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Hello, Readers!

Author up a new chapter

Shishishi let's get started

Final Fantasy XV owned by Square Enix

Trash of the Count Family owned by Yoo Ryeo Han

"Nope": talking

'Cale?': thinking



"Okay, Noctis. Calm down. You're king" the entire half an hour is wasted to convince himself that he be able to murder Bahamut the next time they meet. Even if it will take time.

Noctis is tidying his cloth when Deon enter the room with a raised eyebrow.


"You look marvelous, young master" Deon humbly bowed.

'Is that a compliment or sarcasm?'

"Ready, young master?"

"Lead the way"

Walking take so much time. Every person they passes look at the young master in surprised. The person under the attention is wisely ignore the open stare.

".... The young master act like a noble!"

"... look! he walk like the prince!"

"... is his head, okay?"

"... something might have happen on young master head"

'People, can't you see that I can hear you?! Be more discrete will you?!'

"Ehem? Why everyone in here?"

The maid and butler immediately scatter after receiving a good smile from Deon.

'This person is definitely worse than Cor'

"Young master Noctis has arrive"

The first things that Noctis notice is that he is glad that his name is not changed and the second is the presence of other red-haired nobleman, (he is still trying to believe that his beloved black hair has turn into red) who is sitting as the head of the family. Who else beside his father, Cale Henituse.

"You wake up earlier" that lazy but sharp eyes scanning his body. Noctis unconsciously straightened his body and give his level stare back. Cale thought that Noctis is acting a bit weird.

"You must move your body more" a woman with black hair smile at him. Novina Henituse was delighted to find that her son is presentable in this dining time. She help him prepare whatever on the table.

"Don't be like this human" a man with black hair and blue eyes jab at his steak. His eyes keep staring back between him and his father.

"Don't take example from him" a woman with silver hair added while her twin with red hair that almost like him nodding continuously. Cale feel betrayed. His children are plotting behind him.

"Mmmm" Noctis answers. He doesn't know on how to act in this situation.

Even though Deon says everyone will come, only the three eldest children of Cale Henituse come. While everyone secretly watching him, Noctis silent cause a strange atmosphere inside the room.

"So... what have you done lately?" the silver-haired women ask him.


"Only that?"


"I hear that yesterday you throwing tantrum of me not coming here?" the blue-eyed man added.

"Am I? How childish"

That intriguing everyone. They almost drop whatever food in their spoon.

"Are you really okay?"

'Okay, maybe I act wrongly?'

"I'm fine, did you need to ask?"

"Of course, you're being weird"

"Are your head okay?"

'How in the fucking world I know to behave like someone who you know damn it?! Why are you people keep asking my head?'

Noctis shut his mouth.

"Know you make him sulking" the red-haired man says.

"I'm not"

"Yes, you're"

"Then if there is no important thing I will be back in my room" Noctis raise from his seat and move to the door.

"That was one of the longest sentence that you use" Novina gasp in disbelieve.

"Hey! I came in here because you want to see me!" the obsidian shout to him.

"My interest has long gone, know I will excuse myself" know everyone kinda freak out at the formal sentence.

"I deny your excuse" Cale soft voice carry a heavy weight to them. "Sit down, Noctis"

'Who the fuck do you think you're?' that's the thing that Noctis wants to say, but refrain doing so as the eldest man in the room give his fiercest glare to him.

"You shouldn't disregard your eldest brother and sister, Noctis"

'Unfortunately they're not my brother and sister!' Noctis give his most pitiful look to his mother.

"Novina don't fall to that look"

"But, husband"

"No, he shall start to learn"

'Fuck you father. I don't want to do anything in this world!'

"Let's get you meet up with Choi Han" and somehow Noctis have this annoying feeling about this.


On the way to this man named Choi Han that he don't know and really don't want to care, Noctis trying his hardest to remember the name everyone attending the dining hall.

'That's black man name Raon... a fucking dragon. Man if not from the eyes I won't notice on how closely related him with that fucking abomination of astral, Bahamut' the though of the draconian really worsening his already foul mood. He is hoping that maybe he can befriend other dragon and hey maybe Prompto will be delighted if he can get a photo from him.

'Can ever Prompto came in here... or more like am I the only one thrown here?' well to conclude he must befriend the dragon. 'to help me give a lesson to that fucking sword astral' next come another person in his mind, the twin.

'Are they really human or something like human?' Noctis notice both of their eyes have a slit like pupil 'like a cat... holy shit?! a demi-cat?! Awwwwwwww cat!' Noctis thought they will get along with each other.... maybe?

Cale is getting more suspicious when Noctis face start brimming with light.

'What the hell is going on with the dull head?'

Why Cale call his own son dull head? Well you see, an unfortunate tragedy happen to Noctis when he is still a baby. Someone almost assasinate him. When everyone was trying their hardest to rescue him, his head bumped on stone. The doctor said there is a a big chance that Noctis will become idiot. From that day, Noctis almost spend his entire time with sleeping, crying, and saying simple sentence, thus tarnishing the name of Henituse. Although Cale doesn't care about everyone opinion regarding his son as long as his son can life happily ever after he will be content. So of course it is a bit unsettling to him, to see the day dreaming eyes turn into focused eyes staring ahead with a smirk (?) appearing out of nowhere.

'This is really weird...' there are many probability in Cale head, but one thing for sure. His son is changing, just like how Cale change in his early day from bastard trash into a normal trash.

'... don't tell me?!'

Noctis feel disturbed. He saw his father face shift to darker shade. An aura that he though only astral have, is blazing alive on his father.

'Holy fuck?! What the?! Don't tell me this man is one of those freaking astral?!' Noctis is helpless. He doesn't have any weapon with him.

Those two exchange look before someone come to them and disturb their staring contest.

"Cale-nim?" A man come to them. He is puzzled at why his master come with his son.

'Noctis feel weird?' he conclude after a brief look.

"Choi Han, I want your son to fight with my son"

'Wait what?!'

The two adult see the shocked expression from Noctis. Choi Han immediately understand what Cale wanted to do.

'A test? Do they recognise that I'm not the real Noctis from this place?'

"Choi Geom, come here"

A male, the same age as Noctis appear. His black hair drapped with neat grayish tie.

"Yes, father?"

"Get ready to fight"


"This young master"

Noctis and this Choi Geom stare at each other.

"I decline"


"I don't want to fight idiot person"

'What the hell are you saying?!'


To be continued


See you again~

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