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Lance walked down the streets on a sunny day as he had on a brown jacket with a blue shirt and grey jeans as he's been living with Al for two days now, he helped Lance cope and told him all about the new world. He was like an uncle, he reminded him so much of coran.

Including the invasion of the galra no one spoke up 80 years ago, Al was alive for all of it, the world was shattered but built up again as if it has never been touched. The survivors never spoke of it so many just call it the silent war for if you never lived through it, most survivors have been dead or to old to speak of it. They all swore to never spoke of it to keep the word safe from the fear. The thought of aliens was still a legend.

He walked into a coffee shop and bit his lip nervously remembering the new technology he barley even recognized. Lance looked at the twenty bucks in his hand Al gave him for the coffee and stood in line.

Lance couldn't help but smile at the smell of coffee in the air, the bakery, fruits, it smelt like home. The Blossom coffee shop. One of lances favorite places in the new world. The music was classic rock or mellow pop from his generation with the dark wooden floors and periwinkle walls and bricks with flowers.

"Lance?" He heard behind him and turned around and saw a woman with a blouse and dress pants, long black hair standing next to a man in a business suit.

"Oh shit..." Lance breathed. Without hesitation he raced passed the adults dropping the two ten dollar bills and ran down the street.

"Lance wait!" The woman yelled after him.

'I'm not going back, I'm not going with them,' Lance gulped as he didn't look back. He knew those faces. Wonder Woman. Super man. Fuck that!

Lance glanced back unwillingly to see if they where actually chasing him but only to crash into a person and he fell back hitting his head on the concrete.

"Dude watch where your going," the figure he crashed at snapped. Lance looked up to see a boy around his age with black hair and blue eyes. He looked like superman.

"Fuck off!" Lance yelled at him only for Diana to grab his wrist before Lance could run off.

"Let go!" Lance yelled at her trying to get away and the boy looked at them confused.

"Is he a criminal?" The boy asked.

"No Conner," Diana grunted as Lance was trying to escape.

"More like a fucking fugitive! Let me go!" Lance yelled.

"I will call for red," he threatened glaring.

"Lance we don't want to hurt you," Clark told him.

"Then let me go! I don't need your help! I'm healing fine!" Lance had angry tears in his eyes.

"Lance I know you think that your fine but your not and you need help, we'll help you Lance just let us," Diana tried to comfort him but Lance suddenly ripped his wrist back.

"If you wanted to help you should've left me in the bottom of the ocean!" Lance screamed. He cried out holding his ribs as he growled in pain.

"Hey, Lance, right?" Conner turned him around facing him.

"I know what those words mean, but trust me, having a second chance at life if better than being stuck somewhere dark and cold, you just need the right people," Conner said with a straight face as Lance roughly wiped away his tears.

"I am, and this is how, without fucking aliens anymore, that's how I lost my friends in the first place," Lance pursed his lips in an angry line and walked away quickly before they could stop him.

"Should I go after him?" Diana asked watching Lance walk to the otherside of the street and down town.

"I can," Conner nodded.

"Wait Conner no," Clark stopped him.

"Oh now your interested with what I do?" Conner scoffed at the man of steel and ignored his orders.


"Hey Lance, did you get the coffee?" Al asked as Lance walked in and locked the door behind him quickly.

"You okay bud?" He asked looking up from his laptop seeing Lance looking distress taking off his jacket.

"U-uh Wonder Woman and superman are in town... I ran," Lance went to the bathroom.

"What are you doing now?" Al asked before Lance could close the door.

"I was going to change my bandages, could you help me with my ribs?" Lance asked slightly panting still.

"Yea, grab the kit and meet me at the couch," Al nodded letting Lance go in the cabinet in the bathroom getting the first aid kit.

"So how come you don't have any facial hair? I thought mustaches where like a family gene," Lance teased a little walking out.

"I shave,"

"A tragic part of a mans day," Lance sat on the coffee table taking off his shirt and stiffened a little when he moved the wrong way and his ribs ached.

"Where you running?" Al asked.

"... Maybe..."

"Don't run, I told you that," Al smacked he back of his head a little enough for a warning. Lance nodded rolling his eyes as he wrapped his broken wrist luckily Diana didn't grab. Al took the bandages off his torso and rewrapped them tightly so they'd heal properly. Once he was done Lance put his shirt back on and went to the bathroom to take care of his broken nose.

"You want toast or a bagel?" Al asked as Lance walked out.

"Bagel," Lance shrugged leaning on the counter.

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