Chapter 26

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I stared into his eyes for a few moments. He stared at me, his gaze piercing my sorrow that I was feeling. I felt better, staring into his eyes, but eventually breaking it off before I started to blush.

"Hey," he blurted after I done so, "I want to help Miranda. You can't keep pushing us away like this. Look at me." He placed his hand under my chin, tilting my head so my eyes could only stare at his. I started to blush intensely.




















But all he did was bring me in for a close hug, tighter then any other hug we've shared.

"Everything will be fine, trust me." he told me.

"O-o-okay." I managed. I turned my gaze away.

"It'll be fine. Don't worry." he replied, pushing me back.

"But, what if I got int-" I was cut off by Cyrus placing a kiss on my forhead. My eyes widened at the action. I somehow couldn't speak after that for some time.

"I'll go now," he said, getting to his feet, "See you tomorrow."

"O-o-o-okay. S-s-see you tomorrow then." I managed. He walked out the door, closing it ever so quietly.

I was left to my own thoughts, placing a hand to my forehead where he kissed me. And only then did I feel certain that everything was alright. And with that I let sleep overtake me as I fell on the bed.

I pretty much had a dreamless sleep, is the opposite of what had happened. I had a wierd line of chronological events. These were familiar, but only after I woke up I realized that they were my OWN memories. I smiled as I was filled with my lost memories.

Of course, this proved that I was in fact, friends with Cyrus. We met up outside. "I have good news everyone. I have remembered everything." I announced. I got a varriety of reactions, too many to list.

And every single time I saw Cyrus, I got flustered again. So I try my best to not blush, and I succeeded. I fooled everyone.

"Lets go to Fort Brickenskoff." I ordered. They all cheered. I smiled.

'Maybe this will have a good outcome.' I thought. We got on our horses and rode out of town, towards the mountains. And so, our journey headed to the Fort.

Our journey brought us through the mountains. To put it short, our travels were met with some unexpected turns in the tide.

First off, when we were traveling through a small town, I noted that there were several people trailing us. But I just shrugged it off like it was nothing.

To confrim my suspicions, of course. Mark noticed my weird behavior and asked me.

"I feel like there are people tailing us." I responded. He just nodded as we traveled through the plains. I had the retainers informed as well, so they're on the look-out.

And as we reached the final run to the mountains, out of nowhere came Abdallah, gash on side, no longer bleeding, but soaked in blood.

Gwen and Laura rushed to his side as my feeling of trouble was aroused.

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