Let's Fight!

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Hello, My Readers

It takes time for Author to update this chapter because Author keeps forgetting the plot (T^T)

TCF is owned by Yoo Ryeo Han

FF XV is owned by Square Enix

"I don't care": talking

'Where to?': thinking



"I don't want to fight an idiot person"

Stunned was the best answer for Noctis's expression.

'What the hell?'

He just met this people and he is feeling awkward with the atmosphere of this environment, and this brat who doesn't know how to raise a sword says that he is an IDIOT?!

'What kind of hyprocrisy have I committed?'

Noctis slowly massaged his head, a habit that he got from the constant musing of his great-great-grandfather's banter with his great-great-great-grand uncle.

And of course, Noctis needs to defend his scratched dignity.

"And why should I fight with a mere servant who doesn't know his place?"

Cue to the silence. The three normal people there were so shocked that their jaw almost dropped.

"What did you say?" the child was outraged at the mention of a mere servant.

"Oh, so you're deaf now? You should go check your ears"

Yep, Noctis is just being salty. His morning is not that great. The food was delicious, but not with all the stares he received in the dining room, and this afternoon he had to fight off a child. He is not a bully!

'Can it get even worse from here?'

While the two kids were having a staring contest, the black kid was glaring dangerously, which the red kid answered with a lazy stare, Cale sighed in exasperation.

'This is what I hate from kids'

Cale stared at Noctis, and Noctis shrugged it off.

'... so now you are able to understand this. Who are you residing with inside Noctis's body?'

Cale won't think that his real son is dead. He is curious about the impostor.

'Can't you stop this kid?' Noctis is hoping that his father will at least help him stop this rascal from running amok!

"Choi han, please stop your son."

"But, Master Cale, shouldn't we see who is the strongest between those two?"

Though Cale can see that Choi Han smiles calmly, he can guess that this guy is as triggered as his own son.

'You just wanted to see my son become a bloody plup!'

Cale stared at Noctis, and Noctis stared at him. They're having their father-son talk via eyes.

'What? We will hold an open brawl here? You got to be kidding with me!'


Noctis saw Cale shaking his head and could only guess what would happen to him after this.

Calming his thoughts, Noctis opened his eyes. Sharper and more serious than before. He is letting out a strange aura.

Choi Han snaps from his trance and Cale has a second thought that this will be bad.

'Should I let them fight? Maybe they will become best buddies after this? Well, let's hope for the best'

"Bring it on"

"Huh, like I said, why should I fight an idiot like you?"

"So you're afraid of being defeated by an idiot like me?" On that once idiotic face, a smirk with comeback sarcasm appears.


"The way he talks is just like you, Cale-nim"

'You don't have to mention it! I see it! Why does that smile closely resemble me???'

'Are we having a second Cale-nim? WE will need a meeting after this'

'Hah, got you'

Three different thoughts from three different people.

Noctis's ego is hurt. He is a fucking king, one of the most influental as well, ruler of the afterlife above. How dare this boy say that in front of his face!

'Ughhhh, why do I have to play with this kid?'


"I'll be the one to say it, stupid."


'Why are you throwing gasoline on the fire, Noctis? Wait, should I be proud that my son is learning cussing? I should, probably...'

"Cale-nim... I never thought their interaction would be like this"

Cale stared deadpannedly at Choi Han.

"Finally, that head worked again. So what do you see?"

"A kid cussing at each other"

"I mean, Choi Han, what do you think?"

"Let them interact?"

'This isn't interaction. It's more of an open brawl, bastard'

Having enough of the scream that entered his sore ears, Noctis shouted angrily.

"Give me a fucking sword, old man!"

"What th-"

"Who taught you to say that?!"

Noctis gives a stare. Do you need to ask know?!


"Aren't you the same!?"

Cale wanted to comeback with another answer, but Choi Han's expression told him everything.

"Am I?"

"Yes, who do you think Raon got his fabulous vocabulary from?"


Choi Han nod.


"Can we just start the fight?!"

"You don't know how to handle a sword!"

"Am I?"

That took Cale and Choi Han out of their guard.

'Do you mean that you can use a sword?!'

Choi Han threw his sword in midair just to test Noctis, and Noctis caught it with ease. He took the sword from its scabbard and inspected it a little.

'Not my ideal sword. I would like my Ultima, but this can do it. Somehow...'

He swung the sword a few times, trying to weight down the sword while being watched like a hawk by Choi Han and Choi Guan.

Choi Guan instinctively grasps his sword with anticipation. For some reason, his opponent looks like those guys who are proficient with swords.

"Shall we dance?"

Choi Guan swallowed his saliva as Noctis's smile creeped him out. The next thing he knew, Noctis is already in front of him and he is trying hard to protect himself.


A hard blow came from his side. The idiot that he thought, was quite fast and strong, literally became an opponent as if changing for someone who has never walked outside with a dumb face.


Noctis moves swiftly, dodging with ease the uncontrolable swing. If Gladio is in here, he will surely smack down the boy whilst commenting on the abomination of movement. Noctis grimaces at the thought of his companion having a secret meeting on how to murder him alive.

'I hope Luna can control the situation... nah, I don't have a doubt that everything will be fine under her rule. Still, that grands will be a pain in the ass after I come back...' Noctis continues his mussing, forgetting that he has audiences.

"He is playing around" Choi Han's stiff comment takes Cale's attention from the fight.

Yes, they can tell that Noctis doesn't care about where Choi Guan's sword moves. It just looks like Noctis knows where and when the blade will swing and attack.

"As if he had done this many times before"

"You mean that my kid is a prodigy in swordmanship?"

"Um... yes?" Choi Han answer unsurely.

'Fuck! I don't need another Choi Han!'


To be continued

See you again, desu!

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