Chapter 24

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Thugs. What can I say about them? They're ruthless and stupid. They enjoy taking things away, and then killing their victims. 'So, they thought little old me was an easy target?' I thought 'Its almost sad that I'm their next target.'

Well, keyword is 'Almost.' "Come with us Lassie girl." one of them ordered. I stared at him.

"Hey," one said with a pitch-black katana, scars on his face, and a snow-white cloak, "Follow us and you'll be okay." He reached out to touch me, but before he could get even close, I swung my sword at him, chopping his arm off in the process. He screamed in pain and brought his other hand to the stump that was his arm just moments before.

"You," the first thug said, "Are coming with us voluntarily, or by force." And before I knew it, I was being grabbed from behind. By several people in fact.

They started to drag me to a cart, but thank goodness, it was near the inn in which we were staying at. So I called for help.

"GUYS? A LITTLE HELP HERE MARK!!!" I shouted over and over. I kept pushing back against the thugs, but with little avail.

Eventually Mark and the others had heard my cry. They came out, and drew their swords. Swords in hand, they rushed towards the thugs, and started to smite them all with their swords. Of course, the thugs got scared eventually and decided to run away.

"You'll get whats coming to you. I swear that we'll get you, and finish our job." the first one said, carrying the one who got his arm cut off. They walked away.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!!! WE AREN'T DONE WITH YOU GUYS YET!!!" Cyrus shouted, others nodding in agreement, while I got flustered until I could feel that I was blushing.

"Its okay, nothing bad happened."I shrugged it off. Cyrus shook his head.

"No," he stated, "Everything is not okay. You could've disappeared or even DIED. And that isn't okay to ANY of us."

"I said its OKAY? ALRIGHT?" I spat back, "I'm sorry. Its just... Hard for me... I'm... Sorry..." I started to sob a little. "I'm sorry. It... wasn't... right for me... To yell... At you... I truly... Am sor-"

I was cut off with Cyrus bringing me in. He hugged me tightly, whispering "Its alright. I shouldn't have said that either. But... I'm glad you're safe." But, unlike all the other times we hugged, I decided to hug him back. I felt his body get tense when I did so, but eventually shrugged it off. I pushed away. "Its alright. It must be stressful for you." I nodded.

I walked away from the crowd towards my room. I enter the room, walk inside, tears flooding down my cheeks, and laid down on the bed. 'I need to find Peter fast. This is gonna kill me soon.' I thought. I would never again let the pressure on my shoulders of being the leader hold me down.

I will find Peter, even if its the last thing I do... Even if it ends with a disaster or with me ending up dead.

And all of a sudden, I jumped as the door was knocked on.

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