chapter 23 Puppeteer

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I wake up still on the bed my body still sore but not as bad as it was the other day.

"uuugh...." I look down at myself still in my underwear, I see the leotard on the floor and get up putting it on. "......luckily he didn' anything.." I remember him talking about how this place was some sort of hidden base with no way for me to escape. I get up and walk out the bedroom back into the room I woke up in I see a couch, lamp, small kitchen, and then attached to the wall, the chains that had held me. "what is this some sort of apartment?" I walk around to the kitchen and open the cabinets and fridge only to find a box of crackers and a few bottles of water. "tch pathetic." I slam the fridge and sigh.

"can you not slam things." I hear from behind. I turn around to see Damien holding some Groceries and two shopping bags from hot topic. I narrow my eyes to let him know i don't trust him.

"Stop giving me that look or ill let you starve." he says walking into the kitchen and placing the bag on the counter. "i also bought you more clothes. Though I only bought clothes I would like for you to wear." he says handing me a bag I peek in it and pull out a black mini skirt.

"what the hell is all this first you kidnap me then try to "train my body" now you're buying me things!? Also why is this so short?!" Isay with a temper.

"Stop complaining befor I take you back to the bedroom." He says harshly as he places groceries in the fridge and cabinet. Mostly Chips, Juice, Hot Dogs, and Sandwich stuff. I notice a Box of Plastic Ware.

"Whats this for?" i ask with a brow lifted

"You think I'm stupid? I am not giving you metal utensils, in fact i doubt you've even noticed but even the furniture is bolted to the floor. The league knows of you and how almost anything can be a weapon so i let them know of your arrival prior to getting you. Just a precaution." He finishes up and turns to me I flinch from his strong gaze.

"What?" I ask a bit panicked

"Nothing,.....look wear the clothes or not it doesn't matter to me." He walks close to me I back Into the wall behind me and he leans in near my ear and whispers." They wont stay on anyways. Hearing that causes me to shiver he pulls away and places his hand on my cheek. "You have gotten weaker working with my brother and father, I would be the same if it wasn't for me sneaking off to train here. Who knows maybe after awhile you'll grow to like me more then my pety brother may-" he is cut off my a swift slap he pauses eyes wide and then looks at me.

"Don't call him pety." I say with a sharp glare. As if was reacting to my expression he blushes a bit and then glares coldly.

"I will call him what I want, and as for YOU." He grabs my arm and pulls me to him kissing me roughly before picking me up bridal style. "You are my prisoner right now, and if your gonna act like that I wont be nice anymore." He carries me Into the room again throwing me on the bed. I try to jump to the side to get off but he quickly grabs my arm firmly and kisses me again as he starts to unzip my leotard. I turn my head and cry out.

"No! You cant,I want Zach!" I say but he doesn't listen, he slides off my leotard and then kisses my collarbone and then my stomach the warmth of his lips cause a slight gasp to pass my lips.

"Your enjoying this that's the physical pleasure I was talking about." He says with a smirk "but there is much more." He reaches up unhooking my bra I try to push him but it has no effect he tosses it aside and pulls out a strap and straps one hand down. His other hand intertwines with mine holding it down.

"Don't worry it will be fine." He says as he slides off my underwear with his free hand. "Once that chemical activates you will already be mine."


Bruce sits at his computer looking at what small evidence he has about Alice's disappearance as he monitors Zach's patrol for any more evidence, everyone had been searching for clues or witnesses but no one could come up with anything.

"'s one dead end after another." He says with a sigh

"Joker hasn't come up with anything but is still behaving..." Jason says as he returns from meeting up with Joker, a schedule they devised to keep each other Informed.

"Zach has been patrolling around Gotham with Dick, but Damien still isn't helping, I doubt he will given who her father is..." Bruce gets up putting his mask on. "I'm going to meet up with Selina, Kat....she is pretty upset that Alice has gone missing Selina thinks maybe it's time she got some father time..." He walks off silently

"Just remember teenage girls tend to rebel against there fathers! Don't let her claw you!" Jason says jokingly

"If she does ill ground her." He says back in a serious tone as he gets in the Bat-mobile. He drives off heading to the apartment where they live. He pulls up and hides the car parking it in the alley next to the building. He uses his grappling hook to go up to the window to the apartment.

"Cant you ever just come through the front door?" Selina says as she opens the window with a sigh

"...Sorry old habits are hard to kill, where is she?" He askes

"In her room down the hall to the left." She answers pointing to the hall. He nods and heads that way turning the knob only to discover it locked. He sighs knocking gently on the door.

"GO AWAY!!" Kat yells almost in a explosive tone. "YOUR A WORSE HERO THEN YOU ARE A DAD!!" She adds in a harsh tone.

With a swift and forceful kick he opens the door looking at her sternly.

"I am doing all I can to find her, acting this way doesn't help....I know I wasn't around after zach was born but that was your mothers call not mine." He says looking at her, her eyes wide and teary.

"....I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to call you dad.....why didn't anyone tell me...I want to help find her but at the same time...I am so confused." Kat holds her hand to her head as a tear falls down her face. Bruce stands a bit awkwardly and sighs pulling off his mask kat looks up at him eye to eye.

"Call me what you want,just remember I'm your father." He says with a comforting look. She tears up and hugs him.

"Dad,She is tough but I'm still worried" Kat says as tears flow once again.

"I know we all are." He says hugging back

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ back to Alice~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I lay on the bed, Damien sitting on the side of the bed.

"It wasn't that bad now was it, you couldn't control your small moans. But the tears and guilty expression tells me you feel bad, cause you liked it. I'm not done training you but that was the first lesson." He says turning to me.

"'s only part of why I'm crying....I trusted you." I say softly with tears in my eye's he blushes and glares.

"Don't look at me And say that!" He turns and grabs my wrist. "You are trying to make me feel bad.....when you look at me like makes me want to devour you mouse." He yells cheeks pink. He rests his head on my collarbone. I noticed a small pattern. When I glare he blushes, when I cry he blushes and panics. Are My expressions are freaking him out?

"D-Damien....." I say softly his face blushes harder and he looks up at me my expression almost as if pleading tears in my eye's. He turns almost red.

"Damn it! Don't say my name with an expression like that." He gets up and storms from the room into the living room. "This time I'm going and I'm not bringing anything next time I come back, think of it as a punishment!" I hear the door open with a key and then s not of talking I was a bit too tired and wore out to move to hear but I could hear the name Selina being said to Damien by another man. "She can get close all she wants she went find her." Damien says and the door closes

I lay holding my own body as tears continue to fall.

" I so weak now...I want Zach."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the hall where Damien is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He grips his phone angrily looking at the screen starring at alice he hears her softly speak.

"What the hell is with her I just made her moan and shake but here she is still talking about Zach. He is what made her weak!" He walks out from the hideout leading into a alley and walks out into the street.

"Only a few more says till the mysterious chemical activates...." He glances back at the alley and then walks off heading to a near by club. Starring at his phone he watches silent as Alice gets up slowly putting on the leotard she wanders over to the other room and sits not on the couch but in front of it with her knees to her chest. He stared at the screen almost as if the king of the image. He fells himself bump into someone the phone feeling from his hand.

"Hey punk!! Watch it!!" A man with a clown tattoo on his neck and a piercing in his noes yells he glances down and noticed the image I the phone. "The clown princess!?" He snatches the phone up and glares with a smirk. "The boss is gonna pay me big bucks."

Damien's eyes Widen as he realises the man in front of him was a clown goon. He snatches the phone from him and gets in a fighting stance.

"He do you wanna fights hmm?" He says cracking his neck, he whistles and a few guys come out all with the same tattoo. "This his knows about Where the ace if hearts is! Let's show him what happens when you need with our princess!! C'mon boys! Get him!!!" He says with Laugh. Damien quickly puts the phone up and grabs a near by pipe on the floor he flips over one goon and smacks him I the back of the head blood staining the metal as the man falls lifeless the others freeze.

"You've seen me their for this is a fight to the death." Damien says coldly

"Don't kill him just knock him out we need Ace's location!!" The main goon says as before they all charge at once punching and missing as Damien jumps out of the way jumping back of a wall hitting two more leaving three left. He runs forward kicking one down, smashing the pipe down on him.

"W-we should go!" The other guy says

"No way we just need to knock him out!" The one with the piercing yells eyes full of fear. After he says that Damien slams the pipe into the other man's head glaring at the original guy.

"You are a moron all of you, you make strong fighters but with no guts or brains-" he stabs the end of the pipe into the goons eye. "Your useless." The mans body falls to the ground. And Damien looks down at himself covered in blood. ".....better clean up."

Hey everyone I hope everyone here that's from or near Houston are ok I myself had the eye of the storm go over my apartment.
I also want to tell everyone my big bro in law had joined wattpad if you like sifi or awesome stuff check out EvilFerret

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