chapter 25 memories and dreams

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After then long silent drive we managed to get Damien to the hospital the Batman and Zach stayed in the car after letting the hospital know what happened, he told them he had found Damien after a gang jumped him. It must have been accurate given the situation I woke up into. I went in with him despite Zach saying I shouldn't he seemed annoyed by me being so close to Damien. I sat near his bed he smirks a bit.

"I'm glad your safe." He says I only reply by staring at the floor with a guilty feeling. "What's wrong? Still shaken up?"

"No......I'm sorry you got hurt helping do I know you and them?" I ask hopping for some kind of answer.

"....You are the daughter of Joker and Harley Quinn, Alice Jay Quinn, we are hero's,me included. You had joined us cause you fell for my brother Zach you remember any of this?"

"...only my name...." I sigh and stand up "so I'm the daughter of a villain.......yet you helped me?"

"Your a very good friend I don't want you hurt." He says in a calm tone.

"Thank you. I am going to head out the Bat guy says I need to see my parents."

"Stay safe." He says as I turn to the door and leave. I head down stairs and get in the back seat of the car.

"Did he tell you anything helpful." Batman says without turning around.

"Only that I am the daughter if villains, I joined you guys cause I fell for...Zach...and that's it." I look out the window I hear Zach sigh like he wants to ask me something but is to scared to. The car pulls off I watch the light's of the streets silently.

"This has worked out perfectly." I say sitting in the hospital bed. There is a soft knock on the door and it opens Dr.Brooke walks in holding my pain medication.

"Your lucky I was able to pull of driving over here. It took me awhile to explain to the other doctors why I came in." She says handing me the the medicine in a small cup.

"No, I'm lucky you work here." I swallow the medicine. "They procedure worked, although I'm curious what else did you do to her?" I say looking back to Dr.Brooke

"Hehe that easy to notice hmm, ok ill tell you what I did. When a girl her age goes through a traumatic incident the stress can cause memory loss and another effect, she will become attached to her savor, so I installed a little something to make sure she became attached to you. I'm glad It worked." She says mischievously, I'm not sure what it is about blond doctor's but I'm pretty sure they are all evil.

"I'm surprised you had the time." I say handing her the empty cup back.

"I am a quick worker. Let me know if you need anything else." She turns and walks out the room I chuckle a bit.

"She is on the verge of being a mad scientist."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the docks near jokers warehouse~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I step out of the car and stand beside the man dressed like a bat and Zach.

"They are hear?" I ask before either could answer I hear a squeal from the alley near by a woman dressed as a red and black jester outfit runs out followed by a man with green hair and a wide smile both wearing white make up to whiten their face, the woman in a mask and black lipstick the man with black make up around his eyes and red lipstick that seemed to trade a smiling scar.
"EEEEEEEEHHH ALICE BABY!!" The woman I says hugging me and spinning me around I felt as if she was squeezing my life out. The man joins the hug not as enthusiastic but with a wide smile.

"Pumpkin! I'm so happy your safe!" He says followed by a laugh I think?

"W-who are you two? Are you my parents?" I ask they stop and back up to look at me.


"S-sweety? You feel'in ok?" The woman says with a worried look.

"Joker, Harley....she has lost her memory....a few of your men had turned on you they had planed on selling her.....The last Robin, Red Hawk found her...."Batman says is a sympathetic tone

"THEY WHAT!!! Ill kill them." He says in a low cold tone as he grins his teeth

"Your too late Red Hawk killed them....He lost his temper..." Zach says With a slight harsh tone.

"Ah it's been while since I heard of him before the swim park incident its has been at least four years. I see he his tougher then you'll be coming home tonight." The joker says looking to me the look in his eyes are filled with worry although these people should scare me I get the feeling I will be fine with them.

"" I say a bit awkwardly

"What about Tippy?" Zach says


"Take care of the dog for a bit...She needs to get better before being responsible for something." Dad says, I look a bit lost none of what they say even though it's about me....I understood I sigh.

"....don't worry Alice....mommies here..." Harley hugs me I close my eyes. The warmth of a mother's love...even a villain can provide it.

After a bit we turned and parted ways I walked between my parents as we head to a near by warehouse, they explain to me how I was called Ace Of Hearts and had worked as a villain until I "lost control due to hormones" ,or so says my father, and became Batgirl, they tell me how they searched for more and even shot and fought me. I couldn't believe I could run away.....was I really that bad of a person, Sure they are villains but to worry them like that.....I feel bad.

"I'm sorry..." I say as we enter the warehouse. They look at each other and smile they both hug me.

"Pumpkin, me And your mother forgive you......we are just happy your safe.....go rest tomorrow we will have a celebration. The princess of crime Is home!" He says my mother makes a happy squeak and I smile. My mom shows me my room saying nothing has moved since I left, although it wouldn't matter if it did I don't remember any of this....I look at knives in the wall dolls with smiles sewed into them, a closet opened with mainly black and pink clothes a few red, green, purple, but not as much as the pink and black I see some make up in front of a mirror but it was only red, black, and white.

A photo of me with clown make up and pigtails, a girl with long black hair, grey clothes, and fake cat ears is to my left, why a red head with freckles green clothes and a leafy mask is to my right. They must be other villains....I sigh and lay in my bed it feels like I haven't slept in decades. My eyes drift closed and I fall asleep within seconds.

I have a foggy and weird dream I see a girl chained with black chains, with a red dress and some sort of white coat on her skin is pale as if she avoided the sun or just didn't get enough of it, I feel myself drifting closer to the girl she moves some. As I get closer I noticed a red stone appear through her. It showed below her beasts and through her back.

"Are you ok~?" I ask my voice echoing as I speak she looks up I freeze the girl chained Is me, my eyes red and hair black there is no movement for a moment but then her mouth twists into a wide smile.

"The real question is are you ok! HEHEHEHE HAHAHAH HEAHAH~" her laugh echoed as I stood looking at her. Terrified.

I jolt awake breathing heavy. I have the ability to be that scary? I think in disbelief.

Am I still this Batgirl. This hero they are talking about?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wayne Manor Zach's room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I can't believe it....even though we found her, she can't remember me....She can't remember us." I sit holding her dog tippy fell asleep in my lap.

"Zach you ok?" I hear my dad say walking in my room.

"I....don't know, I feel like it's a weird way. Even after I tried so hard I wasn't the one to save her." I sigh. "At least she is safe...."my dad walks over to me placing his hand on my shoulder.

"We all are happy she is safe. But the is nothing we can do for her memory....give her time." He says

"I know." He stands for a moment and then walks out. What if Alice decides she likes Damien more this time....He did save her...these thoughts plague my mind.

"What can I do to reactivate her memory about me?" I ask myself

*************************AUTHOR NOTE********************
Sorry this chapter isn't too long. I haven't been feeling too well. Although I've been keeping myself busy with writing the stress of things happening have made me a bit ill no worries though I'll keep writing in fact I also started drawing a picture of Alice in my digital arts class I will post it as the chapter photo later. I know the story is getting a bit serious but it's also going to get more exciting, new character's, new developments and one reader will have the chance to have a character banned after them. Send me a message with your name and a description of your looks out you can comment it either way works. Winner will appear in chapter 28, as a new villain. I have two designs made for the outfit the best description that matches the outfit wins I will also draw them in the outfit.

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