chapter 20:save me

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I sit in roses bud after a few attempt of getting out I had given up it was no use I could. Hear muffled chatter around the bud as I sit in the center

"W.....if. i..m ..ak....h....l...e.....e....t.....n..s..e...ill.......og.. t*

I sigh unable to understand what they are talking about

"This is so stupid." As I said that the plant opens I see we are at the old abandoned news paper factory,l Edward Jr and kat grab me and rose sits on a vine next to jack, they all stair at me for a bit. "Take a picture it will last a whole lot longer" Edward looks at me a bit angry and then smiles

"Trust me if i had my phone I would. But first, you are love sick we will cure you so you can rejoin us." He says

"We support your love until it did this you can't be a hero" kat says

"Speak for yourself I don't support her with that guy" jack says "I'm a much better guy for her"

"I think I am a better choice" Edward says

"Guys stop acting stupid we need to get her to joker before he has another fit" rose sighs

"No way I'm not going back I made up my mind I'm a hero" I yank my arms and pull Edward and kat into each other they fall over and I flip back "you guys should have taken my weapons cause now I'm mad." I say pulling out a smoke bomb and throwing it down

"See we didnt take it cause we don't want to do this but if you wanna fight" jack snuck up behind me and kicked me over I flip to catch myself "then let's fight, don't think it's cause we don't like you we are doing this for you"

"Stop the chit chat!" I say clenching my fists. I jump forward but roses vines catch me and string me up. I reach for my knife but jack grabs it and cuts off my belt. "Give it back."

Edward and kat get up rubbing there heads and come over

"Look you were fine before you and him started going out, you like causing trouble you two dated before you here a hero, it can be that way again" kat says smiling at me

"No she doesn't need to be with him he is a hero and it's not gonna work she is born with the jokers blood in her eventually it will happen...we know it" Edward says they look at each other and then at me

"What gonna happen tell me?! What about my blood!?" I start to get irritated "you guys.....if we are friends then let me go I want to be a hero I will come back maybe but for now I am happy so if you don't set me free I'm gonna haft to kick your buts"

"Your a bit too tied up for that Don't you think?" Rose says lifting herself eye level with me "we are like family, no...correction we, are like your guards, we are only keeping a eye out for our princess of crime"

"you guys are my friends or enemies I don't need to be guarded I can han-" just then a explosion blasts one of the walla out and I see zach looking pissed off

"Whoa crap...he looks more angry then me" i say with a bit smirk, the others stand behind zach

"You guys are lucky I'm feeling generous so don't bother us why we take bat girl back and we won't beat you too bad" he walks over towards me jack and Edward stepped in front on me blocking his path why kat and rose stood behind me with

"Just give up!!" Jack yells

"You can't keep the princess of crime it's bound to happen soon" Edward says

"What are you talking about what is bound to happen!?" Zach says

"The chemicals in her blood" we hear a woman say from above us we look up and my eyes widen as cat woman drops down in front of zach.

"Mom? How did you find us?!" Kat says

"Simple the earring I gave you for your birthday are trackers" she says glancing back at kat

"What?!" Kat yells

"Now what are you kids doing with Alice?" Catwoman says turning away from zach and now facing us

"W-we are taking her to joker he needs to be able to keep an eye on her" Edward sags trying to explain

"Now now she is a big girl she can handle herself.....besides I trust him." She says looking back at zach "he has some good genes."

"Mom he is batman's son!" Kat yells

"And? I said to stop this you kids are not to let her father or mother know about Alice being batgirl understood?" Selina says harshly they freeze and nod angrily

"How can you stand on there side helping them mom....they throw us in arkham and stop all are plans...we are supposed to hate them!!" Kat yells

"I can't hate my own son" catwoman says placing a hand on zachs shoulder "and you shouldn't hate your brother and father"

"........w-wha!?!?!?" Kats eyes widen
"Crap" zach says looking a bit flushed
"No way" jack and Edward say looking at each other
"Oh my gosh for real" rose says happily

"Wow, she actually told her. Look this has been fun but we need to go before my parents pick up on anything" I drop a smoke bomb and flip up landing beside zach, he smiles at me and then to his mom

"" he says a bit akwardly

"No problem be safe" she kisses his cheek and we run over to the others

"Cmon guys let hurry" damien says turning to leave

"Well That was relaxing" Jason says

"Next time let's just rent a movie" Tim says

"Sounds good to me" I say, we head home and I instantly go to my room to tippy she runs over to me wagging her tail

"Your home yay" she says running around me in circles and jumping around happily

"Yep today was hectic" I go over and plop down on my bed tippy jumps up and lays beside me

"I'm so tired" I say yawning

"How about a nap?" Tippy says her tail calms down

"Hmm that's a good idea" I roll over and hug her before falling asleep
Moments later the door opens

"Good thing she was sleepy" damien says walking over to me as I lay asleep with tippy. He leans over hovering over me with a string he carfully gets a blood sample and leaves. "Maybe dad can find out what's in her blood." He says heading to the batcave

"Hello damien what brings you down here?"" Bruce says from the computer

"This." He holds up the blood "I need you to test it for chemical, today Alice was kidnapped by her old friends and they kept talking about a chemical and when Selina showed up she said it was in alices blood." Bruce takes the sample

"OK I'll see what I can find good job bringing me this, till we find out what it is don't tell the others I'm testing it." Bruce says placing the sample on in a case

"Understood" damien says nodding

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