Jennie - Your Love is My Drug (part 2)

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(Jennie POV)

Here I am, just off the race track, after deciding to drive my Hyundai N Vision 74 to the bar for a quick drink to spice up my night, whilst hoping that this night would be normal and nothing will happen, until....

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but would you happen to be the owner of that rare Hyundai N Vision 74 outside of the bar?"

I look up to see this dashing young man, sitting at the stool next to me, and I was like shocked, really shocked, as he was really good-looking.

"Yes, but how did you figure that out?" I asked with a little bit of awe in my voice, as the car is rare and not a lot of people in Korea are petrolheads like me.

"It's easy as what you have next to your drink," he says, pointing to the crystal key on the bartop, "is one of three keys made specifically for this car, the N Vision 74." he says with confidence, smirking slightly. And I can't help but marvel a little bit, he seems to be around my age and he's as much of a petrolhead as me.

"It's rare to find someone who's as big of a petrolhead as me in Korea to be honest," I say, as he orders a drink from the bartender, "do you work in the auto industry?" I asked, taking a sip out of my cocktail.

"I'll be honest with you," he says in a mysterious tone that grabbed my interest, "I'm Y/N Lee, the driver that just left Team Porsche." he finished, a slight flush accompanying his sheepish expression, rubbing his hand on the back of his head, I couldn't help but find cute.

"My name's Jennie, Jennie Kim, also in the auto industry." I say, holding my drink out.

"Nice to meet you Jennie," he says, clinking his own cocktail glass against mine.

"So Mr. ex-Porsche driver, word is that you're signing with a local team," I say, taking a sip of my cocktail, "are you?"

Leaning in. I can't help but feel my heart race a bit, and smell his cologne, "Yes, I actually just signed with Hyundai today, I'm reporting to the track tomorrow to start work."

The two of us end up talking a lot about cars and racing, as unbeknownst to him, I'm also a test driver for Team Hyundai. And after the drink, the two of us decided to go out for a drive instead as the night was young.

(Timeskip brought to you by Hankook tires)

(Y/N POV) (the next day)

When I woke up today, I couldn't help but smile, remembering the drive/impromptu little date(?) that I went on last night with Jennie from the bar. Grabbing my phone, I saw the selfie that I took with her whilst both of us were in our cars next to each other. 'Gosh, she's beautiful,' I thought to myself as I got out of bed to change, 'too bad I forgot to ask for her number.'

A little while later, I was out in my Porsche Carrera GT, driving to the Hyundai test track, the car being a head-turner due to it being a rare car and a convertible.

As I arrived at the test track, I was greeted by the project chief for the Hyundai N r22e, and I was told that the car was currently doing a warm-up lap by another one of the team's drivers. Looking for some fun, with permission from the chief, I set out onto the track in my Carrera GT, and soon the car was in my sights. The light blue paint standing out against the tarmac.

As I closed in onto the car, the driver of the r22e suddenly put on a huge burst of speed, leaving me in it's wake, unperturbed. Unleashing the power of my 5.7L V10 engine, I drove like my life depended on it, and soon, the 603 rampant German horses in my engine helped me draw level with the r22e.

But as I finally overtook the car, I looked to see the driver, and to my slight annoyance, saw that their face was obscured by their racing helmet, which had a tinted visor.

But as we pulled into the pits and got out of the car, I saw the unknown driver take off their helmet to reveal long brown hair, and as they turned to face me, I mouth opened up in surprise.


(To be continued...)

(A/N: tbh I wanted this to be a two-part story, but as I'm writing this, I feel like it deserves a part three, which (I hope) would come out tomorrow!!!)

(don't be a silent reader!, likes and comments are hugely welcomed!)

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