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"How are you feeling lance?" Black canary walked into the garage of the watch tower where lance was sitting on top of reds head in while he had his knees to his chest and arms wrapped around his shins resting his chin on his knees.

"Go away," he whispered.

"I know what you must be feeling-" "go to hell!" Lance snapped.

"I'm alone, I'm alone and I'm going to go insane," his body shook as he sobbed into his knees.

"They're all gone, everyone, my friends, m-my family, m-my sister might be alive but she's going to die before me, im going to go insane," he mumbled to himself as he rocked his body softly.

"But now look at me, I'm like a veteran coming back from war, n-now I'm going to go insane," he laughed with closed eyes. Red let a low purr like she was comforting him almost.

"Lance, your right, I don't know what exactly happened but you seem like a kind hearted boy, from what you've told me, many of my team mates have never gone through your trauma... You left home for six months to save the whole universe and lost all your friends, your a brave paladin, but tell me, what would your friends tell you to do," canary asked gently.

"Don't bring them into this... Please... Please don't..." He looked at her with wide eyes.

"What would they tell you?" She said again.

"Hunk would probably hug me tell me to do my best... Pidge would hit me over the head and tell me to get my shit together and keep going," he laughed a little.

"Allura would be really wise, Keith would say something sarcastic but still inspiring, coran would tell me a long ass story of 'his days' and turn into a lecture, Shiro..." He trailed off.

"He'd say something like ben, my older brother... They where both a lot alike, comforting, leader like, and just good to be around," he looked down at his feet.

"But who knows where he is..."

"So what are you going to do now?" She smiled.

"Keep going I guess, even if I'm the last paladin,"

She walked out satisfied, Lance watched black canary exit the garage then turned around to a laptop with a small sati-light on the corner with headphones connected.

"Is someone out there?" He whispered into the headset.


"I still don't trust him," batman glared.

"He needs social interaction, he's grieving over all of his friends, his lost family that who knows if they're still alive, I-" "they're not," batman said in a low tone.

"I looked up the mclains, his mother died of a heart attack, his brother died in the army, his father went missing and later claimed dead, and his older sister was shot and his other older brother died, liver cancer, his twin sister was the only one that died old age after taking custody of her niece and nephew," he said with no emotion.

"Marco, Luis, Veronica... Rachel?" A voice said behind them and they saw lance with a tear falling down his tan face covering his mouth in shock.

Batman felt guilt fill his chest as he saw how broken the boy looked, like how he looked when his parents died.

"Lance I-" "No! Shut up! Just shut the hell up!" He backed up.

"Lance I didn't mean for you to hear that," batman walked forward.

"Then when!? When would you tell me that my mother, sisters and brothers?! Where's my niece and nephew?!" He yelled back.

"Lance this is 80 years later!" Batman said bluntly. "They'd all be dead anyways,"

"That's none of your damn business! Just leave me alone!" He ran off and ran into red putting up the sphere shield as batman and canary ran after him.

He sat in the control room and broke down to his knees sobbing covering his mouth.

"D-don't leave m-me red," he sobbed.

"Rachel, Veronica, Marco, Luis... Mama..." He sat up using his palm to wipe the tears but they kept falling.

He reached down and grabbed the laptop and head set as he typed in the password remembering all the coding and everything Pidge and hunk taught him.

"I-is someone out there? Please!"


"LANCE! PLEASE OPEN!" Diana yelled. Batman looked at superman and nodded. He punched the shield but it rebounded making him fly back.


"What the hell did you do to the kid?!" Flash ran over.

"How'd you feel if all your friends died, you've been asleep for 80 years, and your family died!" Dinah screamed at him and Ollie put a hand on her shoulder.

"Dinah calm down-" "NO! I will not calm down! He is seventeen and is going through hell and probably thinks he's alone! I know your not use to fucking emotions but he is and he is sensitive!" Dinah screamed at the dark knight  and Ollie backed up a little.

"Bruce, what the hell man?" Flash looked at him.

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