Chapter 28: call me shadow demon

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"Yeah, are you Gabby?" I ask as she inches closer out of the shadows.

"Maybe,maybe not." She pauses I see the basic outline of her face through the shadows. "What do you want?" She asks

".....I'm looking for a person to test something of mine, an experiment. I'm willing to pay $40,000, you know where she is?" I say knowing very well she is gabby.

"Yeah, it's me...." she steps into the light wearing a purple hoodie and some black pants, she had a bag most likely filled with clothes. She looks just like the picture her freckles and hair matching perfectly. "What type of experiment?" She asks with a brow raised.

"Well I say mine but its actually something my friend Dr.Brooke told me about all that's missing is a subject, it is an experiment involving some sort of power of the mind junk." I hold My fists as the pain from hitting the wall finally sets in.

"......a subject...what do you mean by power of the mind?" She asks looking up at me.

"All I know is that it's supposed to open abilities with the mind. You in?" I say she nods slowly, I knew she needed money. Then again even if she didn't $40,000 is very persuasive. "I'll call us a cab they can take us to my car then I'll drive us there." I pull my phone out and call a taxi yawning as we wait.


I managed to make it home as soon as I walk through the door I am greeted with a hug from my mom.

"Sweetie! We were so worried when the others came back without you!" She says rubbing her make-up off on me but it doesn't even show against my white skin.

"Mom I'm fine there is nothing to worry about. I got away safe." I say calmly with a awkward smile. She looks at me pausing.

"Your back to yourself? What happened to new loose screws?" She says looking at me some of her skin shows where it rubbed off.

"The bat gave me a screwdriver." I say holding up the pill case

"Did he now?" I hear my father say he walks in the room. "How nice of him to keep you sane, must be because of your blood lust off of those little pills." As he says that my blood runs cold as I remember shooting people and killing,something new to me a flash of the girl looking at me as the man I saved her from laid dead flashes in my mind.

"Y-yeah must be...." I say shuttering from the image.

"Alice your back!" I turn to see my friends coming from the living room. The boys run over hugging me.

"Hey everyone glad to see you made it back." I pat there backs as Kat and rose walk over patting mine and pulling Jack and Edward off me.

"Dude your crazy awesome!" Jack yells "That thing with the glass ceiling had even me scared!"

"Girl I didn't know could reach that level of bad ass!" Kat high fives me and I smile.

"It was my chemicals, hehe call it crazy adrenaline." I say rubbing my shoulder.

"You seem back to your old self, what happened?" Edward says looking into my now sane eyes.

"Now that you mention it she is very calm. Although a bit pale." Rose says joking.

"The bat made me some anti-crazy pills, and whatever's paler then white I don't want to see it." I say joking back.

"You kids finish splitting and counting the loot cause Alice need to get some real sleep her nap earlier wasn't nearly enough for a princess of crime." My dad says looking at his watch. "Its two in the morning in sure tomorrow will be much funer."

"Yeah we split it, Alice your cut we put in your room." Kat says

"Hope you didn't mind us intruding." Jack says.

"Its no problem....well ill be heading to bed see ya guys." I turn to my room as I walk in I see the pile of money with diamond things here and there. "Wow, didn't realize we made that much." I walk into my bathroom the mirror had a smile drawn on with lipstick, I wash the black from around my eyes and the lipstick off my face taking some soap to scrub my face since it was hard to see where my mind white make up had applied itself. I pause looking at my pale white skin.

"I need to buy some foundation....or at least get a tan." I take my hair down and place the pills on a night stand near my bed. I put on some night clothes, which was apparently one of my dads shirts I must have taken or borrowed, there was some sort of blood old stain from what seemed to be a long time ago but I didn't care I crawled into bed and felt myself drift off.


I drive me and gabby to the base opening the door for her she walks in and passes through black curtains into the ruby red halls with golden borders. I wave for her to follow me, and head to Dr.Brooke with Gabby following close behind. We walk through the glass doors to Her office I see Gabby looking around the white room filled with strange machines and test tubes. Dr.Brooke walks in carrying a box of chemical vials.

"Oh what a nice surprise, and what do I owe the pleasure?" She asks setting down the box.

"Remember that experiment you mentioned the beginning of this month?" I say leaning on a counter.

"Yes the mental power, I'm surprised you remembered. what about it?" She asks looking to me and then glancing at gabby.

"This girl I'm paying her to be the test subject." I wave for her to walk forward Gabby does so staring a bit awkwardly at Dr.Brooke

"She seems healthy enough and is about the age I was looking at. Well I wasn't prepared for this I'll haft to go set up the tube for submersion, lemme go get it remember." Dr.Brooke opens a drawer and hands her a type of suit before pointing to a room. "Change into that it will help make sure your covered necessarily." With that said they split into different rooms leaving me to stand awkwardly waiting.


I wander around town all night till sun rise looking for the girl. I role a remaining marble in my hand. I decide to stop by the house of Dr.Shade before returning home, to see if maybe the girl took anything with her, or maybe something in her room would help us out. I swing by and the go in through a window

Her room was small with a desk, dresser, and bed. There was close and paper lying about most of the paper were drawings of what looked to be a girl sitting in the dark over and over. I see a few of her drawers left opened and from the looks of it things were taken. After looking at some things I take the drawings deciding they were the only thing helpful here. And leave heading back to the cave.

"I Wonder what Alice is doing." I say to myself as I ride my motorcycle. I remember the moment I saw my brother kissing her, my blood boils and I drive faster entering the cave and stopping I get off and toss my helmet on the floor and take the drawings to dad. "These were in that girls room."

"...what were you doing there?" He asks as he looks at each picture all of a girl sitting in a corner of a room with shadows surroundings her.

"I was near the place decided to stop by." I say with a shrug

"She seems to have a fear of the dark" he says stairs at the drawings

"How do you figure that?" I ask looking over his shoulder at the pictures.

"I used to be scared of things when I was younger, I drew similar things." He places them down.

"......hey, about Alice no one knows what she really looks like can't we just-"

"Just what! keep a girl with white skin and say she isn't the same person?" He says cutting me off a glair in his eyes "she committed a crime even though her mind wasn't in the right train of thought murder should have her in jail time at Arkham is going easy." He turns back and I hang my head. There must be something I can do. I turn leaving deciding to go for a walk in the city to clear my mind. I change into some normal clothes before heading out.


After changing into the suit I was given I look at myself the suit looked a lot like a swim suit but covered the little amount needed to censor it I was a bit embarrassed by it but given my situation it wasn't like it would be easy to find money without risking someone turning me into the children services.

I still remember the fear in my heart as the t.v. Alerts the situation at Arkham and what The Ace Of Hearts was doing shooting workers and setting inmates free.I quickly left the house knowing since my mother was never found I would be put in child care and with a month till my birthday it would just be a horrible waist of time.

It still confused me, she had saved me the same day she killed my father. Did she kill him cause I ran after she saved me, Or could this be a sick twisted joke by fate. I step out of the room I had changed in and see the strange boy who offered me the money, I did wonder how he knew who I was or why he was looking for me but after the money offer. I figured he was not a thug so what would it hurt to thrust him, he had apparently helped the doctor bring in some sort of subject tube, wires and, suctions. The tube was big enough to fit a human so I assume ill be submerged.

"Ah already dressed I see." Dr.Brooke says setting up some syringes and a monitors. I nod and she waves for me to come here.

"....Will this be safe?" I ask but she just nods and takes my hand helping me Into the tube she places some of the suctions on me one over my heart, and a few more. She hooks up the wires into the tube a looks up at me.

"I want you to think of something that it simple but to you has a deep in meaning. Like how water is simple but can be powerful. Meditate this I'm going to submerge you but first I need your arm." She says I slowly lift my arm and she sticks me with a syringe with some weird purple liquid. "This is going to put you into a deep state of thought you will be unconscious for this experiment but no worries me and the young master will keep a close eye on the monitors." She smiled to me before placing a air tube in my mouth as the shot she gave me started to kick in I could feel water or something start to fill the tube as I drifted. It was strange I could feel my body floating in the liquid but it was as if I was in my own mind I thinks about what she said. Think of something simple but that has deep meaning to me. I instantly think of the dark nights when I was younger, my dad coming in my room to me sitting near the window shaking trying to hide from the dark.

'Sweety why are you shaking whats wrong?' he would say picking me up and tucking me into my bed.

'I-its Dark...I don't like it.' I would cry.

'don't be that know I heard that if you are brave enough you can become the princess of darkness.' He said smiling

I think about the darkness I had a horrible fear of the dark but as a young girl I thought if i could become the princess I would overcome my fear. I spent nights sitting in the dark terrified but nothing I drew pictures constantly of the would all be different if I could just control it. Then I would be in charge of it and not haft to be scared, and since dad is gone I am going to be trapped in the dark. I start thinking deeper and deeper about it all.


"Amazing something in her train of though is activating the chemicals in the mixture!" Dr.Brooke says excited

I rolled my eyes and turn to see what she is talking about my eyes widen as the chemicals she was submerged in start turning darker until it's a slightly see through black.

"What is happening!? That stuff was blue when she started!" I step closer to the container to try and see into it as the center of the liquid was basically pitch black why the sides were a faint grey, suddenly Gabby's hand touches the edge right where my face was I jump back surprised and go over to a chair near the counter and sit to avoid this weirdness.

"Did she already finish?? These results are more amazing then had ever imagined!" Dr.Brooke Says reading the monitors.

The container suddenly shatters I watch as the black chemicals spread across the floor I look up to see Gabby pull the air tube from her mouth and look at us.

"Are we done now?" She says not nearly seeming as shy and quiet as she did earlier.


As my train of thought got more dark I could feel the darkness start to consume me as it did I could only think of my father. He said I could be the princess but I want to make people shake I wanna hurt the Ace Of Hearts, I can't do that as the shadow princess, no. I want to become the shadow demon.

As this thought came to mind my eyes open a slight sting from whatever liquid I was in I could see the boys face peering into my darkness I quickly place my hand in the glass and see him jump back I pause noticing the black liquid around me I think how they kept saying power of the mind. Guess mine must be the dark, that's all I could think of. I decide to test this and close my eyes thinking of the dark liquid around me I think of it expanding and then the container shattered the liquid flooded out onto the floor and I stood inside the shattered container. I look up and pull the air tube out of my mouth.

"Are we done now?" I ask the doctor smiles at me why the boy stays seated.

"You are a hundred percent a success!! You used your new power to get out correct?! What is it you thought of please tell me?" The doctor acts as if she was a child in Christmas day.

"I thought of the dark.....Like shadows and stuff." I say stepping out of the broken tube the liquid dripping from me.

"Fantastic try using it again." She says enthusiastic

"Again?.....ok I'll try." I lift my hand and think hard of the shadows in the room to touch my hand, suddenly the shadows warp and drag themselves to me not leaving there spots but almost as if sending a clone of themselves to me I look at a weird ball of darkness in my hand almost as if it was a black hole. The doctor claps happily.

"So here is the money you were offered." I turn seeing the boy hold out a stack of money I walk over and grab It.

"You paid me to get powers??" I raise a brow.

"What can I say I was bored....look don't let people know how you got them or who you got them can call me 'D' for more k?" He looks to me and I nod.

"And you can call me shadow demon." I smile

"Well you must be tired, why don't we put her in a room here so I can keep an eye on her?" The doctor says looking over my results.

"That's fine. I'm heading home keep her in good health." He says turning to walk away.

"With these these powers I can get The Ace Of Hearts back!" I say swirling the shadows in my hand, D freezes and looks back at me.

"What was that about the Ace Of Hearts?" He kind of had a cold expression as he looked back almost as if he hated to hear her name.....maybe she killed someone he loved to?

"Look you are allowed revenge, but HURT her and I'll hurt you." He glares and I stare at him shocked

"Y-you can't threaten me she killed my father!!" I look him in the eyes angry I feel the shadows I holding spread menacingly. But I stop them. "I wont kill her but she will be hurt. I got my money I want to go now." I say turning to the doctor.

"Oh we-"

"I called you a ride. Doctor take her to the front red hawk will arrive soon." He says cutting her off, D had such a temper it irritated me but also kind of made him relatable.

"What about you?" I ask wringing some of the liquid from my hair

"I'm tired, go change and go to your ride." He turns walking out of the lab I sigh and go back to the room where I changed and strip of the wet clothes and put the stack of money in my bag. I lift my hand looking at it I open it and shadows start to lift from my hands, I clench my fist and smile.


I wake up and stretch I look over to the window although someone had boarded it up with wood, the color of light leaking in told me it was very early it was still dark out but the sun had started to rise creating a slight orange color that leaked in through the cracks in the wood.

".....guess I should wake up."I sit up and yawn I look down at the pill case. " in the morning." I say opening it up and taking a pill I dry swallow it and stand up stretching before walking out of my room I go down stairs and enter the kitchen I see my mom flipping some burnt pancakes and my dad reading the news paper on the front page a picture of me and the others is printed big with the words "Youthful Maniacs" the smell of burnt pancakes makes me cringe as I walk closer .

"Sweety your just in time for breakfast!" Mom says loud and happy.

"Um thanks but...I think I'm in the mood for cereal today." I say smiling I see my dad point to a cabinet I turn opening it seeing a few boxes, I grab some Lucky charms and grab a bowl making me done.

"Here is the milk sweety" my mom walks over pouring me some milk and I smile

My family seems normal and happy, I wonder if we've always been this happy. I see my dad pour himself some coffee and start to take a drink

"Thanks mom." I take a bite and then decide to stir up a conversation. "So, robin called me his girlfriend the other day. I kind on remember him." As I say this my dad spits his coffee across the other side of the room and coughs.

"He did!? That made you remember something!?.....t-thats good he may be the key to your memory!" He smiles and glares as if planning something "I may not like you and him being a couple but it seems you may need him." He walks off into his office leaving me and mom confused as I finish my cereal. "Oh hey mom I'm going to get some make up let dad know I'll be gone for a bit." I kiss her cheek and run upstairs to change. I find some black leggings I put on some pink shorts over them, a black and white stripe shirt, I grab my hoodie from the closet and zip it up half way I put a handful of money in my shorts pocket and a knife and gun in my hoodie pocket. I put on some combat boots and smile now only my white face and hands were able to be seen I leave putting my hood up and placing my hands in my pocket. I put on a small back pack sack with a few weapons inside.

"Some foundation might do the trick." I say to myself as I walked around heading to a shopping area I had passed the other day on my way to the charity. I manage to find a store specifically for make up I walk over to the skin foundations and find the skin color that matched the photo in my room, a woman walks up to me.

"In your looking for foundation we have a new product you may love." She says I turn around my hood hiding my face.

"What is it?" I ask calmly

"It is a airbrush foundation it perfectly blends it." She says smiling showing me the machine.

"Ok give it to me." I pull out my gun and aim it at her she gasps and panics handing me a box with a new machine. "And anything else needed, you wouldn't want me to come back, do you?" I look up at her with a smile enough to show what my hood was hiding my white skin and red eyes looking at her

I ended up leaving with the machine and all the accessories I smiles walking about I stopped by a fast food place and went in the bathroom hiding in a stall as I apply the skin tone I smile before boxing it back up and placing it in my bag with the weapons. I walk out and decide to order something I order a few dollar burgers and a soda, I walk over to a empty booth and eat blankly staring out through the window at the people walking down the street. I sigh starring out but freeze as a boy steps into my view he looked at me and paused before walking in he seemed familiar I looked at him as he walked over to me.

" name is Zach Wayne." He says sitting across from me. "I know you don't remember me.....due to your memory loss but you've seen me as robin." As he says that I choke on my drink and cough.

"Your rob- opps....i" I say remembering when he called me his girlfriend a blush moves across his face.

"Yeah....what happened to your skin? Did it go back to normal?" He says looking at me

"Oh. This nah I stole a air brush base kit." I say smiling be pauses and sighs smirking.

"Back to being Ace." He says something about him calling me ace triggered a memory of us at a party and me yelling at him saying to call me ace of hearts. I place my hand on my head and look up at him.

"It's ace of hearts not ace, I feel like I say that way too much." I say his eyes widen.

"Wait did you just remember I called you that a lot??" He says hopefully

"Yeah....I remembered yelling at you. Hey Zach....can you walk me home.....I wanna hang out with you a bit longer. I'll give you a burger." I smile holding up the cheap burger he smiled laughing a bit.

"Sure and thanks." He takes it and we get up walking out.

"Its weird walking with you so casually after all that's happened, I missed this." He says looking at the sky as I looked over at him a blush found its way onto my face. We continued to walk till finally we were at the ware house I smiled nervously at robin and he blushed.

"Thanks for walking and talking with me Zach." I say looking up in his eyes

"N-no problem." He looked almost hypnotized and placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned closer I blushes deeper and closed my eyes preparing myself when suddenly.

"So you gonna kiss her in slow motion or get inside." My father says due to are fixation on each other he failed to notice my dad open the door.

Zach panicked and let me go blushing deep red and I look flustered as my father drags us inside.

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