chapter 22 off the rails

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I wake up slowly my arms sore and head still dizzy.

" arms..." I say I look over to my arms and see there is a black chain around them holding them up. "What the hell..." I look down at myself and see I'm in a new outfit, a black leotard with a long neck cover and no sleeves there are weird bands around my thighs I can feel that they are adding pressure to my legs.

"I see the mouse is awake." A voice says followed by the click of a door."hope you don't mind but I ditched your super suit and clothes. Besides your cuter in black" I see the silhouette of the person his hair is spiked and he is about 5" 9' "the chains by the way were just to cause you to be sore don't worry they wont stay on."

"You...sound familiar." I manage to say calmly

"I would hope so." He says taking a step forward my eyes Widen and I back into the wall, Damien smirked at mu reaction. "Why so shocked you already could tell i wasn't gonna be a nice guy." His hand reaches out and grips my chin facing me to him. "And I still don't trust you, i cant let you go back to the clown hut to share any information you may least not without taming you first." I tremble a bit from his words

"T-taming?" I say with shaking voice

"Yep, you see I grew up in a place different from here, and they believe in pain. It was a lesson even I learned, but not all pain hast to be physical." With a swift movement he swung his katana into the chains breaking them my arms fall painfully to my side and I collapse "I'm glad to see that your weaker, you were so strong when you arrived a bullet hole in your arm and a killers heart in your chest. My brother and father have made you was the same with me, he took the killer out of me." He leans over and picks me up bridal style my body too sore to fight. "But he hasn't taken the bad."

"This is hopeless!!!" Zach screams "we shouldn't have spit up!!" He runs his hand through his hair holding back his anger. "What if she is hurt..."

"Zach she is the jokers daughter....she can handle a lot." Bruce says placing his hand on his sons shoulder.

"Where the hell is Damien we need help right now." Tim says annoyed

"Hey the scanner has found her communicator it's not to far from here!" Jason says standing up pointing at the monitor

"Good work lets head there and fast send the directions to everyone's GPS." Bruce says putting on his mask.

"Lets hurry!" Zach places his mask on and runs over hopping on his motorcycle speeding off focused on the dot on his GPS

Bruce and Zach ride up to the spot Zach leaps off his motorcycle and looks around frantically

"Alice!? ALICE!? Dad! I don't see her!?"

Bruce walks over calmly and narrows his eyes at a piece of cloth that catches his eye he walks over to it and picks it up the bundled up super suit falls to the floor along with the clothes she had been wearing when she left, the cape in Batman's hand the communicator falls and rolls to Zach's feet he looks at it and his eyes Widen.

"She isn't here......" He says with a small sound of fear.... "but that's the outfit she was in!! What is happening to her!!"

Bruce stands awkwardly as tears fall down his sons cheeks

".......Zach she will be safe." Batman says as he pulls out his communicator. "Tim, Jason. Dead end we are going to look around for more clues..."

"Understood." They say from the other side.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~back to Alice~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Damien carries me into a room and tosses me into a bed I landed on my arm so I whimper in pain

"You know little mouse you can train a body" he says placing his knee on the edge of the bed "to cause it so much pain and pleasure at once that it gets confused the pain mentally..." he moves now hovering over me he smirks. "And the pleasure physically." He grabs my wrists and pins them to the bed.

"Please....don't." I say with a broken voice and tears forming in my eye's

"See, the problem is.." He leans in and kisses me pulling away licking his lips. "I really wanna."

I whimper and a tear falls down my face he reaches behind me and undoes a zipper on the back of the neck all the way to the middle of my spine

"Look I'm doing this to make you obey me. but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it sure your sore already but this will feel better" his hand slowly moves up and he pulls the top of the suit.

"S-stop...Please" I say

"Stop it, you are stronger then pleading I have seen you fight." He says with a annoyed tone he slides the suit off leaving me in just my bra and underwear I whimpered as he kisses me deeper slowly brushing his hand along my side. He moves his other hand to my thigh and gently moves my legs apart ,I try to keep myself together but the pain from the chains and bands prevent me from fighting back.

"D-Damien..." I say weakly with a whimper. He freezes and sit up a bit his cheeks slightly red. He looks me in the eyes and then looks away

"You...cant just say a guy's name in this situation...." he leans back in and rests his head on my neck "This is my first time using this method....I know the other members did it....but...uh..I haven't...practiced" he says awkwardly. For some reason this caught me off guard

[W-what the hell first he kidnaps me then he hurts me now he is saying he hasn't had practice raping someone!?]

He takes a deep breath and kisses me again pressing himself against me. I close my eyes tight and feel his hands snake around and unclip my bra his lips move away from my face and down my collarbone I bite my lip and keep my eyes closed as I feel the bed move and I open my eyes and see him sitting beside me.

".....It's getting late I need to head back. This base is a hidden and there is only one door. So trying to find help is useless. And so is escape...." he stood up no looking back at me And if you try to run other members might see you...assassins fight better then thugs" with a small glance back he turns and leaves the room.

I lay on the bed, body sore and in shocked.

"His...own brother...." was all I could say before my eye kids got heavy and I unwillingly fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Zachs room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"........alice..." Zach looks out his window as the sun disappears and the sun light fades into the light of the city.

"I just got off the phone with joker.....He isn't very happy...." Bruce says entering the room But now his goons are also looking along with them he has agreed to keep the search are you doing?"

"I'm fine....that's not what matters though I'm safe she isn't..." He says

"We are doing what we can to-" Bruce is cut off by the sound of Damien's bedroom door slamming "....find her"

"I hear he is home." Zach says in a annoyed tone "he has done nothing to help us. Nothing at all!"

"Zach calm down." Bruce says with a reassuring look.

".......fine....But he has no right to come home slamming doors like he is having a worse time." Zach says sitting down and placing his head in his hands

After Bruce left Zach stood up heading to Damien's room

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Damien's room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!" Damien yells after slamming his door luckily he had, had his room made so that no noise could be heard from the outside. "Why...didn't I do it!? I was doing it perfectly until....until she said my name, that damn little mouse!" He places his hand on his face. "I've fucked plenty of women....she is just a girl....Why is this time different." He runs his hair stressfully through his hair messing up his hair. "Maybe cause she is with my brother......but that doesn't matter! I will do it tomorrow without fail..." There is knock on the door he takes a deep breath slaps his causing a faint red spot and he opens the door a bit. "WHAT!?" He asked in a pissed tone

He see's Zach at the door with a thrown back expression that lasted about a second before a glare took over.

"Where have you been?" Zach says angrily

"...not that it's any of your business. But I went out to a club. Why?" Damien says glaring back

"Alice is still gone why don't you help look for her?" Zach says

"Cause she isn't my girlfriend or my problem. like I said before, she probably just left."

"No....we found her clothes....they had been ditched......" Zach says a bit sadder

"Well then she was probably taken someone will admit they have her and demand something sooner or later" Damien says as he turns to close the door. Zach grabs the knob

"Wait what happened to your cheek?"

"I tried to get hit on a girl at the club she apparently wasn't into it!" He says slamming the door

"....jerk" Zach says turning to walk back to his room he looks out the window as the sky is now dark and the moon high.

"Noisy punk." Damien says glaring at the door. "Better hit the hay I should probably wake up and stop my a few places tomorrow." He says turning the lights off and tossing his shirt on the floor. "I bet she is tired....And sore" he lays down and drifts asleep hit a small feeling bothering him.

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