Chapter 1 Found Treasure?

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       Marinette walks around outside awhile with her sketchpad. She sketches all sorts of things.  She manages to make some nice ones of the Effiel Tower, the Museum, and the local high school,  College  Francoise  Dupont.  Then, she does one of the water fountain in the park along with a huge oak tree nearby.  She smiles.  She continues to walk around the park for a bit longer.

     At some point Marinette sits down on  an old pebble walk way area.  It is here she sees something out of the corner to her eye.  She reaches down to pick up the object.  "Hmm, that is strange someone seems to have dropped a piece of treasure, here!"  Marinette says. She found a rare piece of ruby on the ground.  She goes a little further on and sees another item on the ground near the tree with the tire swing that hangs from it.  She thinks, strange someone would just leave this lying here.  She picks it up and carries it home with her.

    Marinette arrives home around 4 pm. She smiles. She goes to her room to closer examine the two items she found.  One is a stone, or rather the ruby.   The other is a simple, spiral note book. The note book is a light blue shade with the only clue to its owner the intials A.A.  written in green print.  Wow, she thinks, could it be that the owner is someone I know?

   Marinette  shows the blue item to her parents. Tom and Sabine smile. 

"Where did you find such a thing, Marinette?"  Tom ask.

   "This looks like a journal to me."  Sabine remarks.

  "Oh, I found it in the park quite by accident, along with this."  Marinette says, as she holds up the jewel.

  "Marinette, I think you found yourself a bit of a treasure!" Tom says.

 "I would have to agree."  Sabine says.

 "Who do you think the journal belongs too?  I mean it does say A. A. on it."  Marinette says.

 "I do  not know anyone by the name."  Tom says.

 "The initials seem familiar to me, but I can not seem to place where."  Sabine says.

  "Ok, well, thanks anyway!"  Marinette says.

      Marinette returns to her room with the binder, or rather journal in hand.  She looks at it again.  Hmm, I wonder if  A. A. could be the famous model, Adrien Agreste son, of  fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste?  Marinette  begins to think.  She laughs.  She thinks, the very idea rather silly.  

Marinette's POV:   I mean really, why would Adrien Agreste have a journal?  It is not as if he needs one to joint things down in when he pretty much has his whole life planned out for him already. That said, Whose could it be?  Does indeed belong to him, or is it  Aaron Anders the famous drummer who travels to Paris, France on tour a couple times a year?   I suppose there is really only one way to find out.

  Meanwhile, Adrien thinks, I can hope my father does not  find out I own a journal.  Let alone the contents. If he ever does, then I can kiss my dreams good bye, my future with a wife I marry for love instead of money, and so on!   How on earth will I ever find it?  It is not as if it is that easy to pin point the exact place I misplaced it.  I mean, I was practically all over the park.  Ugh!  Oh, well!  I suppose it is for the best.  I mean it is not as if I have any real future as an author anyway, right?  I mean, who would want to hire the son of a fashion designer to write for them?  I might as well forget the whole thing.  

to be continued in Chapter 2  Marinette Opens the Journal!

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