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"So what'd the doctor say?" Megan asked as she and Lance hung out in front of his creamy White House as they could smell the oceans salt and they laid on the roof inhaling the seas salty air and felt the cool breeze. Megan loved it here, it was a real home to her, he was like a brother.

"Two weeks I should be able to get the cast off but I shouldn't rough house or anything," Lance rolled his eyes.

"Yea like I'm going to rough house with you," she giggled.

"Have you been going to therapy lately?" Megan asked softly. "I know you still get nightmares,"

"I can't bring myself to those things, it doesn't seem worth the time," he leaned on her shoulder. "No one has the time or experience to help me,"

"Besides, your like my mini therapy session," he giggled which made the Martian smile.

"I visit red a lot lately too, I might go back to space," he whispered and Megan's smile dropped.

"Space?" She looked at Lance as he sat back up straight.

"The galra are still out there red, terrorizing planets, hell, zarkons might be still out there, the galra have some sort of leader if they- if they attacked all those years ago," Lance looked at the roof while he could feel his heart thumping against his chest in fear. The thing that killed his friends is still out there.

"I can come, the team can handle without me, and you shouldn't do this alone," Megan said quickly.

"Megan I can't risk your life out there, this is bigger than anyone could experience, people die out there more than earth, planets are killed and enslaved, besides Al might come," he explained.

"I know Lance, you told me, I'm not even from earth,"

"I am," he looked at her.

"Will you come back?" She looked away.

"Of course, hey if I'm lucky..." Maybe I'll even find a lion...

Megan looked at him sadly and hugged Lance around his bare chest tightly as Lance had tears in his eyes.

"I'm going with you," she told him as Lance hugged her back.

"I don't want to force yo-" "your not,"

"Are you sure?"


Lance held her tightly as tears dropped down his face but couldn't let his friend see. It's like hunk all over again, bringing someone so kind and heart warming into the depths of space, staying by his side. It was his fault they all where killed, if Lance never went to even think about leaving garrisons just for stupid girls... Maybe they'd still be alive.

"Or maybe zarkon would've destroyed earth," Megan told him.

"It's rude reading people's thoughts," Lance smiled down at her.

"It's rude thinking so loudly," she smiled back.

"Zarkon won't stop if he has the lions and needs mine..." He whispered. "He's almost destroyed the earth before,"

"Because he knew there's no Voltron," she smiled a little.

"There's still no Voltron," Lance closed his eyes.

There was a dark pause as they where left in thought as Lance pursed his lips thinking of everything. He has to go back into the war and finish what he started.

"Alright I'm getting hot, lets head inside, make some cookies? Hopefully not burn the house down," Lance smiled standing up and helped Megan up as she flew them down to the back so no one heard.

"You know it's nice having a home, you know?" Megan smiled walking with Lance into the house.

"Hello Megan, your talking to the right guy about that," Lance teased and she smacked his shoulder playfully.

"Don't be mean," she giggled walking to one of the rooms of the house she got to call her own. It was her home almost too, they where like room mates.

"I would never!" Lance gasped as he went to the kitchen and turned on the radio.

"Your such a liar!" Megan chased after him and Lance cackled grabbing the towel whipping it at her.

"Lance!" Megan ran away.

Lance laughed as he leaned on the counter slightly out of breath as he laughed seeing Megan hiding behind the couch glaring playfully.

"See I told you, your mean," she stuck out her tongue and Lance snorted.

"Nah, I'm a ball of joy," Lance set the towel down.

"Don't you have a job yet?" Megan crossed her arms.

"Can't, no idea how to do anything in this generation, it literally is like twelve year olds knowing how to hack into FBI... Then again Pidge was fourteen..." Lance put a hand on his hip.

"Plus I-I don't really like going out in public that much," he rubbed his arm awkwardly.

"I guess," Megan made a face. They heard a knock at the door and Lance raised an eye brow while Megan walked over shape shifting to a normal human with a dress than her bikini earlier. Lance went to the kitchen as she answered the door

"Hello?- you got to be kidding me..." Megan looked flatly seeing her friends.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it," Megan set a hand on her hip blocking them from coming inside with a hand on the door.

"I'm just here to make sure they don't make you cry," Artemis raised her hand.

"Robin... Wally... Conner..." Megan closed the door behind her as she faced the group but saw it open again as Wally was inside.


"So what's this place? It's nice," Wally tried zipping behind her but Megan used her telekinesis before he could get any further in the house and Lance to see them from him getting in the living room.

"Guys I said that he doesn't want other people as friends right now, like he'll have a panic attack again if he sees you," Megan whispered with pleading eyes.

"He lost a lot of people close to him, just leave please," it was more of a polite command than a request.

"Come on Meg's it's just us, we just wanna meet him," Wally smiled.

"Hey red is everything okay?" Lance walked in holding a glass of lemonade that Megan freshly made for them and saw the four teens with his friend.

He dropped the glasses and they shattered against the wooden floor as Lance paled and felt his heart skip a frightening beat.

"Hey it's the kid with the giant cat," Wally smiled tilting his head to the side.

"Um r-red... Why are t-they here?" Lance asked more in a whisper for her.

"Lance are you okay?" She placed a hand on his shoulder as he tried taking a step back but felt stiff to her.

"I-I..." Lances voice shook as he went back to the kitchen paler and Megan looked at her friends with pleading looks but flew after Lance.

"I'm sorry I didn't know they where coming, I thought..." She looked at Lance as he was hyperventilating to himself, mumbling to himself. She hugged him tightly as lances eyes where wide as he was stiff in her arms but her hand touched the back of his head and focused on his mind to get Lance to calm down. 

"They're not here to bring you back," she wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

"I can't go back," Lance whispered in her hair.

"You'll be okay, I'll get them to leave, stay here," Megan smiled up at him seeing Lance looking anywhere to avoid eye contact with her but nodded with a deep breath closing his eyes.

"Guys," Megan walked back out to the living room/front room as they stood there with slight guilt as Megan was worried for her friend.

"He's not ready to meet people," she nodded pursing her lips as Lance tried passing them to get to his room. "The social anxiety for him is terrifying and his PTSD- guys he came from a war to some weird planet he once called home!"

"We just wanted to meet one of Megan's friends," Artemis said flatly and the red head and raven haired boys in front of her looked nervous.

"Please just leave," he whispered as he leaned against the wall trying to not collapse to his knees in terror.

"Guys out now, please," Megan begged as she could feel lances emotions.

"Alright we're leaving," Artemis put a hand on her shoulder nodding and saw Lance taking deep breaths covering his face looking down.

"Idiots one two and three, if one justice league member finds out we know where he lives, your asses are mine," Artemis said sternly grabbing Wally and Robin by the arms and dragged them out without a problem as Conner looked at Lance worriedly.

The Cuban boy trembled against the wall as Megan knelt next to him as they sat on the floor. Conner could hear some of their words.

"They're not going to hurt you, I promise," Megan whispered to him.

"I-I didn't know im sorry, I'm sorry," Lance whimpered and Conner stared a moment to long when Lance looked up concerned that someone was in his house still.

He walked out and closed the door behind him as everyone waited outside for Conner to come out and Artemis flared harshly.

"So um..." Robin had wide eyes.

"Have they known each other for a while?" Artemis raised an eye brow with a scowl.

"Are they living together?" Wally whined.

"No dumb ass this is his house," Artemis rolled her eyes.

"Actually it's their house, I saw Megan's room in the corner... It has her name on the door in arts and crafts," Robin shrugged crossing his arms and wallys jaw dropped.

While everyone argued about the situation, Conner was staring at the door as his heart pounded in his chest and a single thought went through his head.

What the hell..?

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