chapter 26 Chemical Reactions (part 2)

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We make it to the gates of Arkham the guys seem a bit anxious to get started.

"Ok guys here is the plan I'll go knock out the guards at the booth you guys follow once I open the gate stay quiet till I open the cells." They nod. I point to two of them. "your job it to go around letting who ever is Locked up here know that we are letting time go and taking over Arkham I need these three people with me. Bring them to me."

I hand them photos of two guys and a woman. One of the guys wore a green outfit with question marks on it, why the other wore a scarecrow costume. The woman had green tinted skin and there were plants around her. I had seen some information on them why roaming the Internet and noticed Arkham had them on the roster I had look at another called Catwoman but she was not in the system right now.

"The other two you stay with me to keep problems out of my way." I say pointing to the other two. I give them the signal to wait as I sneak over there are four guards talking about and wandering around. I flip over the the lights landing near the shadowed area beside one guard he yawns coming closer I take the opportunity to pull him over and slamming his head against the brick wall knocking him out. I slowly put him on the ground and peek over. Seeing the other three one watching a video with his head phones on his phone near a key hole with a label saying Gate above it. I crouch sneaking over behind two more and jump up kicking one in the head causing him to crash into the other knocking them both out. I land on the ground a small smile finds its way on my face as I calmly walk over to the man watching the videos pulling out his ear buds.

"What the hell ma-" he yells but as he turns around I punch him in the face I notice a key attached to his I.D. badge that doubled as a key card and decide to just take both to make things easy. He grabs my hand to try and stop me but I knock his head into the panel he goes limp and I drop him. I put the key in the key hole and turn it the gate opened and the hench men run over.

"Nice job boss lady!" One says

I run into the gate they catch up following me I look at the entry badge "level red" was on the side. I open the door a secretary looked up as the door opened she reached for a button or something but I threw a throwing knife landing it in her hand she started to yelled but one henchmen quickly shot her luckily their guns had silencers one them. I stood still for a moment and then smiled.

"You." I say looking at him. "Did I say do that?" I ask a glair joining my smile. His eyes almost seemed to shake.

"N-no sorry boss lady..." He says gulping

"Never mind that barricade the front door with all this furniture." They nod I go over and look at the computer next to the dead secretary pause and pull out my throwing knife wiping the blood off on her clothes before putting in back in the holster.

I see a note pad with codes on it the top reading 'Doctors codes' I tear the paper out and look up at the computer I typed in one code and put the paper in my pocket. It opened up the files for a Dr.Logan I look around why they finish barricading the door I went through the list of doctor's she has written down. I print out two maps of the building since none of the doctor's on this list had anything useful for me. I snap pointing to the desk and three henchmen grab it lifting it causing the computer to fall and break. I hand the other two one map.

"You two head over to the inmates, kill anyone who gets in your way. Once you get the three bring them here." I say pointing to the security room.

"Yes ma'am. Oh here joker said to give this to you." He says taking out a bag of what looked to be marbles I take one out and notice it had something in the center. "They are smoke marbles toss'em down and they make smoke. I hand him three and keep the rest.

"Use those if you get crowded." I say they nod and head off towards the cells where the patients are I nod for the other two to come with me.

We walk through the hallway me at the lead and a henchman on each side. A few doctors walk out into us but I would just have a henchman knock them out with his gun.

We walk up to a elevator door guarded by two armed guards as they spot us they aim their guns.

"Halt!! Put your weapons down!!." I roll my eyes and shoot them both before sliding the key card the door opened and we walk in I press the button for the top floor where the security system to keep the gates closed is and a bell dings as we go up smooth elevator music plays. I think of how ironic it was and chuckle the chuckle turns into a hysterical laugh the henchmen look at each other as the door opens two guards turn around confused but I shoot them down before they could react. More guards run out aiming there guns I drop out one of the marbles it shatters and smoke fills the room.

"Fill the room with bullets." I say as we walk forward my men just shoot basically making it impossible for someone to survive. The smoke clears as we make it to the other side I glance back at the bodies on the floor their weapons beside them.

"Good job boys." I slide the key card and step into the security room making them stand guard. I the worker turns around but not before I could flip over and press the gun against his head.

"Don't scream or make any sudden movements or I'll blow your brains on the panel." He nods in agreement "good. Now unlock the gates to the cells."

"B-but the...inmates..." He says shaking

"I know. Just to it." I say pressing my gun against his head hard enough to bruise it. He opens them shaking. "Good job. Sorry." I shoot him and push him out of chair taking a seat picking up a mic and turning the security cameras on the cells. I see my man pointing out the spot I told them on the map the woman nods and the men point to another door they run past other inmates and not too long later come out in costume each dressed out ivy raised a arm and a rose attached to her outfit grows and spreads around growing as they run to us. I press the button on the Microphone.

"Hello their Ace Of Hearts here just letting all the doctor's know to stay in your office any doctor's caught outside their office or trying to escape. Will be killed~" I turn off the Microphone and the door opens up the henchmen letting in the three.

"Well well, someone is graduating from sidekick to full fledged villain." The Man in the scarecrow costume says.

"Glad to see you safe Alice." The plant lady says.

" three your called poison ivy, riddler, and scarecrow. Correct?" I ask they look at each other confused.

"....oh yeah you know us.." scarecrow says

"Not anymore I've lost my memory." I say carefree spinning I the chair.

"Why is your skin so pale?" Poison ivy says looking at my legs and hands.

"Call it a chemical reaction." I stop spinning and my smile disappeared I remember how I was trying not to smile. "Look I need riddlers computer skills for a moment." I say he steps forward

"What can I do for you." He says tipping his hat

"Hack the system to make it lock where evey door lock to level red and only works for this card. Not sure if this will help but here." I hand him the card I had and the codes I had obtained from the secretary. I take the card off the dead worker. "Annndd this one to I guess, for you guys." He takes the cards and starts messing with the computer and panels.

"What about us?" Ivy asked.

"Ivy I want you to make an escape route on the last floor in this area-" I point on the spare map I printed and hand it her. "why scarecrow works on any hero that tries to stop us." I turn over and turn On a TV that was in the corner of the room I put the news on and see them reporting down the road from the front gates. As they are reporting the Batmobile followed by a red motorcycle zooms by towards the Asylum. Riddler turns hands me my key card back.

"thanks, Seems like we don't have long." I say Turning to the door.

"What are you going to do?" Scarecrow asks.

"Im going to talk to the doctor." I say opening the door waving the henchmen to follow me as I swipe the card getting back into the elevator I press the button for the fourth floor a the music resumes. The door opened I see patients that must have been being transported back to their cells, roaming around slamming on the doors to scare the doctor's I roll my eyes and scan my key card on the elevator opening it.

"HEY! ALL OF YOU GET IN THE DAMN ELEVATOR OR YOUR BRAINS PAINT THE WALLS!!" I yell they stop and sulkingly get into the elevator. I walk to the first door and have a henchman kick it in. "To save time. Kick them all in." I say stepping into the room as they go kicking each door in doctor's scream from fear but stay in the office as they move along to the other door.

I look around the office I peek under the desk and see a doctor sitting holding her head shaking.

"Alrighty doc up on your feet log in your computer and find out any information you can on me." I say pulling her up she gave mage a confused look and under a Alias search the types 'Ace of hears' but a flashing warning pops up 'WARNING:YOU DO NOT HAVE CLEARANCE TO SEE THIS FILE' I groan and look at her

"Who the hell has the clearance!?" She shakes more as I yell, I roll my eyes and aim my gun. "Answer me~" I say sweetly "or die!" I say in a cold heartless tone.

"I-its Dr.Shade in 210!" She says pointing out. I smirk and knock her out before walking out I pass by the doors listening to crying and whimpers from the doctor's as I pass each room the henchmen wandering around with their guns. As I pass each room I read the room numbers.

"206...207...208...209........210" I say Turning slowly facing the door I walk in seeing a man sitting on the floor holding a picture frame. "Up on your feet log into the computer or ill kill you.

"Y-yes ma'am p-please don't kill me." He logs on placing the frame facing down picture hidden a picture of me pops up attached to my parents files the photo has a blackgate logo on it. All pages of information on me that another lower class asylum. Luckily since my parents went here they attached my file to them. I print them out and turn to the man.

"You did good but since you know what I printed, your gonna haft to die now." I say with a smile

"N-no please don't I have a daughter. Plea-" I cut him off shooting him in the heart.

"Yeah yeah yeah...."I glance down at the picture frame and curiously I pick it up my eyes widen and I start to laugh as I see picture of the girl I had saved earlier today in my hand. Her short brown hair and I hadn't noticed before but her left side shaved short one blond steak I stare at it as I laugh I turn to the dead body. "Well she has your freckles Doc." I put it down hard cracking the glass and leave the office with the papers. I fold the papers and place them in my pocket signaling the henchmen it's time to go as we head to the elevator it opens and I see a familiar bat suit and boy behind them stood another suited hero, red mask and a red cape with a black suit, red boots that had a picture of a hawk on his chest.

"Well well I see two old faces, and one new one." I say stepping back as my henchmen step forward. I take out the map and spot a staircases.

"It batman and robin, and they brought red hawk!!" My henchmen say

"A-ace.....what happened to you." Robin says looking at me up and down.

"Isn't it obvious dork. The mystery chemical activated." Red Hawk says looking at me

"Ding ding. We have a winner! Good job newbie!" I say putting the map up and clapping.

"I'm not a newbie I'm the one that saved you." He takes a step forward now beside batman and robin.

"W-what? Your supposed to be at the hospital not here!" I say realizing it must be Damien.

"Alice what is going on here dead bodies of doctor's and cops. What have you done this isn't how you work." Batman says

"HAHA how I work? Heheahaha you say that like I should know how I work. That's funny B-man a real gut buster. Speaking of gut buster henchmen make'em bust a gut, go easy on red hawk I own him a favor!" My henchmen attack why I make a run for the stairs sliding the key card opening the door I go in and break the key pad hopping to make it harder to hack or use I dash down the stairs first floor I hear the door on the fourth door slam open I glance up seeing them running down.

"Oh no you don't!!" I light a firecracker bomb and toss it high up. "Enjoy the fireworks!" I say as I scan my card and run out I turn the corner quickly as I hear the bomb go off and the door burst off the hinges. "wow what a kick!!" I say as I look back. I look forward seeing vines on the walls and they start to become more frequent I turn another corner and see Ivy next to a hole in the wall plants swarming it.

"Finally and here I thought you bailed on me, come on lets hurry I'm betting whatever you blew up back there wont hold them for long." I nod and We head down the vine covered hole ivy closing it behind us we run I hear a window break and see a vine carrying down riddler and a beat up scarecrow.

"Seems the whole gang is out."I say smiling

"Yep and now to keep the bat busy." Riddler says pressing a button

"What did that do?" I ask as we run

"Unlocked all the doors." He says with a smile

"Impressive work Riddler." We keep running I hear Robin yell from the roof.

"ALLLLIIIIIICCCCCEE!!!!" I get the feeling something like that, had happened before.


After making it back the others decided to come with me to talk with my parents to figure out what had happened to my memories. I don't care, as soon as I get back I went to my to room and placed the papers neatly around me on the floor reading each one,I kept the door closed carefully reading in silence. I practically growl in anger and tear up as none of this information I worked so hard to get pertained to me, but rather, the Ace Of Hearts. My alias not truly me, they didn't even have my actual name on the papers, no doubt because none other then my parents could tell them. I kneel on the floor and I hang my head a chuckle growing in my throat that morphed into a psychotic laugh.

~~~back to the heroes~~~

After gasing the place with knock out gas and dragging back most of the criminals batman,red hawk, and myself filled the cops in on what we knew, we took a copy of the security camera and left to analyze the footage. I sit quietly as me and father ride with red hawk following on his motorcycle.

" are you feeling?" He asks not looking away from the road.

"....Not good...You saw everything back their.....dead bodies....lots of them and the wound on that secretary's hand...the bloody wipe was shaped like one of Alice's old knifes.....she lead them their and hurt people....and.....her...her skin, hair, and eyes....what happened to her?" I say my voice shaking slightly.

"It's from the chemicals that there's nothing we can do to reverse it...." we pull into the Batcave and get out the car walking over to computers. We play the security tape and I stare in shock as we watch the first seconds of the tape, Alice walking through the doors henchmen following her the secretary reaching over for the security button to set off the alarm and in seconds Alice's knife plunged into her hand, the woman looked like she was about to scream but before she could she was shot by one of Alice's henchman. There is a pause as Alice stairs at the woman I thought that maybe Alice would say something against this action. She turns to the henchmen. we had to rewind the film turn up the volume so we could hear it. I was horrified as she can't says with a terrifying look "you, did I say to do that." And then acts as if it didn't matter walking over and pausing before pulling out her knife and wiping in on the woman's dead body before placing it back in its holster.

"I-i cant watch this anymore." I turn feeling the need to punk seeing the girl I loved do this was like looking into a horrible alternate world. I look up to see Damien had made it back and his expression as he looked at alice kill people on the camera. Was one that disturbed me it was the same look I would give her as we would fight back them her elegant yet playful flips that would make it seem like she was flying, and her childish flirting capturing my eyes. I glared at him, he was looking at this version of her with lust and love. "I'm going to my room!!" I yell in anger and horror. Damian just smiles.

~~~the clown house~~~

Down stairs Alice could be heard laughing as if she was a broken record.

"Jesus she sounds.....well like you joker." Ivy says staring up from the first floor at Alice's door at top the stair case.

"Yeah isn't it great~" Harley replies with a smile as she sits in jokers lap

"Not so much great as much oh~ I don't know worrying!" Ivy replies looking away from the door.

"Well I just called jack seems him and little eddy have been staying the night together to keep from being alone I told them to head over." Jonathan says walking in the room.

"Oh good idea I'll call rose and tell her to bring Selena and Kat." Ivy says getting up heading to the kitchen to make a call.

The laughing upstairs had halted to a stop it caused everyone even scarecrow to tense up. Joker stood up dropping Harley to the floor she rubbed her side and looked up at him.

"Hmmmm...rather quiet suddenly." he walked up the stairs opening Alice's door she laid silently on the floor breathing softly. "Hehehe laughing yourself to sleep now that's a new one." He says picking her up and placing her in her bed pulling the covers over her. "My sweet little jester~" he kisses her cheek before walking out he heads back down to the others

"She ok?" Jonathan asks

"Yes yes she just laughed herself to sleep." Joker says waving it off

"Man that worried us." Edward says sighing

"Hey what happened to her?" Ivy asks in a quiet tone.

"....Not sure, one moment we found out she was the new batgirl and she agreed to come home.....not too long later we get told she is missing again...B-man and wonder boy looked around searching they even had Nightwing, and the old boy wonder. We even had out henchmen put look'in. It was red hawk that saved her, we know. Nothing of the in between other then red hawk killed a few of our henchmen he said they had her and was plan'in on double cross'in." Harley says dramatically causing joker to roll his eyes. The front door flew open as the teen villains of Gotham ran I Selena walking behind.

"Is she ok!?" Jack asked panicked

"Is she hurt?!" Edward Jr. Asked equally as panicked

Kat and rose ignored everyone else and ran for her room.

"NO-" joker yelled they froze. "She is fine just sleeping, don't wake her up, get down here!" Without hesitation the girls turned around heading back down.

" she is fine.....that's good." Selena says coming in after the children.

The kids stood near each other their eyes all looking at Alice's door they hadn't seen her since the last time they took her from the water park hey didn't know if she was still angry or not.

"Alice is a bit....hmm, Different now" Joker he says basically singing the word.

"Different?" Rose says raising a brow but then her eyes Widen. "The chemical!" As she said that the others look to joker for confirmation. His smile says all.

"That and her loss of memory." Harley says chiming in.

"She lost her memories?!" Jack and Edward Jr. Say in unison.

"Yes that also its a big part of all this. She has become a new girl, yet the same." He chuckles.

There is a bit of talking amongst one another worried word and glances to her door.

That is Until it opens.

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