31:what was lost is now found

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Me and Zach sigh wearing suits I could only describe as ninja suits.

"This is stupid." Zach complained

"It's what trainees where just put on the face cloth, here come this way" red says as we enter a alley there is no one around but a feeling of eyes present lingered.

After opening the door we walked through a dark hall and past a curtain my eyes widened as I saw the Ruby red walls that lined with gold it looked a bit familiar but at the same time like nothing I had seen,the long hallway had a black door at the end with the words lower level A meaning this must be built into the ground below.

"Okay his room is this way that's where you were, past that is the lab I can get is in but the walls are made of class so we will need to hurry your lucky I used to be dr.brookes helper." Red says as we follow him down another hall that intersected

I noticed a cracked door and paused making Zach and Red pause.

"That's his room gabby is staying there I think she must have left it open." He reached to close it but I grabbed his wrist and pressed the door open my eyes focusing on chains hanging from the wall.

"Jesus what the hell is that in his room for?!" Zach says before noticing my fixation on them. "He better not have..." he says glaring at the chains.

A image of me in a leotard with my arms shackled appears and my eyes shut tight.

".....seems he did." Red says with a sigh "c'mon we will know it all once we get to the lab we need to pass the training temple no one should be there so we are good for now but better hurry its only about an hour before the trainer comes to set everything up.

I take a breath and kid and we dash down the hall leaving the chains behind us fast. We make it to a lab with glass walls and machines placed here and there red runs over to one and start it up.

"Take off the face cloth and place these suctions on your temples. Zach bring over a chair she will need to sit the patient bed is put up." Me and Zach listen as Red switches another switch and turns to the computer.

As I sit Zach smiles at me.

"Soon you will remember...." he says kissing mu forehead.

"Ok I have it set to reverse the previous memory blocker but you will pass out Zach can carry you and if there is any trouble I will fight." Red smiles almost like a loyal knight willing to protect it's castle. "Okay its ready its gonna hurt." With that said I felt a horrible pain and within seconds fainted.


Almost immediately after it starts Alice passed out I looked at her concerned but tell myself it is fine.

"How long will this take?" I ask looking towards the glass walls looking into the ruby hall.

"Not long its almost done this baby works quick 2 more minutes tops." Red says preparing for the shut down.

"Okay good." I notice a shadow moving from far down the hall. "I see movement."

"Almost done." Red replies

The shadow slowly starts moving closer heading this way.

"How much longer?" I ask right after I hear the machine turn off.

"Done! grab her let's go." Red says

"Can we hide anywhere or are we running?" I ask lifting Alice's body

"You see anywhere to hide in a glass walled room? We are running c'mon!" Red opens the door for me and we run the man down the hall who's shadow we saw yelled and shouted for others to come.

We keep going till the black curtain is in view, a few people try to get close but red stopped each one. One man managed to pull off my face cloth but at that point hiding who I was didn't matter we passed the curtain running and opening to door to the alley and run past a black car I hear the door opens

"Zach!?" I turn just enough to see my brother looking shocked and then look at the open door a few people run out and Damian's eyes widen as he realizes what we did "you can't take her! not with her memory!" He say's I glare in response he had only confirmed more that he was behind this. we run dashing towards the club where red had said his car was. Damian never chased us but he never stopped the others. At this point I knew Damian was no hero.


I sigh exhausted I had gone to the doctors to check up on gabby and tell gabby about times she should go to the base to train I had drove back to the base and clenched the steering wheel irritated that she insisted on staying as shadow demon. Either way her powers will benefit me I turn off the car and to my surprise I hear a door slam against a wall as if thrown open. I see two...no three people two running and another passed out I quickly notice them running from the alley and past the front of my car, i jump out the car but freeze recognizing who they are, Red and my brother running and the poor mouse passed out in his arms. Her pale white skin making her look like a doll. Looking so frail but probably the most deadly doll if I ever knew one.

"Zach!?" I say surprised surely this is a coincidence them running from the alley they couldn't have found the door base. I looked over to the base entrance and see the door open a few of my followers run out ready to chase. I feel my blood turn cold and my eyes widen as I realized if red is with them he once had helped Dr.Brookes with her work he must have gave her back her memories. All my work, and preparations I had secretly done will be a waste.

"You can't take her! Not with her memory!" I shout angrily he glares without saying a word my people chase after them but I stay standing realizing there was no stopping this. But I refuse to let it stop me.


After getting to the car me and red managed to get to the warehouse he helps me get alice inside and on the couch.

"How long will she be out?" I ask red he looks at her and shrugs

"Could be hours or even days I have no idea on the reverse time." he means against a wall giving me and alice some space and I sigh.

"Who's car is that outside?!" I hear joker ask loudly entering the room pointing in the direction of the alley we had parked.

"That would be mine" red says lifting his hand. Joker paused living a brow

"And who are you?"

"Red." he responds calmly

"Ya don't say...." joker says starring at reds hair.

Joker turned to me probably to ask about red when he noticed alice laying on the couch his eyes widened

"What in blue blazes happened here!?" joker says speeding over worried

"Red over there helped reverse the brainwash that bad been done to alice.....she will be passed out for a while....but she will Remember what happened to her." I say looking at him he paused and looked down again I could tell the mixed feelings of being worried and wanting to know circled his mind.

"Zach,Red....thank you if her memory truly is back I will be in your debt.....she is my ace....my daughter" joker paused and cleared his throat probably realizing how sappy he sounded and turned to walk away. "Watch over her I have work to do.......Harley is laying down with tippy if you need anything wake her up" and with that said he entered his office and closed the door.

"Wow never knew joker had that side to him..." red says

"Ace is the only good think he had made everything else in his life is turned into a game." i say looking down at alice

"Well I'll stay here and guard her just on a slight chance we were followed." red tells me I look up at him

"Thanks red but I'm not sure about leaving you with her just yet I'll stick around."I say leaning against a wall

"That's cool but since she is my new boss I will stay and protect her and with you here she will be well protected." he says smiling

"I'm gonna go put her in bed so we can take turns resting on the couch till she wakes up."

"Cool I'm gonna go dig around in the kitchen" he says walking off. I sigh wondering how serious of a person can he be. I lift Alice and head up to her room laying her in and covering her I pause looking at her. "I wonder....what pains he put her through.....he is such a violent person" I move a bit of hair from her face and kiss her forehead before leaving. I see red on the couch with three sandwiches and a soda. "Dude how Did you make three sandwiches that fast?" I ask confused

"Ninja skills" he replies making a in no way serious ninja pose.

"We should probably try resting you can go first and I'll wake you in a few hours then I will rest." he only nods to reply as he sits eating after swallowing he turns to me.

"I will sleep just give me one minute to eat this food" he takes a gulp of the soda as he finished his good and later down. I sit and think

What could Damien gain from all this and why is he even at that place. After so long of being a hero he would turn Or was it all a act. A way to pass the time. I sigh and sit in a recliner as I think there was a lab there he couldn't only be using it to wipe memories there must be more. That girl gabby seemed to know him well and he said he gave her over to a doctor I bet who ever this doctor is has something to do with her powers. I sigh sitting around trying not to think much so I could calm down minutes turning into seconds and time skipping by I didn't wake red up till almost morning he switched spots with me sitting in his phone as I laid down and fell asleep almost in a instant.


I sit reading through a few messages from girls I meet here and there trying to waist time it was only a few hours till morning he had let me sleep a long time which I was grateful for. I look around bored after a hour or two I always hated being the first one awake or the last to sleep back when I was younger I couldn't sleep well the hours I stay waiting was like a low form of punishment sitting silence all around you even my twin sister could sleep when I couldn't it was lonely.

I get up and head to check on Alice peeking through the door the laid still and I turn closing the door. I had really hoped she was awake by now.

"Man this sucks I hate waiting arou-" I hear a knock at the door cutting me off I go over peeking through a eye hole I see a girl with long black hair wearing all black and grey I prepare my weapon just in case as I swing open the door.

"Why hello there how can I help you." I say I look at her and scan her body half to spot weapons and half to get a good look she wore black knee high leather high heel boots and tight grey jeans with a dark grey jacket. She looked at me with a almost puzzled look.

"Who are you why are you in jokers warehouse?" she asks

"The name is red but you can call me ace of diamonds if you wanna"

"No I'll just stick with red. My name is Kat I'm looking for my...well brother Zach just checking up to see if he is here or out partying." she sighs.

I pause looking at her

"Oh so your his sister...well he is asleep on the couch. We gave Alice her memories back so he is waiting for her to wake up so he can kill his brother." i say a bit quietly her eyes widen.

"Her memories oh my god how, she will be able to remember us all finally" she said happily and hugged me I blush some and pat her back awkwardly keeping in mind she Zach's sister

I let Kat in after she let her mom know she found him we sat talking about old jobs we did either for fun or just for the hell of it. It didn't take me long to figure out she was black cat which meant her and Zack are Catwoman's kids.

I never knew she had a son though it puzzled me for a bit why after all this time only Kat was well known as a villain with a mom like that I assume he would have been taught to be bad like her be for he could walk. After a few more bourse of talking I would hear joker and barely waking up. I see a small chihuahua walk from there room Kat frowns apparently not a dog person it ran over to me

"Hoi I'm tippy. are you mommy's friend?" I hear a voice say from the dogs collar a bit surprised at first I nod.

"Yay i am happy to meet you-" the dog pauses and turns it head looking at Alice's door. "I hear moving in mommy's room!" her tail wags and she dashes up the stairs. Scratching the door I look watching the door cracks opens just enough for tippy then shuts I quickly shake Zach awake.

"What hm? What's going on....sis?" he say seeing Kat she waves and I point to Alice's door. "She is awake!" his eyes widen and we look to the door

(sorry for the short chapter it's been tough finding the time to write recently but now I should be back up for a while. Now here is a quick question comment please on any couples or ships you have of characters in my book I am doing a small project and that will be needed. Oh there will be one more character later around chapter 35 so read to figure out who they are. See ya in the next chapter)

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