Chapter 17:let me fight, and let me love

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I fall back and hit the floor dropping my guns near me. I cringe in pain and grab my shoulder.

"Batgirl!" I hear Zach yell

"I'm fine this is nothing." I yell back I grab one of my guns with my hurt arm why I keep pressure on the wound with the other hand and stand up with my eyes trained on my father. Batman had grabbed him and was in the middle of handcuffing him. Zach ran past both of them to me and looked at my shoulder.

"Here I will carry your guns." He grabbed my gun and went to get the other one.

"Thanks Robin. Don't worry about this I will remove the bullet and treat it. Once I'm patched up I will be good as new." I wink playfully which makes him smile for a second. I look over at Batman who already has my dad cuffed and a unconscious Harley Quinn on his shoulder.

"Let's go you two we need to hurry and get Batgirl treated." He says.

Me and Zach walked over to him I looked at my dad who looked pissed. He noticed me looking at him and glared at me.

"What are you looking at you bat brat!" He yelled

"Just at a sore loser." I say casually,I wasn't angry at my dad for shooting me, after all that's what we did to people all the time. But I was still angry about him locking me in my room.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you manners." Joker said mockingly

"As a matter of fact they didn't." I say with a smile. I wasn't surprise to hear Zach chuckling but I was shocked to hear batman do the same.

Once we made it down to the street batman handed joker and Harley to the cops.

"Sorry to make you take them to Arkham Gordon but I need to get Batgirl checked out.

"It's fine batman I understand I will have my men go round up the henchmen." Gordon says as he gets some cops to drag my parents off.

We all got in the car I checked on tippy who had fallen asleep in her dog carrier and we drove off.

"Hey alice you doing ok?" Zach asked me as he turned around to check on me.

"Yeah I'm fine just a bit weak from blood loss." I reply

"That tends to happen." Batman says with a smirk.

"Hey where are we going?" I ask as I lay back to relax a bit.

"The Batcave." Batman says as we enter a tunnel and then into what looks like a giant cave with lots of cool stuff in it.


"You've actually been here once." Zach says looking back at me.

"No way I would have remembered this."

"You didn't see all this you were locked up." He smirks at me and my face heats up as I realize this is the place we found out each other's identities.

"Oh..." I look away to hide my blush as batman parks the Batmobile and we get out Zach grabs tippy dog carrier for me and smiles.

"Thanks." I give him a quick kiss on the cheek

"OK let's get you fixed up alice." Bruce says as he takes off his mask.

"I can do it myself B-man I've done it before."

"No, why your here Alfred will help take care of you, that includes your wounds." He says with a almost father like tone.

"Fine,who is Alfred though?" Right as I asked that a butter walked over to Bruce and looked at me.

"I take it she is a new recruit." He says and Bruce smiles

"You can say that, she is joker and Harley's daughter. You've heard of her." Bruce says.

"Ah yes, as I recall she is the one who caused the chandelier to break." Alfred says looking at me

"Oh...sorry about that...."I say with a apologetic smile.

"Alfred can you take the bullet out of her arm and fix her up?"Bruce says as he walks in the direction of a girl sitting in front of a big computer.

"Of course master Bruce." Alfred turned to me. "This way miss alice." As I followed him I glanced at the girl she had red hair and was sitting in a wheelchair.

"I saw young master Zach carry a dog carrier to the room that has been prepared for you once we get you fixed up I shall show you where that is." Alfred says as he grabs a medical kit "please take a seat miss alice" I sit in a chair near him.

"Would you like some pain killers?" He asks as he prepares everything

"Um sure, if it helps."

"I assure you it will help."
Once Alfred fixed my arm and cleaned the blood off my arm he took me to my room I remembered me and Zach being in here to hide from my dad once. I could see tippy asleep on the bed and smiled. I was happy she was already comfortable with the new room. I turn and look back at Alfred who was leaving.

"Thank you Alfred." I say as he leaves

"It is no trouble miss alice."

Once Alfred left I started to undress. I looked at the spot Alfred fixed.

"Man he did better then I would have, and I can barley feel the pain thanks to the pain killers." I went over to the dresser to see if there was anything in it. I opened it and found a purple shirt and some shorts that are my size I put them on and smiled. "They may not realize not all sizes are the same but at least I have something to wear." I hear a knock on my door and walk over to open it.

"Miss me?" Zach says with a smile as I open the door.

"Nope." I say with a smile and I close the door

"Ha ha I'm coming in." He says before entering the room.

"It seems like you knew me before we even knew each other." I say as I look at the room

"What do you mean?" He asks a bit confused

"You have had this room for me before we even began dating....before we actually knew each other." I turn back and smile at him. "You somehow new that one day I would leave my dad." I walked over and kissed him.

"I love you that's why....I've loved you for a long time alice." He says

He looks at my arm and gently brushes his hand over the stitches and then kisses it sweetly causing me to blush.

"I love you too Zach." I say as my cheeks burn from him kissing my arm. He looks up at me as he kisses my stitches once more.

"Alice I am happy that your here. At least I know your ok when your here....I was always so worried. Me and batman knew you robbed mob dealers we just kept wondering what was keeping you from joining your parents in a spree..." He looked down for a moment.

"Zach It's ok I'm here now, no more mob dealers for me. Hey why don't you show me around? I've only seen parts of this place." I say trying to change the subject he looks at me and nods.

"That sounds like a good idea." He says with a smile.

We walk around Wayne manner for a while when suddenly I hear a bunch of laughing.

"Is there more people here zach?" I ask as I look around for the source

"I don't think there are my siblings arnt usually home...." He says looking around a bit nervous "but if they are we will find out soon."

Not even a minute later I saw three guys walk out of a room laughing the stopped when they saw me and zach.

"Oh no way zach has a girl here."the tallest one said.

"Yep there here." Zach says not sounding so excited

"Must have bribed her." another one with slightly spiked hair said

"Guys guys let's introduced are selves before we scare her off." The last one said

"I am Jason. Second oldest." The tallest one said happily

"I'm Damian Wayne first born blood son" the one with the spiked hair said with a slight attitude in his voice.

"And I am Tim I'm the third oldest. It's nice to meat you" He says with a smile.

I looked at the three and laughed slightly from how quickly they had introduced themselves.

"These are my brothers Alice." Zach says with a miserable tone as if he wasn't happy about me meeting them.

"Hello guys I am Alice Quinn." I looked at them. There expressions looked a bit shocked.

"Quinn, as in Harley?" Damian said

"Yes...that's my mom." I said with a slight pause.

"So you must be the ace of hearts that I had heard about." Tim said looking at me as if checking the stats on a card. "She dosnt look as dangerous as everyone says."

"Can I ask,what a criminal is doing here?" Jason said looking at Zach

I felt kids hurt the way he said that but it was true I was technically a criminal even if I was a hero now it didnt change what I had done

"Hey watch it Jason. Alice ran away from joker and harley. She is the newest batgirl." Zach said placing a hand on my shoulder it made me feel a bit better

"Oh, ok well as long as you arnt doing anything to cause trouble." Jason said patting my head

"I'm not a dog don't pat me." I said slapping his hand.

"I like her attitude." Damian says with a slight smirk

"Hey can I ask you a question Alice?" Tim asks finally done evaluating my stats

"Go ahead."

"Can I see how well you can fight?"

"Sure hit me with your best shot." I say with a smile Zach took a few steps back and prepared to watch.

Tim looked at Jason and Damian and then prepared himself.

"OK but I'm not gonna go easy on you cause your a girl."

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

He quickly kicked at me I jumped over his kick and punched him causing him to go back some he went to him me but I quickly moved out of the way in time. I turned and kneed him in the stomach and flip up kicking him in the rear causing him to fall forward.

"Had enough?" I ask with a smug smile.

"For now." He said he says getting up.

"She is skilled." Damian says with a smirk

"Hahahaha D-Did you see that hahaha Tim got his but kicked by a tennage girl." Jason says laughing

"She is tougher then she looks." Tim says as he gets up and dust his self off

"Well she is jokers daughter numb skull." Damian says as he turns to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Jason asks

"To my room I wanna take a quick nap befor I go to train." Damian yells back as he walks out of sight.

"He seems friendly." I say sarcastically

"He used to be worse. He was raised by assassins until he was 10 then he came to live with his Bruce. Trust me he wasn't a sweet child." Jason says with a smile. "He has gotten better. Especially after zach was born. He has a good heart, it's just his personality that's bad."

"Hey now that I think about it. Zach where is your mom?" I ask, as soon as I said that jason and Tim looked at each other.

"He hasn't told you?" They say together

"No?" I say looking a bit confused

"I haven't told her cause she is friends with Kat...." He says to them

"What does that haft to do with anything?" I say even more confused.

" my sister....she dosnt know though" He says looking down akwardly.

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