chapter 26 Chemical Reactions (part 1)

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(The photo above I drew just for this chapter~<3)

I wake up feeling exhausted. I had stayed awake for what felt like hours the image of my own twisted smile stuck in my mind the red eyes, pale skin, and black hair. It was me but different as if I had snapped. I had waisted some time in a computer that had been setting near my bed googling me and my family, some reports came up but nothing too important I had seen the word "Arkham" appear many times and did some looking into that till I passed out tired. I sat up looking in the mirror my long dark brown hair and brown eyes. It seemed almost impossible for that girl to be me, but then again the world works in funny ways. I stretch getting out of bed I look over in my closet and find some black and pink shorts that looked like they must have been pants at one point from the frayed cut at the end. I put on a black top and pink hoodie with a black hear on the pocket. I Slide a black belt with hearts all over it on and look at myself in a cracked mirror I sighed walking down stairs. I could hear my mom singing as the smell of burnt food fills the air I cough a bit at the smell I hear a laugh and turn to see my dad walking out from what looked to be an office.

"Even with your memory gone you seem to dread the smell hehehe. How you feeling kiddo." He says patting my back

".....find I had a nightmare last night so I'm a bit low on sleep." I say followed by a yawn.

"Don't worry about nightmares. They end up making you Batty." He said walking into where my mom was singing I follow seeing a kitchen surprisingly it looked to be made to mimic a kitchen from a normal home, built in the middle of a safe house it was as if the safe house was a shell covering a self built house. Was a bit amazed.

"Morning sweety."my mother says I look at her she it's in the same jester outfit but now with a apron added. "I hope your Hungry I made pancakes." She says pointing to a plate of chard pancakes. "Just scrape off the black and they are prefect."She says with a smile.

"Oh.....thhhannnks." I say picking one up it stayed stiff as I picked up I could tell it was as hard as a hockey puck " know I'm gonna go for a walk...." I turn to walk out

"Wait! Where are you going? ...I'm not going to stop you from taking a walk but take this with you. I don't want you getting hurt." I turn back holding my hand out but freeze as he places a pink gun with a black "A" on it.

"T-this is a gun!?" I say shocked

"Why of course it is. It's your gun, I also ordered more of your throwing knives and firecracker bombs." He says handing me a belt holster holding three knives shaped like a spade symbol and a small bag. I look in disbelief, who just hands their daughter this stuff! I decide not to talk back and adjust my belt putting three knives on it and place the gun and bag in my hoodie pockets I smile nervously as I walk out of the warehouse. I felt uncomfortable walking around with such items on me as I walk.

"Have I always walked around like this?" I ask myself "I can't believe I could do anything to help them I'm just a girl....I can't be dangerous." As I turn the corner rubbing my fingers along the smooth barrel of the gun I hear yelling in a alleyway beside me I turn and see a tall young girl, with short brown hair, most likely in high school being mugged a man holding a knife against her throat. "Well I definitely don't live is the safe neighborhood." I say heading towards them full speed. "Hey get away from her!!" I turn my body and flip over him and grab his wrist twisting it causing the knife to fall from his hand she took the opportunity to slide away backing into the wall her eyes on me worried.

"You ok?" I ask looking over to her she nods and points behind me eyes Widen.

"Behind you!!" She yells I quickly duck as a knife passes above me the man stumbles a bit and instinctively I pull my gun shooting him in the stomach he gags and falls quietly. I gasp and stand up looking at him the girl looks shocked and scared.

"T-thank you." She yells before running away.

As the girl disappears I lean against the wall sliding to the floor.

"How the hell did I do that...flipping....dodging.....SHOOTING!!" I look at the dead man on the ground beside me. The thing that scared me the most was, the shot I fired wasn't supposed to kill him cause I aimed for his side.

I stood up placing my gun back in my pocket. Stepping back over the mans corps to exit the alleyway a small smile creeping upon my face I quickly stopped the smile scolding myself for allowing in to exist. But at the same time I I passed by a mirror left outside to be taken by the trash people my eyes widen as I see my skin had turned paler not white but if it kept up it wouldn't take long.

"N-no!" I punch the mirror smashing it laughing a bit as a bit of blood trickles down my hand to my arm. "He...hehe...heheheHAHAHA what am I so worried about?" 'Even if my appearance were to change I would still be me, right?' I think to myself. I look at myself in a broken piece of glass that had fallen from the mirror to the floor. My eyes have become a redish-brown color. "This must be from stress....I'm imaging the Dream me...." I scoff kicking the mirror away from me walking out the alley. I see a four men each with a tattoo of my father they look over to me and smile.

"The boss said the princess was back. But Your looking a bit pale?" One says

"Pale...well i may not be feeling 100% right now..."I say with a blank face. Realizing if they noticed too, then it couldn't be my imagination.

"You want us to get you some medicine?" Another says

", I get the feeling that wont help me.....but I do have something I want to do. I'm gonna need a bit of make up and your help though." They nod I head back to the warehouse with them following, they stand awkwardly by the door why I go and put on my make up just like the way it is in photo of me and the other two girls I decide not to change clothes or put my hair in pigtails. "No need to waist time." I say walking back down my dad see's me and he pauses

"Sweetie~ your going out on a job?....oh I see the chemical is starting to activate." He says noticing my hands and legs are pale not just my face, although my face was completely white from the make up, my eyes had become redder I noticed that as I put my make up on and my hair darkened.

"Chemical?" I say looking at him for a moment

"Yes, the chemical born in your blood. No worries it wont do anything if anything your about to become a butterfly HAHA I cant wait to see what your doing on the news." He smiles but stops when he notices I'm not. "Whats wrong no smile?"

"Not now I guess I scared myself earlier. By the way I'm borrowing four henchmen." I say turning away.

"I know I saw them standing by the door waiting I gave them some guns one they told me they were helping you with something." He said chuckling. I start to walk away heading down the stairs but pause.

"Love you dad." I say before heading out I walk past the henchmen out the door they turn to follow me as I head to Arkham Asylum. A painted smile on my face but no expression to match.

As I walked I remember the things I was able to see online, with all that information there must be something about me in there.

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