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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!"

In a quite room the sounds of cursing reverberated. The room looks expensive with the medieval era, and a few touches of advance technology. The room look more elegant added with a young man whose bloody red hair sparkling in the midday sun. The young man walking around the room to forcefully calm his thought, though his mouth keeps spilling vicious curse probably to the crazy insane being above.

"Fuck! Motherfucking Crazy Bitch Astral!!!!!!"

Yep. The young man ummm no, the old man ehh that's too absurd or should we call the King is vehemently planning to kill a particular Astral. How about we flashback a bit before he come in here.


Noctis is enjoying his current life. Yes, life in the Light Palace. The place or dimension (?) promised by the Astral after he brought dawn to Eos. In this dimension, he meets his beloved. His father, mother, family, ancestor, brothers, and of course his wife, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret. The Palace of Light ruled by the Lucis with their subordinate and people to look after. His father, Regis immediately gives the throne to his son, saying that he have enough of ruling and want to go adventuring with his group and his wife. Noctis, trying to become a good son to his handsome father (yep, the deceased in their most peak form) agreed to rule the kingdom. With Luna and his brothers by his side, the eternity filled with joy and happiness.

Noctis always find it soothing everytime he caress the beautiful face of his wive. Noctis would be thrilled and amused everytime her lips grown into smile. Ot the way her eyes glimmering everytime she hold his face.

"Ah, this is blissfull heaven"

"Of course, this is our heaven" giggling meritly, Luna fix Noctis hair.

"I want to be like this forever"

"Me too"

He wished nothing will bother him in this afterlife. Something the likes of Astral to not disturb his peace. But alas, this Author, the one who writes this story, wants to see two people suffer.

Noctis felt goosebumps. His battle instinct telling him something bad gonna happen.

"What's wrong Noctis?"

"Luna, do you---" he could not finish his line when darkness suddenly overtake him.


Noctis fainted and he realize the place. The next thing he see is guilty eyes staring at him. He is in front of the Draconian floating and he has this iffy feeling that the astral has done something stupid.

"Um.... sorry for interrupting your sweet moment"

Noctis stare deadpannedly

"This better be good" Noctis is annoyed beyond believe. Meeting astral again could only lead into one thing. Problem.

"You see... we got into a fight and accidentally send a calamity to another world"


It takes 3 minutes for the King to process the information and stare at Bahamut. Noctis hear indisbelief.

'Just what in the hell astral fighting for?! Cookies?!'

"What the fuck?"

"Ahem, yes you hear right"

"Just what the fuck do you mean?! Is none of my business if you want to destroy a world!"

Surely, the being in front of him would know the very things that he doesn't want to do again.

"Is your business to bring dawn to the land which will fall to the darkness of starscourge"

"Fuck you"

Noctis quick answer encite a quite amusement to the Draconian.

"This is yours fault in the first place? Why should I be the one who clean it?" The King has gone beyond pissed off, yes, he is furious at the astrals.

"Can't you guys solve your own business without letting other being such as human clean up your mess? What do you think we are? Your slave?" The light inside the crystal is agitated following the anger of the King.

"Do forgive us oh King of King" Bahamut solemnly says.

"What a bullshit"

The Draconian grimacing at the way the king disappointed gaze.

"Please help them, please oh King of Light. Only you can help them"

"Like hell I want, you are the one who cause that"

"We can't meddle with mortal life, we could only send someone to help"

"Well, you actually meddle by sending apocalypse to them so congrats on your new achievement"

The Draconian left speechless at the quick tongue. He wants to retort, but the little being is the only one who can help him and maybe the other astral will help him. Maybe...

"Pleaseeee King of King help us, the God from that dimension is hunting us down!"

Noctis could see a bit of fear in the draconian eyes. Not like he care on why God from other dimension hunt them.

'Well your perish will let me life/death in peace'

"I reject, I have done what I should do"

"Then I'm sorry"


"I'm forcefully sending you there" a bright light surrounding Noctis body and he could feel a strong pull to somewhere

"You what?! You fucking as---" and Noctis disappear from the Draconian domain.

"Hahhhhh, I should convince the queen" and he could only hope the oracle won't strangle him to death.


The bright light shone upon the closed eyes.

"Young master please wake up" someone nudge the sleeping person.

At that moment the eyes suddenly open wide almost making the person who wakes him jolted in surprise.

"What the--" Noctis mind in chaos. He was cursing the Draconian and when he opens his eyes the very first thing he saw is frightening face.

'Fuck! My Armiger!? Why can't I use it?! Damn it all!' The King almost call his weapons when the only thing that he could feel is the power of light from the crystal.

"Young master, are you having a nightmare?" A smile appears on the 25 years old butler with a black hair.


Noctis is baffled. It has been a long time since he get that smile. The smile of those someones who doesn't really want to serve you, but can't do anything because you are ordered to do so.

"Young master?" The person who is looking at him find it weird that the young master not musing on the fact he is woken up by him.

Noctis is having a panic attack. First he doesn't recognize where he is and second he doesnt who is the person in front of him whose look is intimidating

'Damn it, he look like Cor Leonis in another level'


"Young master!"

Noctis felt like his head receiving a big pounding from the Archean. Memory streaming into his soul. Memory not of his own or should he say the him who is not awakened.

"Young master!" The person is holding his shoulder, frown appears on the person face.

"I'm fine... Deon" the person who is holding him is Deon, son of Beacrox.

'A fucking assassin beside my bed. What the fuck?'

Deon is an assassin. He choose to walk in the art of assasination in honor of his late grandfather, Ron Molan. He will be the next in line for the Molan Head household. He is doing what they call trial to be the master.

"If you say so, the party almost ready young master and everyone will appear this afternoon"


"Yes, young master. I believe yesterday you want to meet Raon-nim? And Lady Novina expect you to behave"

'Why the fuck you remind me to behave? Have I done something wrong beside become a crybaby?'

"Raon... hyung?"

"Yes, Master Cale says that the other will come back home" Deon express himself with a little smile. Everyone from the Cale Henituse family will gather, that would be rare occasions.

"I see"

'I don't want to meet them'

"I will get ready, you may help your father Deon"

"Then, excuse me"

As the man, Deon closes the door. As Noctis feel himself alone, the room becomes noisy of cursing.

So Noctis found himself in another dimension, knowing that this is astral fault and planning to kill Bahamut.


To be continue


Hello guys

This is my first time writing crossover

Yes, this is Trash of the Count Family X Final Fantasy XV

I thought why not creating one crossover on my favorite character

Stay tune~

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