Chapter 16

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Cold. That was all I felt as I drifted farther down the river. And as the farther down I went, the more blood was shed. I tried to cover my eyes, but I couldn't, due to the fact I was tied up and gagged, and somehow I couldn't shut my eyes. As I drifted down further, to my horror, I saw my friends and family being smitten by the Evil King, who was smirking as he did so.

I felt useless. I couldn't save my friends. I started to cry as I drifted down a waterfall.

Only to be saved by unknown arms. They grabbed my arms. And set me free. And after the arms had done so, I was pulled by them into a tight embrace. As I held the person tightly, I started to tear up.

"Its okay," the person said, "Its all over. We've nothing to worry about. So please stop crying."

I couldn't do anything as the scene shift as I responded "Thank you."

I heard the voice say, "I've alwa-" it was cut short.

I could anticapate what would happen next. And boy was I right.

I was looking down at a village. They were peaceful in their cottages, only to be cut short by the sound of a Trek going off, destroying the wall that let the Zucrandian army in.

The soldiers cut the men and women with their weapons with their eyes closed, flled with regret and sorrow as they killed the adults. They then took the children prisoner, again, faces filled with regret and sorrow.

The scene shifted. I saw myself looking at a woman down the street, Naginata in hand. The woman, an elagant kind-hearted woman, had long, bueatiful red hair. She wore brown gloves and a tunic. She took two children, hugged them, and set them in a chest. She stared at the children for everal minutes. Just enough time for me to se them.

I saw a younger version of Mark and myself. Their eyes beaming up at me as I managed a weak smile.

The scene shifted yet again.

This time, it was at the castle. I saw my mom sitting in a chair, rockng back and forth, her posture stiff, her face in a way that looked as though she were thinking. I saw a bright blonde-haired boy, who I can safely assume was Peter, approach Mother, asking "Where are they Mama? Where are my younger siblings?"

Mother smiled at him and responded "They're with your father." A hope that was destoyed that day. She continued to watch Peter play with Laura and Abdallah. I approached Mother, but...

The scene shifted again.

This time, I was back where I saw the younger us. I saw a man approach the chest. The man, had short, spiky blue hair and had long sideburns. He worea samurai's outfit, but had more cloth rather armor, to maximize speed. I then saw the death of Father yet again.

And it shifted.

I was back in the castle, watching as a sldier shout that Father's body was found dead, and that we were missing. Terror, fear, and regret was shown on Mother's face. Pure anger was shown by Peter who vowed that he would  avenge Father, and sorrow from Laura, who vowed to bring us home, to unite the family.

And  I looked back at them as I started to get woken up.

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