in Zach's face

"What?" I yell confused. Either my dad wants a super son in law or he is just over protective.

"He is the only one that has been able to revive your memories Alice!" My dad says looking at me

"I've what?" Zach says jumping up from the couch only to be shoved back down.

"Not you, I'm talking about robin!" My dad says rolling his eyes with a exaggerated smile.

I looked at Zach and see a look of realization claim his face. I realized exactly what he was about to do, right as my mother walked in he said it.

"Well......don't tell my dad.....but I'm Robin." There was a long pause and my mom dropped a batch of burnt cookies on the floor. Then they both started laughing my eyes Widen a bit surprised from their reaction.

"Don't laugh it's true! I skip out on all my dad's private lessons and work with batman!" He protests I try to remember if that's true or not but can't.

"Oh then prove it. Harley test him!" My dad says with a snap. My mom instantly flips over trying to land with a kick against him but Zach swiftly flipped back off the couch and landed smirking.

"That was impressive but anyone could do that." Dad says before looking at me. "Your up pumpkin."

I look up at Zach and he gives me a encouraging nod.

"Don't hold back on me k Ace." He says with a wink. I smile and nod back.

I do a cart wheel and flip behind him tripping him but he catches himself and grabs my arm flipping me over into my back.

"Ow....not holding back are you bird brain?" I say with a giggle.

"Not even for a second princess." He says helping me up

"Ok ok I believe you stop flirting in front of me before I cut out your tongue." My dad says glaring at Zach. "So your the boy wonder....Not what I was expecting." My dad looked him up and down.

"What can I say....being the perfect billionaire boy was boring.....I meet him one night and he seemed to need help. Things happened.....so....about....me and alice?" Zach asks still holding my hand from when he helped me up.

"......hmmm I think I have a plan, first." He looks Zach straight in the eyes. "How much do you love my daughter what are you willing to do just to be with her, for her." He sounds so serious I see Zach match that seriousness.

"as long as it will help her I will do anything for her....I love her more then anything in the world....more than anyone In the world." Zach replies holding my hand tighter as if showing me how much truth is in what he says.

"...good, I am going to need you to quit working for Batman....your going to be joining the dark side....it doesn't haft to be forever but it might just help get her memories back. She seems to remember things cause of you." My dad smiles "What do you say Zach?"

Zach looks at me and then nods.

"For her I will.....she became Batgirl for me once....and it didn't end well then, maybe if I join her team it will be better." Zach looks up determined

"Pudd'in will he work with us?" Mom asks.

"I would assume so." Dad says.

"I'll stay with My mom for now.....you...um should know her....Selena Kyle....." Zack says with awkward smile.

"W-WHAT!?!" My mom yells "Selena and Bruce Wayne hooked up!?"

"Uh....yeah Kat...is my big sister although once he found out about her career he said the relationship could never be more than what it was. I can stay with her." Zach smiles and joker gives an approving nod.

"I like him a bit more now." My dad says to my mom.

"Well I'm gonna go pack up some stuff. I'll drop by later tonight." Zach turns and kisses my cheek before running back to the exit.

"I'll work on a costume idea for you!" I yell happily as he runs out.

"Good kid." Joker says smoothly with a smile.


I quickly run home making my way through the somewhat lit streets as the sun was setting. I made it back before dark and ran to my room pulling out a suit case from under my bed and filling it up with clothes a few utilities and my robin mask.

"This should be enough. Oh tippy!" Alfred had grown fond of Tippy since alice left and tried to keep her happy.

But without alice she seemed always sad she wouldn't even talk. At first we assumed her communication collar was broke but after looking at it we found that wasn't the case.

I pick up my suit case and go to Alice's room where tippy stayed and open the door I see her head lift up excited but fall back once she realized it wasn't Alice.

"Come on Tippy we are going to see Alice." With that said she wagged and jumped down dashing over to me.

"Mommy is ok yay I miss her so much!" Her voice box said

"Shhh yes she is but keep quiet we don't want wake any of my brother's." I said quietly backing up. Tippy came out of the room quietly and I turned to shut it I see my father at the end of the hall staring at my suit case.

"What are you doing Zach?" He said walking closer.

"I'm going to stay with mom.....I found Alice....and joker said I have been triggering her memories....I wanna stay near her." I say feeling a bit awkward.

"You can't stay with your mother you barley even know her!" My dad says looking into my eyes with nothing but a serious stair.

"I'm going and that's that." I turned and walked out with tippy following close behind. I made it to my mom apartment and knocked on the door the wait for the door to open seemed to be forever but when it did I saw my mom looking at me there was a pause and then she smiled softly.

"Lemme guess you need a place to stay?" She says opening the door letting me walk in she frowned as tippy followed. "I see her pet is with you please say it wont be staying."

"No I'm taking her to Alice in a sec.....you ok with me appearing like this.....I Don't want to be in the way" I ask looking back at her.

"Nonsense I'm just glad you used the door instead of the window, besides I always assumed you would come even if it's for a little while." She motioned for me to follow her. We walked down a hallway past a room labeled "kat" and she opened what seemed to be a guest room. "You can stay here. Oh and try to get along with your sister I'm going out make yourself comfortable." She turned to leave and frowned seeing Tippy sitting by the door to the room sniffing one of my moms cat's. She picked the cat up petting it.

"Don't worry I'm taking her over to Alice's right now I'll be back in a bit. I'll pick up some food for me and Kat since you'll be out." I pick up tippy and head out past my mom.

"How sweet well I'm gonna go suit up." She said going into what I assume is her room.

I walk over to Alice's with tippy in my arms and knock on the warehouse.


I sit in my room I had been given after Dr.Brooke announced I was a successful experiment they said I could stay with them. The room had a strange vibe there were cuffs hanging in the living room area although they don't seemed to be used much and all the furniture was bolted down. I didn't mind though they helped me train and let me go and come whenever I pleased.

I hear a knock at the door and get up answering it I smile seeing Damien carrying a bag. He and I become something like friends since the experiment a few days ago or at least I like to think so.

"Hey Gabby. Here Dr.Brooks bought you some clothes she asked me to bring them to you. I swear she thinks she is your mom." He says in a annoyed tone as always.

"Thanks, so any training today?" I ask holding the bag

"No I'm helping deal with the Ace of Heart problem today not sure why bit I just got the message." He says running his hands through his hair.

As I hear him talk about her a dark shadow fades out of my hands as I glair.

"You have something to do with her?" I ask in a low tone

"Yeah I'm fighting against her......she broke and we need to fix her but she makes something in me wake up when I see her." He says ignoring my shadows.

"Oh.....I can relate.....if only I could do something to avenge my farther....." I say my shadows fading.

"Well I haft to go see you later Freckles." He says with a short wave my face blushes slightly.

"Don't call me Freckles!" I say with a sigh I noticed the bag of clothes had fallen over and a grey and black mask with horns had fallen out and a small note with it.

Dear Gabby

Don't let the Grouch know this came from me I told him I bought you some underwear so hopefully he didn't peek. Here is a suit specially for you. My little Shadow Demon.

I look down at the bag and see what seems to be a long sleeve coat the front stopping above my stomach and the back draping down near my ankles, some long black thigh high boots, white gloves and some shorts.

"A suit?" I paused and gasped. "I can go after Alice!" I smile and grin almost evil as my shadows leak out ominously.


I sigh sitting on the couch doodling, I was in a some shorts and a tank top with my hair in a towel after washing off all that make I decided to draw a bit I ended up drawing more ideas for Zach's costume. I hear a knock at the door and get up from the couch to answer it I smile seeing Zach carrying a dog in his arms as she leaped up into my arms another flash of my memory appear and I see me and Zach looking for her chasing my parents down to get her.

"T-Tippy! My sweet baby!" I hug her and smile as she responds by licking my cheek.

"Mommy I missed you!" She says wagging hyper.

"You remember her?" Zach asks surprised.

"I didn't until she jumped at me, I remember me and you looking for her once." I smile and kiss his cheek. "Oh I have a few idea's for your new name. How about jester, or chuckles, oh oh or my personal favorite the Ace of Spades." I smile looking at him and he chuckles.

"I think Ace of Spades is my favorite to." He says smiling.

"Good to hear boy." We turn and see my father holding a white and black costume. With a special made spade utility belt. "Cause I already picked up your costume hehe." He walks closer handing Zach the suit. "Go on try it on Zach."

Zach nods and I point to my room for him to change.

"So a utility belt?" I say raising a brow grinning softly.

"What can I say they seem to suit him" my dad cackles

Not much later Zach walks out dressed up in the suit.

"Not very flashing and no cape, but it's comfortable and easy to move in. Hope you don't mind but with the lack of mask I recycled my old one." Zach winks at me "what do ya think?"

"Looks good sorry its not very colorful." I say in a teasing tone.

"Well you two might want to take a night one the town get used to your new partnership, me And your mother are going to have a date night at penguins club." My dad waves us off as he leaves.

"I'll go suit up be right back." I say going to my room to change


I go out of the hiding with my costume in a bag I wasn't entirely sure where to find the Ace Of Hearts but if I needed it I would have it. I walked around alleys and past clubs, bars, and parties.

"Ugh I hate down town...." I sigh as I pass another bar and some guys come out spotting me.

"Wow what a cutie." One says to another in a black jacket.

"He yeah look at her freckles. Adorable." He replies I freeze in my steps and glair back at them.

"Adorable?" I pause and then smile. "Follow me for more adorable." I step quickly into an alley and they follow curiously they pause seeing my silhouette in the way I see them smile but it quickly fades as my hands releases more shadows and they come from my backs like tentacles wrapping around them.


Me and Zach swing through Gotham with one of the grappling hooks he kept with him. He only had one so he held me against him as we swing and I smiles hugging him.

"Comfortable?l Zach teased.

"Very. Oh down their I have a plan" I say pointing down at Jewellery store. Zach nodded and swung us safely down in front of the store.

"You were never one to go after jewelry why did this store catch your eye?" Zach asks raising a brow.

"Simple look in the window." I point showing an array of heart shape jewelry.

"Ah a personal call I see." He smirks as I smile sweetly.

"You know me so well." I pull out a cloth of a side bag I brought and place it against the window on the door and then punch in the glass the alarm goes off but we don't mind much. I reach my arm in and open the door.

"Nice trick I know some too." Zach walks through the door and pulled out what looked to be a laser pointer and drew a circle through the display case. "Me and Batman use this to get into buildings but it has other uses."

"It sure does." I say putting the jewelry in my bag.


After dealing with the pests I walked around for hours asking about The Ace Of Hearts but getting no response from anyone I sigh thinking it might be time to give up for the night when suddenly I heard a crash and a alarm go off l turned only to see her and another costume card. I glare and step into the shadow my darkness surrounding me as I change.

"Finally gonna talk face to face." I say as I finish changing I tie my mask on and run over I see her gathering the jewels both seeming to be distracted by each other.


As me and Zach talk I notice something move behind us, I turn around fast only to be punched in the face by what seemed to be a giant pitch black fist.

"Ace!?" Zach quickly turned and blocked the next hit as I get up I see a familiar girl wearing a mask that seemed to be controlling the shadows around her.

"Who the hell are you?" I say rubbing my head.

"Call me Shadow Demon And you Ace Of Hearts are my target!" She say pointing to me.

"Sorry to say but you'll haft to get through me to get to the heart of this team." Zach says with a smirk.

"And who might you be?" She asks annoyed.

"I'm Ace of Spades but you can just call me Spade, and I'm her boyfriend." He gets in a fighting stance.

"Well how is it dating a killer." Shadow Demon says with a harsh tone.

"Shut up." He said glaring ready to fight.

"Hold up Spade. I wanna hear her out. You don't just show up at a robbery and punch someone without a reason, so what's your reason scary shadow lady?" I say slinging the bag of jewels over my shoulder and looked at her with my red eyes, and a twisted smile.

"Heart...did you take your medicine today?" Spade says.

"Must have slipped my mind, I'll take it in a sec I brought it with me. Now Shadow Demon what brings you here?" I say focussing on her.

"You killed my father that night at the asylum....after saving me that day! How could you save one person just to kill another!?!?" She yells pointing at me. "I'm here for revenge for my father Dr.Shade!" As she yelled that shadows seemed to fly from her wrapping around me I laugh as they lift me up.

"Heart! Put her down!" Spade yelled pulling a extendable fighting baton from his belt and extending it out swinging it down breaking the through it,the shadow holding me poofs into the air and I fall landing on my feet.

"Hehe thanks for the help spade." I say standing up. "So your the girl I saved in the alley before you ran away from me pretty fast and now here you are chasing me and whats with those skills I doubt you had those before." I say walking closer my stair seeming to make her freeze for a moment.

"Back off."she pushed me back glaring. "Thanks to you my father is gone. If it wasn't for Damien I would have died somewhere probably." Zach and me look at each other.

"Damien? What does my brother haft to do with you?!" Spade yells shadow looked a bit confused

"It doesn't involve you." We hear right after Damien walks out dressed in his red hawk suit.

"Where is father?" Zach says.

"At a charity event he thinks I can handle this myself." He turns looking at shadow demon "what are you doing here dressed like that gabby?" She steps in front of her almost as if he was keeping her safe.

"It was a gift from the doctor she thought it matched my powers.....I want revenge against her." She says pointing at me.

"Well....that's going to be hard. Brother now tell me what your doing here dressed like that?" Damian says turning his attention to Zach.

"Oh he didn't tell you? I'm playing for the other team call me Ace of Spades. Seems you two know each other?" Spade says with a smirk.

"Yes this is gabby the missing girl I saved her and gave her to a doctor to keep her safe." He looks back at gabby. "Seems the doctor has become a bad influence.

"P-please don't be mad she killed my father!" She yells I roll my eyes and grin.

"You think your the only one with a dead parent. Don't get me wrong mine are kicking but still not all deaths can be avenged." I say with a soft chuckle

"You are sick!" The girl yells slipping past red hawk and tackling me only to be kicked over into a glass case chattering it. she laid in the shattered glass.

"Now that's wrong. You say "sick" like it can be cured." I pull out one of my pills and take it. Slowly feeling myself calm down. "It can be fixed but only temporarily, when I saved you the chemicals had just started to react turning me into this forever pale girl that stands before you." I hold my arms out as if I was displaying myself. "And unlike you I need no mask gabby." I say smiling

"Don't say my name!" She stands from the glass and her shadows leak from her back but Zach quickly kicked her over into the wall.

"Don't hurt Gabby or-" Damien pulled me to him and forced my head up by grabbing my pigtail. "This little heart will hurt."

"You can't use me against him." I knee Damian in a tender spot and he falls to the floor groaning.

"That's low...." He manages to say

"Yeah so is your IQ." I say with a soft chuckle. "Ok gabby as fun as this double date was we really need to go before the cops show up." I say waving as me and Zach make a run for it.

"Don't you run away from me!!" I hear gabby yell but as she started after us Damien grabbed her.

"I'll get them you get lost I don't need you here when the cops come." He says sternly


"Now gabby!" I hear as me and Zach climb up onto the roof tops.

After running a few blocks I turn back to see where Damien was only to have his grappling hook attach to the edge beside me.

"This way come on!" Zach grabbed my hand pulling me leaping over to a fire escape and climbing up near a lit building.

"Looks like a party going on." Zach says before pulling me against him. "Let's crash it." Right as Damien landed on our room and I pulled out my gun aiming at Zach leaped off the roof holding me safely as he caught a robe holding up a banner and swung us across as people gasped I looked down to see some sort of charity event.

"Uh oh dad." Zach says making eyes contact with a man I looked down seeing who it was and as soon as I see the man a memory flashes in my head of him in a cave dressed as batman without the mask a few memories of me dressed with the bat symbol follow.

"...Batman?" I say questionably.

"Another memory!?" Zach says smiling

"Yeah but we have other things to worry about." As Zach lets go of the rope landing on a far of roof top the banner falls and I notice Damien glaring as he runs through the crowd. "We are in the lead lets go." I say tossing a few smoke marbles down to make it harder for Damien to follow.

After what seemed like a marathon we had escaped back home at the ware house. Zach said his goodnighs and left to head home saying he had to pick up some food for Kat.

Later once I put up the jewels on my "pile" of stolen money and junk I washed my face and changed for bed. I sighed seeing my skin had become paler basically white I thought it was white before but now me and my father shared the same look, I paused before going to my dresser and trashing my white face make up. "Wont need that ever again." I yawn laying down as tippy curls up next to me and I drift off into a soft sleep.

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