chapter 13:cats out of the bag

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(The picture is of tippy, the box is her translator joker and Harley stole) [hey everyone guess who is ready to continue writing, thats right me! after losing my paper copies and being angry about needing to rewrite 10 chapter's im back and ready to work. Sorry for the long wait]
And-here-we-go *smiles*
We pulled up near the park and got out I smiled and hugged zach's arm happily.

"Lets just walk for a bit. Like a Normal couple." I look up at him with a cheerful smile and he looks at me and kissed my cheek.

"Sound like a good idea." He smirks

We walked around and chatted for a bit it was perfect walking under the moon in the park with him. He turned to me and was about to give me a kiss when suddenly there was a voice.


Me and zach turned towards the voice and saw none other then bruce Wayne. At that moment all I could think was, zach is robin, bruce is the bat.....and im the jokers daughter. I tensed up as bruce looked at me with a angry look and then turned his attention to his son.

"Zach, that girl..." he paused and started to walk to us. Zach looked at him a bit confused and sighed

"Why are you here dad?" Zach said sounding a bit nervous

"The driver called and told me you brought a girl to the park, I was just checking to see who the special lady was." He frowned a bit and crossed his arms. "Im not gonna lie. Im a bit less then thrilled to find my son with a criminal."

Zach clenched his fists and glared.

"Oh really! You of all people wanna tell me that. Look alice is special to me no matter what she does." He looked at bruce and placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his side my face blushing from what he said.

I looked at bruce and then gulped befor moving out of zach's arm and taking a step towards the dark knight zach was a bit worried but didnt stop me, bruce was looking at me with such a serious expression. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"M-mister bruce....I..I want you to know I have very strong feelings for zach and...I am begging you to let us see each other. I promis I wont stop him from doing his job." I paused for a moment. "With that said...I also can not stop my job. But I swear my heart is pure towards zach. Im not so bad..." I looked at the ground waiting for a reply there was what seemed to be a endless pause and then a sigh.

"I cant control who he dates. BUT if his sence of justice or you promis wavers I will handle things." Bruce said in stricked tone.

My face lit up and I smiled zach ran over and hugged me.

"I freaking love you" he said smiling

"I love you too" I said laughing at his enthusiasm

Bruce looked at us.

"zach come on we are going home." He said turning around and heading to the car he arrived in

"But what about alice its night time and dangerous you expect her to walk alone." Zach said worried

I looked at zach and smile

"its cute you worry but do you forget im one of the most dangerous people in Gotham im fine I can take care of myself." I pulle out a knife and smiles befor placing it back in my hoodie pocket.

Bruce sighed and zach nodded he grabbed my bags out of the limo and handed them to me

"Ok then please be carful dont get yourself kidnapped." He said giving me a quick kiss.

"Ha ha very funny." I looked at bruce and smiled "thank you for being you about all this." He looked at me not sure if that was a complement or insult

Zach smiled and ran over to the limo it drove off and bruce followed in his car. I started home walking from the rooftops since I didnt have my guns and got home fairly quick.I walked into the ware house and smile. I start to head to my room when I hear my dad yelling at my mom. I place the bags im my room and sit infront of my mirror to apply my make up to my face. There was a clatter of stuff and I head down to my dads office.

"I dont need your help! Now make yourself useful and clean up that mess!" He yelled

my mom walked out of the room to get the broom she walked passed me with a sad face and grabbed it before returning into daddy's office. I walked in and his angry frown turned into smile.

"Pumpkin where have you been c'mer sweet heart." He said cheerfully

I walked towards him stepping on a piece of glass and what seemed to be sand I looked confused.

"Oh ignore that its just something that broke your mother thought I needed it." He said brushing the situation to the side.

I walked over to him and mustered up a smile.

"what was it daddy?" I asked in a happy tone

"Some sand timer thing she said since I work too long I should time myself, I mean come ooon how can I think of a brilliant plan when im timed!" He said complaining

"Its all clean pudd'in" Harley said sounding a bit depressed

"good now go....feed the hyenas or something!" He replied shooting her away

"Hey daddy?"

"what is it pumpkin?" He said turnning his attention towards me

"I need to tell you something...."

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