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"Can't sleep?" Lance heard behind him late at night as Wally and Robin where sprawled out on the floor as Megan was sleeping in her own room. He had another nightmare so he went to get water. Must've woken Conner up.

"Sorry I didn't mean-" "I'm a light sleeper, don't worry about it," Conner crossed his arms as he leaned against the counter and Lance grabbed a cup but his hands shook as he tried to fill it up with water but he dropped it and it shattered across the ground with water everywhere.

"Dammit fuck, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm such a mess," Lance bent down to grab the larger glass pieces but Conner grabbed his wrist and let Lance stand again.

"Just sit, I'll handle it," Conner said with no expression on his face but Lance inhaled deeply as he got on the counter and pulled his knees to his chest.

"Can I ask what the worst thing that's ever happened to you?" Lance asked as Conner threw away large glass chunks and found a dust pan.

"Nothing really, I'm not a year old yet, probably a lot but it's the normal," Conner shrugged sweeping up the pieces and Lance looked at the ground.

"Right your a clone, red told me about it," he nodded with a sigh and Conner looked at him concerned.

"Wanna talk about your nightmare?" The clone asked but Lance shook his head burying his face in his knees.

"It's just the same one every night, Megan helped stop the night terrors," Lance gulped as Conner stood next to him leaning against the counter again.

"Like supportive or..." He trailed off and Lance shrugged.

"Yea and she did some mind thing so it would lessen, al never let me move in here if I still got them since there's some nights no ones home," Lance pursed his lips.

"I'm sorry to what happened to your friends, I was listening to you and Robin," Conner looked at him gently and Lance shrugged.

"There's still a chance they're alive, a-at least most of them," he whispered.

"Like who? I thought they're where buried," Conner frowned and Lance shook his head.

"Pidge was buried, she's our youngest... Fourteen, but damn she's the smartest person," Lance smiled and Conner saw on a shelf there was a green bayard with round glasses with the old picture of a girl in a pink dress and an older boy with short hair and round glasses and in uniform.

"But our leader might be alive... Maybe... He disappeared after a battle," Lance gulped hugging his legs tighter.

"A leader shouldnt leave-" "no not leave us, like he was teleported or something out of his lion after the final blow, we went in to go see if he was okay and he was just gone, in thin air,"

Conners eyes widen in slight horror after an intense battle, seeing your leader gone would be heart stopping.

"I'm trying to find anyone, anyone out there," he breathed.

"Like who?" Conner frowned.

"I contacted the rebellion and found Matt, but if I can find the blade of Marmora then we can compromise a way to end the war with the galra," he hit his fist on the counter determined.

"They killed everyone, they stopped me from seeing my family ever again," his breathing sped up as he could hear battle ships attacking and fighter fleets locked on them and all the lions. The explosions.

"You need to sleep Lance," Conner said sternly.

"I know, I'm trying," Lance closed his eyes.

"And Lance," he heard Conner say softly and looked behind him before going to his room.

"Seeing these guys come from different pasts, I can tell your going to be okay one day," Conner smiled a little and Lance felt blush spread across his face lightly and smiled back.

"Don't make me hold you against that," he laughed a little and went to his room and closed the door.

Lance waited a few minutes as he listened for anyone still walking around, especially if conners still awake. Ten minutes passed and he snuck out of his room and went to the cabinets with snacks but opened it to get to the bunker with red.

"Good you made it, where's Megan?" Matt saw Lance walk down and the Cuban put his finger to his lips motioning up.

"They cant hear us Lance," Matt smiled a little and Lance thought for a second and shrugged.

"I'll fill her in in the morning, so what's the plan?" Lance crossed his arms and there where other aliens of the rebellion camping out as well.

"With what red has provided us with a signal and his tech, we are able to copy the green lions cloaking ability but it's not programmed in the lion so you have only two minutes when you leave the atmosphere and a minute and ten seconds to get back in, that's without alerting the galra," Matt explained and one of the other rebels, Nyma, stepped over to them.

"Won't the lion burn up if it comes back to fast into earths atmosphere?" Nyma asked worriedly.

"Red is the lion of fire and speed, if it gets to much red will power himself down and it'll be a crash landing but I'm sure it'll be fine, it's not the first or last crash," Lance put his hands in his pockets and they nodded.

"If you know the risk then we'll prepare, but Lance there's something you need to know," Matt said looking at him as he grabbed his laptop and pulled up a video.

He showed Lance.

Lance watched confused but seconds passed and his eyes widen as he dropped the laptop but luckily Matt caught it.


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