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Lance woke up with a gasp and sweat rolling down his face as tears streaming down his cheeks.

Flash backs swarmed his mind as he covered his eyes sobbing quietly alone in his room. He missed his family. His friends. He wanted to go back to space, he wanted to be able to form Voltron. It was his sign of hope too.

Lance got out of his bed and walked out of his small room Al gave him. He grabbed a sticky note and scribbled a note for Al so he wouldn't freak out.

Visiting big red.
Be back whenever


"Blue paladin of Voltron here, is anybody out there? Someone?" Lance sat in the middle of a desert with red by his side and a mountain next to them both. Where he found blue. Or Keith and hunk did.

He sipped a coffee.

"Red do you have anything that'll give me a signal?" Lance looked up at her. She made a sound in his head and he groaned.

"Didn't think so,"

"Stupid ass Milky Way, no fucking life in this galaxy," Lance shoved the laptop away and threw off the head set annoyed.

"I don't know what to do red, do I stay here? Do I keep fighting against the galra? God this sucks," Lance rubbed his face.

He stared up at the stars as he remembered watching the stars with his family, before technology took over the world, the stars where brighter, the moon was closer, he wished he could be like the moon, slowly get further century by century without being yelled at or being forced to stay.

Now that he was alone on earth, he wanted to leave forever, there's more out there, so much more earth can't even be compared too. The technology is more advanced, there's other living things, societies, cultures, everything's out there... What's stopping him for staying here? From starting over?

Lance closed his eyes enjoying the soft warm breeze as he was alone yet comforted by red presence but the sound of an ocean surrounded his mind and a cool feeling washed over him, blue.

Blue, she was here, with him, in some void he could feel her there, keeping his fevered anxiety cool, his fears at bay, but it was all still there. Almost like a imaginary friend in a way.

Suddenly Lance heard an explosion from afar and he looked back seeing some sort of fight. There was blurs of yellow, gun shots going off, it seemed at an ordinary shack but there was at least 7 people there. His breathing sped up as his eyes widen hearing the sound of a battle.


"Let's see what's over there shall we red?" Lance stood up dusting off his shorts and rolled up his sleeves and grabbed his bayard that barely leaves his side anymore. He felt like Keith.... Yuck.


"Rob go top!" A boy with red hair and yellow costume called as he zoomed around hitting baddies. The young justice team...

Six teens fighting against evil, side kicks of the justice league. In this case, they're fighting mister freeze.

Robin flipped over kid flash and threw gadgets at the villain as kid flash came back around avoiding getting hit by three flying arrows aimed at mr. Freeze.

"You think this is bad children... Wait until I defeat you all," mr. Freeze smirked and blasted at them.

Suddenly a large lion landed behind mr. Freeze and let out a roar shattering his glass dome that was part of his suit.

"What the fuck?!" A girl with blond hair, Artemis, screamed.

"That's new..." Conner blinked in surprise.

"This is what bats was all pissy about?!?" Robin cried out grabbing onto Aqualad with wide eyes in awe.

The robotic lions head bowed down and her mouth open for a boy to exit. Him and Conner made eye contact for a moment and they're eyes almost popped out of their heads.

"Hey it's you!" Conner called running over to the lion.

"Fuck I'm going back!" Lance yelled running back in the lion but suddenly kid flash, Wally, was in front of him.

"Duuuuude, this. is. awesome." Wally looked at the insides of blues mouth.

"Jesus!" Lance took a step back only to bump into Conner again. Lance grabbed his bayard but didn't activate it yet worried they'd take it.

"Hey your still injured," Conner observed.

"Leave me alone! Who are you people?!" Lance yelled only for Conner to grab his uninjured wrist where he held the bayard and it fell.

"Hey take it easy, we're the good guys," Robin walked over.

"My friends give him space," kaldur told them with a hand on his hip and the girls behind him.

"He's refuge from the justice league," Conner told them all.

"We need to take him back," he nodded at kaldur seriously.

"No! I'm not going back! You can't make me!" Lance screamed at him angrily.

"Conner let go," Megan said quickly as she stood behind Lance as her skin was human shade of flesh.

"Hi I'm Megan, please understand we haven't heard of you really," she turned Lance around as Conner let go of him.

"We just want to help," she smiled putting both hands on his shoulders.

"Please just leave me alone," Lance looked at her sadly.

"Okay, okay we will," she nodded backing up.

"Thank you," Lance gave her a small smile and walked to the cockpit of red as Megan nodded at her friends to get out of the lion as well.

They watched the lion stand back up and ran off back into the sky without Lance looking back.

"Why'd you let him go?" Artemis asked her.

"He hasn't done anything," Megan turned back to green.

"He's just grieving," she sighed hugging her arms to her torso watching the lion.

"Grieving?" Conner looked at her.

"Bats is gonna love this,"

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