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"So he's alive?" Megan whispered as she and Lance where in the kitchen and she was making toast as Lance made eggs for the guest and he was in shock still.

"We found him, red we found him," Lance laughed in disbelief as he cracked an egg in the pan.

"But he's a prisoner Lance, of the galra," she whispered as he pursed his lips looking at her.

"I know, but now we know, that's when you make a plan of attack to get you both out... But your not going to be able to get him here, if he's injured..." Megan trailed off and looked at her friends. "You need to figure out a way to alliance yourself with the justice league again,"

"I-I don't know red," Lance closed his eyes.

"We can speak to them about it but I don't know if they'll try to take control of the situation," she touched his arm gently and Lance sighed.

"That's what I'm afraid of, Shiro has worst PTSD especially if he's been prisoner this whole time, last time he came to earth garrisons tried putting him under and he freaked out," Lance explained.

"Then you compromise," Robin walked over listening.

"Robin," Megan said warningly.

"No he's right, do you think they'll listen?" Lance asked seriously.

"It'll have to work two ways, if you want their trust you'll have to put in a little too," Robin explained and Lance crossed his arms.

"Like giving them my lion?" Lance said flatly.

"Not exactly, saying you'll be willing to be there as an allie but not a team member, they'll respect your choice," Robin nodded and Lance smiled a little.

"I can work with that,"


Lance stood in the middle of the mountain as the young heroes showed him around while he had his bayard with him the whole time but they all said he'd be fine, bats wasn't around for the time but there are league members that'd want to talk to him.

"And this is our training room, the platform records your battle and will make a really annoying sound when you loose," Wally sped to the middle as they where all in uniform.

"Do you have the robots too?" Lance smirked impressed.

"Robots...?" Robins jaw dropped.

"Yea on the castle of lions our training deck had altean droids that would be your opponent but they beat your ass and sometimes you fall through the floor... Allura was such a hard ass," Lance mumbled the last part with a small groan remembering how they got their asses handed to them and said altean children could do better.

"Well this isn't space anymore kiddo," a older woman walked in as lances hand hovered over the bayard under his jacket but she smiled kindly.

"This is black canary, she's like our mother hen," Megan introduced as Lance looked at her.

"We've met before, your doing a lot better it looks like Lance," canary smiled gently at him. "How's your ribs?"

"Not snapped anymore," he let out a small breath as he held his hands behind his back and pursed his lips.

"Wait you've met already?" Wally whined.

"Yes, he's met most of the league already, you broke ollies nose by the way," canary sent Lance a goofy grin and he looked down.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to punch him," he gulped and she put a hand on his shoulder.

"You where scared, but I'm glad you've made friends, have you gone to therapy?" She grabbed his chin and inspected the scar across his eye brow and on the corner of his lips and grabbed his wrist seeing if it was still broken.

"In a way, just don't like surprises and I'm functional," Lance said with a small groan when he gave up against canary and let her do some sort of mom inspection of him.

"I'm fine I'm fine," he waved her off and the girls giggled at him as Lance sent Megan an unamused look.

"Have you started training again at all? Exercises?" Canary asked checking for the scar under his hair and Lance made a sound as Artemis cracked up against Megan and zatanna covered her mouth.

"Reds a stone ass boot camp general," Lance teased and the Martian raised an eye brow unamused.

"Good to hear my training does come in handy, but I have to ask why are you here Lance? I'm happy you are but last time I saw you..." Canary looked at him worriedly with her hand rested on his shoulder. His mother use to do the same.

"I need to speak with the league," Lance confessed. "Some of my team might be alive,"

Canarys eyes widen as she looked at Megan who nodded with a small smile.

"I'll see what I can do," she nodded at Lance determined and he's blue eyes widen surprised but a small smile landed on his lips as he looked at the young team behind the blond hero, they all gave him thumbs up.

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