Karina - Life's Too Short

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A/N: Once again this is just a work of fiction, all of this is not a representation of real-life events
also, this story is back in my kpop-verse (so there's the reader's younger sibling - Eunchae back here, with another Y/N (from another story) featuring)

"Breaking news! Karina of aespa confirmed to be dating actor Lee Jaewook!"

"The two are said to have fallen in love at first sight, said an insider"

'No, this can't be true!' I reached for my phone, trying to call Jimin's number, but to my intense horror, all my calls were blocked. I tried calling the other members of aespa, but to no avail.

And as I started to panic about what to do, my phone started to ring. Desperate for answers, I quickly accepted the call, but what I heard was just...


My eyes jerked open as I sat up in bed, frantically looking around.

I was in my room, my sheets and pillows strewn all over the floor. My alarm was blaring on the bedside table. Groaning, I felt a headache growing, as I made my way to make my morning coffee, struggling to stay awake after a rough night shift at the hospital.

While I waited for my coffee to be brewed, I turned on the TV, which was last tuned to an entertainment program, as I was watching my sister's comeback the past week. I largely tuned out the sound of the TV, focusing on making myself a light breakfast. But I stopped, as I heard aespa being mentioned on TV.

"And in the latest entertainment news, Dispatch has revealed, this morning, that Karina of aespa, is dating actor Lee Jaewook!"

"According to an insider, the two fell for each other at first sight at the Milan, when they were attending the Prada sho-"

At this point, I decided to shut the TV off. Sitting down on my couch, I decided against looking anything up, hoping that it was all just a dream, but there was nothing that would seemingly wake me up from this nightmare, that now reverberated in my brain: "Dispatch has revealed, this morning, that Karina of aespa, is dating actor Lee Jaewook!"

'Is reality finally catching up with me? Should I have seen this coming? I should've known that me, being a regular little nurse, was never enough for her, a world-known kpop idol...'

I felt my head pulsing, and deciding that it was all just a dream, I decided to take a Tylenol before going back to bed, hoping that, by the time I woke up, I would've woken up from this nightmare.

Thanks to the Tylenol, I had a mostly dreamless sleep.

When I woke up, the first thing I did was grab my phone and go on social media. And to my horror, there was still nothing from SM Entertainment, and even C-JeS Entertainment has yet to say anything.

As I was about to text Jimin, the doorbell rang.

I proceeded to open the door, revealing my baby sister with two plastic bags in her hands.

"Hey, oppa! I brought some pizza! I hope you don't mind it!" she said, cheerfully.

"I don't mind anything you buy Eunchae," I said, patting her on her head as I let her pass by. Trying to make myself sound cheerful. But apparently, that wasn't enough, as she immediately looked at me all funny.

"What's the problem, you're not acting normal," she asked me, as she placed the bags on my kitchen table.

"Read it and cry me a river..." I said, dejectedly, as I showed her the news reports that had stayed on my screen since I last checked.

To my surprise, however, Eunchae started laughing at me.

"I gave you permission to cry me a river, not laugh at me?" I asked, in total confusion, "I doubt that my source of sadness is a source of entertainment for you?"

Eunchae continued to laugh at me, whilst she used my phone, seemingly typing something, before handing my screen back to me, now displaying something different: an official statement from SM Entertainment to be exact.

'Hello. This is SM Entertainment.

We would like to inform everyone that Karina of aespa is not in a relationship with the actor Lee Jaewook.

Karina has been in a relationship with her non-celebrity boyfriend prior to her debut, and the two are still going strong.

We ask that everyone respect the two of them and give them your unwavering support.

We at SM Entertainment will be taking legal action against any individuals or organizations that create false information against our artists.'

At this, I dropped my phone, it landing on my dining room table with a clatter.

"I'm surprised you missed this oppa," Eunchae began, "I thought you would be on top of this, it being your relationship, and that you're on an off day today."

"I uh....thought it was all a bad dream... and I had a headache when I woke up, so I thought it was all just a massive bad dream and went back to sleep..." I muttered under my breath, but still loud enough for Eunchae to hear me.

"I think you should go to see her right after dinner then, oppa," she said, taking a bite out of her slice of pizza, "Unnie probably wants to see you after something like this."

After this, everything felt like a blur. One moment, I was saying goodbye to Eunchae, the next moment, I was making sure I didn't look like a jobless bum, and then I was standing outside the aespa dorms, knocking on the door.

The door opened and revealed Seunghee noona, their manager.

"Noona! Is Jimin here?" I asked, feeling my heart rate spiking.

"She's in her room, Ningning's not here so you two can talk in private, I'm going to be out for a bit too," she says, giving me a pat on the back as she makes her way out into the corridor.

I made my way into the dorms, knocking on Jimin's door.

She opened it as I was about to knock a second time, launching herself onto me as I steadied myself.

"Oppa... I'm sorry, I told them to mention us in the official statement..." she began, as I heard her hiccup slightly. A telltale sign that she was feeling nervous. "I just didn't want the rumors to spiral out of control..."

"It's ok Jimin," I said, patting her on her back, as we both sat down on their couch, "It was only a matter of time, I was just surprised, that's all."

"I thought you were mad, 'cause you saw that article from Dispatch," she said, her small hands fidgeting on her knees.

"I was just shocked, that's all," I admitted, " I had a bad dream that I thought foreshadowed the events, so I didn't try to figure it out with you." I finished, holding her hands in mine, her warm hands contrasting with my cold ones.

"It's okay, oppa, Jaewook Sunbaenim and I are just friends, he told me to pass on his regards to you and me, and apologizes for the news," she told me, as she pecked me on my cheek.

We spent a little while in comfortable silence before she spoke to me again.

"The company wants me to post a picture of me and you together, just to clear the air out, don't worry!" she said, having seen my slightly surprised expression. "They are supportive of our relationship, they just want to make it known that Dispatch is making it up. The picture doesn't even have to show your face!"

"As long as you're okay with it baby, I'm fine with it." I kissed her on her forehead, before she began to go through her pictures, looking for one where she could post.

"No, you look too good looking in that picture...this one's okay... but it'll be hard to edit...what do you think of this one Y/N?"

As I took a look at her phone, it showed a picture of me and her in the snow, one where we were both very much bundled up.

"I love it baby, but let's add one more picture with no face, but where we're kissing," I said sheepishly, "it's childish, but I want everyone to know you're mine."

"If that's the case, I got the perfect picture too!"

"What are we waiting for then?"

A/N: Were you expecting more angst? I had to balance it out a bit with some fluff!

I'm not gonna put the usernames to the members, try if u can figure who the fininstas belong to WITHOUT reading my moments inbetween book 👍

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