Rosé - When You

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When you first came up to me

Nothing but a leaf in a pond

You sent ripples across the water;

For a loner like me

Who kept to himself in the classroom

Minding his own business

Was stunned to have his solitude broken

By someone like you

Who shouldn't even have glanced my way

And then you asked me

"Could I copy your notes?"

It was plain and clear;

That was the only reason anyone would approach me

And yet I obliged;

Little did i know

Of the things that were to come.

When you tagged along with me for lunch

Following me

To my spot under the great oak

Under the hot Australian sun;

Your bubbly personality

Puzzling me greatly

As to your true motives

To getting closer to me;

Why are you following me around?

I demanded to know

As you sat next to me;

Without a care of my tone

You gave my question some thought;

"The people who crave solitude are the ones that crave company"

Sent ripples across my waters;

Cracking the exterior

I built upon my solitude;

Little did I know

Of what fate had in store for us.

When you caught your boyfriend cheating

You first came to me;

Your tears of heartache

Sending ripples across my waters

As a rain cloud descended over you

Drip drop onto my sweater;

Hugging onto me

As I gave you pats on the back;

And as you sobbed

Your beauty never faded;

Shaking my heart

And making my world quake;

Little did I know

Of what was to come from this.

When you first kissed me

It felt like the stars glowed brighter;

We were both at prom

You asked me to be your date;

I saw you in your beautiful dress

In the same colour as your name;

A lone rose in the garden

As you made your way to me;

Friends we were before that night

But we never thought we might

End up as lovers by that night;

How little did I know that kiss

Would seal our fate beyond that day.

When you first stepped foot upon the stage

Amongst the applause you've always craved;

In the crowd I stood up front

Cheering along as you performed;

Holding up the largest sign

Amongst all those around my side;

"Rose is my girlfriend" showing above everyone else

But you were indeed my only one;

As you disembarked the stage

I held you in my warm embrace;

Feeling tears of pride drop

From the person that I love so much;

I realized from that moment on

That you would be my only one.

When you said yes to me

As I dropped to one knee

In a garden of roses that I grew for you

I felt like the happiest boy in the world;

Not an exaggeration, nor an understatement

Just pure unadulterated happiness;

As I slipped on the pink diamond ring

And you proclaimed to be my fiancee;

You whispered in my ear

Telling me that you knew

From day one

That I was your meant to be.

When I watched you walk down the aisle

As elegant as a swan

Towards me

Dressed in your snow-white dress;

I never felt euphoria

Until I saw you;

As your father placed your hand in mine

Smiling as he holds in his tears of joy

I feel tears of my own

Threatening to cascade right there and then

As I took off the veil hiding

The person I loved the most;

As we exchanged our vows

And slipped on our wedding rings;

It was then I finally realized

That we were always meant to be;

And when we kissed

To the backdrop of claps and cheers;

I now knew that I was with my one and only. 

A/N: bit of a departure from the usual stories, and with inspiration from drn_160 the original story became a poem (of sorts)!

Please let me know what you guys think about this format!!

Written whilst "I like You" by Jo Jungsuk was on repeat. 

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