chapter 33:Fight of truth

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As soon I saw Gabby I was quickly knocked to the ground by a shadow hand. The others leap to help but more shadow figures appeared pressing them to the wall behind me the figures covering their mouths.

"G-gabby put them down....I won't fight you and you shouldn't be fighting me-" I was cut off by her shadow hand grabbing me and holding me in the air.

"Enough of this your so weak you had to bring friends to our new base. Cause of you Damien had to abandon his main hideout. Your nothing but a problem!" she yelled holding me higher in the air ginning as I hold desperately at the shadow hand for what little air I could get.

"P-please...listen....D-Damien is...bad." I say my vision starting to blur

"Shut up don't blame him!!!" she growls

"Put her down now!" rose says angrily. I manage to turn enough to see her vines managed to press the shadows away and free herself. "If your shadows can lift solid objects then solid objects can affect them." rose raises her hands and vines crash through the floor and slide up between everyone wedging under the shadows pulling them off. The vines raised up pulling the hand from my neck as it held me up.

"No! Stop she is a killer!!!" gabby yells at rose. "She killed my dad!" I see tears fall from under her mask down her cheek.

"I...I'm sorry....please believe me....Damien erased my memory.....he-" I feel a sharp pain in my right shoulder and my eyes widen as I clench my teeth I look to see a spike of shadow stabbing me.

"I won't listen!" she growls again.

"A-ace!!" Zach yells running over to me as the spike fades

"No!" I hold my hand up to stop him. "Don't come near she needs to know..." I turn back to her as she takes a uneasy step backwards. "Damien kidnapped me....raped me...and brain washed caused me to lash out when my chemicals activated....I went your father....for my memories....I though if I read my file....then I would know..." I hold my shoulder as I try to speak normally without any pain in my voice.

"Liar!!! I don't believe you!!" she yells rasing her hand, Red leaps forward kicking her shadow back and pulling out a knife.

"Even with this little knife I can kick your shadows butt. Listen....please I worked for Damien....what She says is true." he frowns looking at Gabby

"I can also say it's true....I'm his brother....I can't forgive him. What he did rolled into many more things to happen she was a hero for a while she was gonna stay a hero....but I am a villain and do less damage then him." Zach looks to gabby pleading with his eyes.

"He...he helped me....he gave me my powers....I...I can't believe it...I WONT!!!" gabby kneels down pulling her mask off wiping her tears before placing it back on.

"Its true." we hear a voice say in the back of the room. Gabby freezes.

All eyes shift to the back and my blood freezes as I see Damien looking down from a hidden stair case.

"Damien." Zach says in a low scary voice.

"If that isn't evidence then I don't know what is." Red says in a fighting stance

"Ugh the fact I'm half related to that guy makes me sick." Kat says pulling the Whip off her belt.

"So you came with friends. How sad I was hoping to talk with you alone." Damien says with a smirk.

"Your not talking anyone alone." Zach says walking to me holding me up as I weakly hold my shoulder where the stab was.

"So this is the sicko in person....I really wanna knock him out."ed says glaring pulling out and extending his silver cane.

"Hopefully we all will get a chance to." rose says staring at Damien.

"You guys talk too can't be undone. You coming here is a waist of time." Damien said as he walks past gabby who seems frozen in place sweating. Now inches from me and Zach. I could feel Zach's hands shaking as he fumes with anger.

"You arrogant bastard!!" Zach said as he let me go and threw his fist at Damien. Quickly Damien doges and grabs me to him by my arm with the injured shoulder. I scream in pain as I fall against his chest.

"All of you stand down." Damien says, I clench my fist and scream as I feel Damien squeeze my shoulder and press a finder in.

"Stop!?....D-Damien....y-your a hero..." gabby yells holding her hand towards us.

He pauses looking back at her.

"Your my friend...but they weren't lying I did everything they said. I caused the death of your father." he look away back to us. "Hate me if you must but you won't fight me." he holds my hip to him as he holds my shoulder.

" go or else." I say with a stern voice

"You think you can order me around." he says chuckling

"No. But I can warn you." I quickly grip into his arm and lean forward tossing him to the floor in front of me I yelp from the pain it put on my shoulder and I pull out my gun shaking looking down at him as he lets out a small groan.

"You can't kill me...the doctor made sure if that. Your fondness is gone but that won't go. Not ever." he says smirking everyone standing all eyes on me.

Zach and Red standing waiting for a order. Jack and ed wanting to step up and kick Damien where it hurts. I could see rose had been slowly growing her vines around the room to give us an advantage so far no one else noticed. Kat scanning the room though I'm sure I don't want to know why.

"I don't wanna kill you...I wanna take you taken care of." I say just as an explosion goes off and the vines in the hall seem to fly as far as a piece of two flying through the door.

"Hurry Batman is on the way! We need to kill that little piece of scum!" I hear my father yell in the hall.

"Guys! keep him busy if he gets in here Damien is as good as dead!" I say to Ed and Jack they glare.

"That might be a good thing." Ed says harshly

"Just go!" I yell they sigh and obey

As they leave Kat guards the door. As I look away I feel my gun kicked from my hand and Damien jumps up kicking me back as I fall back Zach catches me as Red jumps grabbing my gun and quickly shoots Damien in the knee.

"Down ya go." he says playfully as Damien falls down growling in pain

"Gabby fight for me! Don't just stand there!" he yells Gabby looks over to him torn in two almost as if she was breaking.

"I...I'm sorry but I can't...y-your not the hero I thought you were....I'm not helping either of you...." gabby stands taking a deep breath as her shadow covers her and flattens to the floor as she vanishes.

"No! What!? How the hell did she do that?!" Kat says angry and confused

"Rose would you mind tieing him down with vines?" I ask as I stand up taking my gun from red.

"Sure thing." she raises her hand and vines grab his wrists and then wrap around his body pulling him down to the floor.

"My dad said Batman is close so if we stall my dad then Batman can take Damian." I yell. "I'll make a short cut for batman." I say grinning as I take out a fire cracker bomb I stick a piece of gum in my mouth real quick and chew it before sticking it to the firecracker and placing it one of my throwing knives I light it I toss it to the ceiling and as it sticks I look to rose.

"Need a shield for when that goes off?" she asks raising a brow.

I nod and she smiles she lifts her hands and her fines spread creating a dome around us protecting the team and Damian. After she finished we heard the explosion and the sound of falling debris hitting the roots and the crumbling of rubble.

"You don't play around with those things do you?" Red asks in a joking time

"Only on the weekend." I say joking but but in a serious tone confusing him some.

The vines unwrap moving anything that might have landed on the shield and then slowly goes into the ground I look to see how well my firecracker worked and see the sky above the bat symbol in the sky.

"Good." I say with a smirk

We hear a crash as Ed is kicked into the room and turn to look Rose runs over helping him up as we see my father walk in dragging a pouting Jack behind him by his shirt.

"Enough of this children! That boy hurt my little girl!" my father yells as my mother carrying her hammer and a tall slender boy with jet black hair hanging down in front of his left eye follow close behind.

"Dad I won't let you kill him." I say standing on guard with the others standing around me.

"Now now my little Ace, you don't wanna get grounded do you? Daddy is just doing what is best for his little Jay Jay." my father glared at us all but the nick name made me know he was getting mad at me. He had only ever called me Jay Jay when upset with me, usually it was when I was younger and messed with his stuff that was for schemes.

I felt a chill of fear not that I ever really got punished badly but right now it seemed as if he was serious and that scared me the most.

"Rose, kat, ED keep Damien safe!" I say, they only nod and take their positions to fight. "you two with me." I say to Zach and Red

I cartwheel forward and flip aiming to kick my dad back, red and Zach leaped to each side to go around to my mom, my dad dropped Jacks shirt and used him armed to block my kick luckily Jack turned grabbing my dads legs tripping him.

"nice job." I say to Jack as my dad falls to the side.

"sorry about this Harley." Zach says getting ready to fight.

"no your not your just saying sorry cause your dating my daughter." she said smirking before flipping over Zach, Red moved to try and cut her off but the boy with jet black hair jumped to block his way.

"ah ah ah two against one wouldn't be fair play nice you two." she says to Red as she swings her hammer knocking Zach back.

"Jason? Is that you?" Red ask's

"Yeah its me. These clowns offered me a pretty big amount of cash to help em out." He replies smirking.

"Dude I'm not hitting you." Red says rolling his eyes

"fine, makes my job easier." quickly Jason's fist swings luckily Red reflexes were good enough to doge barely.

"Who is that guy?" I ask looking to Red.

"don't worry about it focus on your dad." Red says blocking and dodging a few more swings.

Just as I turn back my dad jumps up grabbing me in a bear hug.

"Enough Alice!" He says with a tight hold.

"No I won't let you handle my revenge!" I say before swinging my legs forward and slamming them back on hid knees causing him to lose balance enough for me so wiggle out of his grip.

"Alice I'm cutting in!" I hear Kat say as I slip out.

"go for it Kat." I say as she leaps up using her whip to grip onto a metal bar above and swinging into my dad's shoulder.

"ugh jeeze for a lady you sure can swing that thing around." Zach says lifting himself up.

"what can I say, I work out. Now unless you wanna get knocked out let me get to the rotten kid that hurt my baby." my mom say gripping her hammer.

"sorry but this is her choice...we are just here to help her." he says preparing himself.

"suit yourself." she says swinging again, swiftly Zach leans back letting it swing over him and kicks it from her hand,

"ooh so close." he said smirking.

I look over to check how Red was doing and noticed him swiftly dodging Jason's hits the grin on Red's face made me certain he was just dodging to irritate Jason.

"you kids are getting annoying. Alice let your father do what is best!" my dad yells getting up, quickly Kat wraps her whip around him.

"I'll do whats best! Damien will be handed over to B-man and handled properly for what he did." I say putting my foot down.

"and what is it he did?" we hear above, we all look seeing Batman gliding down landing only a few feet from me.

"Took your sweet time didn't ya." I say smirking.

"NO That boy needs to die for what he did!" Daddy yells.

"Rose can you silence my dad for a bit?" I ask raising a brow.

"sure since Kat's got him held still." her vines wrap around him and cover his mouth.

"I got Harley handled." Zach says sitting next to her passed out body. "no need to worry her hammer just landed on her knocking her out for a bit she will be fine."

"with how durable she is i don't think anyone is worried." Jack says leaning against a very pissed off Damien.

"guess I should finish up with Jason?" Red says before spinning around and punching Jason in the gut enough to knock him out. "Fun work out."

"well guess it wasn't too hard to distract them."Ed say's

"Ali-Ace of Hearts...whats going on here why do you have Damian?" Bruce says.

"He is the person who kidnapped me,...raped me...,and brainwashed me. He has manged to keep it all secret...He is still using and controlling his grandfathers people from the league of assassins." I hang my head some. "most of the evidence is probably destroyed by now...we have been working on our own to figure this all out...we broke into the lab where my memories were erased. I'm sure its all gone."

"Not, entirely." Red Chimes in. "I managed to pull a lot of files off a few computers earlier the night you met me I was actually planning of quitting and using anything I picked up as Black mail insurance." He says pulling out a flash drive.

Batman looked back at Damian who had his head hung with a snarled expression.

"Father... are you going to listen to these villains?" he said in a voice that could spill venom.

"I started to suspect you had something to do with Alice's Kidnapping...i should have trusted my gut.

"You've got to be kidding me! I have left no trail there is nothing to follow!" He yells now looking up. "Damn it where is Gabby when I need her!?"

"She left when she found out what you are, and now everyone knows." Zach says glaring at Damian.

"Damian, your going to Arkham. You will be under intense supervision, and Alice thank you for protecting him till I arrived...I'm sorry for all he has done." He turned and grabbed a bottle from his belt and sprayed Damien in the face causing him to fall asleep.

"release the vines rose." I say and she nods slowly the vines retreat.

"how dare you kid's stop me!" I hear my dad yell

"Crap I meant Damien's vines." I turn seeing my father freeing himself from Kat's whip that had held under the vines, Batman Lifted Damian up and pulled out his grappling hook as my father raised his gun.

"keep going B-man!" I say

Without a second thought I run jumping in the way as I hear the fire of the gun.

"Nooooo!" I hear everyone yell as my vision gets a bit blurry tears of pain flowing out of my eyes.


My smirk of Victory vanishes as I see Alice jump in the way of the bullet as my father and brother zip off into the night above, the bullet went through her chest.

"Nooooo!" we all scream running over to her as she falls to the ground,joker standing frozen eyes wide.

"A-Alice!" I say carefully lifting her the warmth of her blood reaching my skin.

"h-hee...look at me crying...adrenaline must have worn off....guess I'm getting weak. I've never cried so easily over an injury..." she lifted her hand touching her chest and then looked at her hand. "this that stab from earlier.... is gonna make me lose...a lot....of blood." she said forcing a smile to hide the pain.

"I have an ambulance on the way! we need to her her closer out to the street!" Ed yells

"I can move her!" Rose says raising a vine from the ground. "get on Zach!"

I nod getting on holding Alice close to me I feel her getting colder and my eyes tear up knowing what might happen.

"A-Alice..." Her father says finally snapping out of his trance. "w-what have I's worse then last time..." he says falling to his knee's

"rose get me to the street!" I yell

"I'm coming too!" Red hops on panic in his eyes as he looks at Alice.

Rose lifts the vines high following on another vine the ambulance in view I hold her tight as we are placed near them. The ambulance parks and the Paramedics come out they pause with an uneasy look on their face as they see me, red, and rose with Alice in my arm's

"no time to pause HELP HER!" I yell and they nod scared one pulls over the wheeled table and then they place her on it and put an oxygen mask on and strap her in wrapping the wounds. "me and him are coming! Rose take care of the others!"

"h-hee seems...I'm...always getting hurt...not a very cool hero today am I?" Alice says weakly with a soft chuckle.

As the doors start to close a hand catches it

"Im going with my daughter." we hear joker say. "she will need a blood buddy to give her more." he hops in shutting the door. The driver gulps before speeding off.

"I'm so sorry Alice..." Joker says with a tear falling down his face.

"Don't cry daddy....Imma be..fine" she weakly lifted her hand wiping away hid tear as her eyes close and her hand falls beside her

"ALICE!?" I yell


I feel my body getting weaker as I wipe away my fathers tear. Crap. I wont be able to stay awake. I feel myself slowly drift into dark black.

(not the best fighting I know, but plenty of suspense for all!!! Next chapter will hopefully come out soon I plan to make it longer. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.)

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